Why does she go on a murderous rampage again Sup Forums? Was it cos white ppl are terrible?

Why does she go on a murderous rampage again Sup Forums? Was it cos white ppl are terrible?

this episode was not very good

>*sniffs your beer*

She had to keep covering her tracks. It was a downward spiral of which there was no escape.

She should have never helped hide that first body.

unironically my favorite episode from this season

wha? why?

you fascinate me

>tfw you saw they would get the guinea pig memory since they introduced it
Love it, but average episode at best

Hang the DJ > USS Callister > Metalhead > Black Museum > Arkangel > Crocodile

Only the first two were any good desu

>thought season 3 was kinda shit
>4 is even worse
What went wrong?

Why would she not just break down or turn herself in? Nothing in the episode justifies or sets her up as a psychopathic/ruthless murderer

why do people like hang the dj so much?

just like real life

Don’t really get all the hype from USS callister but I think crocodile does a better job in cinematography and characterisation.

The plot and story are shit though. Could’ve been better

Hang the DJ > USS Callister >> Arkangel > Crocodile > Metalhead
Yet to see Black Museum

They kept using the same formula over and over. They should really give the cookie a rest.


Exactly how i feel. I would put Black Museum on third, because of the first story.

Why the fuck did she let the pajeet into her home and agree to the mind reader? She should have said "okay then. Get the police involved. Fuck you"

tada tada
arabic qt
tada tada
solving crimes
tada tada
cracking mysteries and catching bad guys
tada tada
nothings stops her
she's really good at this
tada tada

this is an intro for the imaginary show I made up while watching this episode

This wasn’t even bad compared to the incredibly bland Arkangel and the cringey Metalhead

And then what?

It was honestly my least favorite.

crocodile is the only one I actually want to watch for a second time

Can’t believe I sat through all this shit. Literally any normal person would have told the mudslime woman to go fuck herself and try their best to get the case roadblocked in court (especially with the amount of money it looked like she had). As much as insurance scum deserve death, her sudden bloodlust made no sense.

Get indignant and say it's a blatant invasion of privacy. I heard some commotion, went to the window and saw some guy laying on the ground in front of a car. I don't know anything that can help your case and there's no reason for you to see my private thoughts and memories just to help some faggot collect a payout. Granted it takes place in England so they probably don't even have the veneer of being against invasion of privacy. I'd still want to make the pajeet's life as miserable as possible and make her spend an extra amount of time and effort. I'd imagine her company would know everywhere she goes for work so there'd be a record of her coming to my house.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills looking at these rankings

Metalhead > USS Callister > Crocodile > Arkangel

Hang the DJ was absolute shit and still need to watch Black Museum

The law required Indian chick to notify the police or get a judge involved, I don't remember. She didn't want to get the police involved for obvious reasons.

>no story
>no backstory
>no good characters
>no emotional connection
>pretentious teddy bear shit
Do you really like it?

And then she would have killed them all.

The law stated the only way for her to force someone to get a memory scan was if she got the police involved. And it's not like the police would be guaranteed or even likely to help this dirty insurance shitskin.

The scene with both women walking to the cars after the interview was fantastic escalation.

Because the only way to keep the secret of her boyfriend being in a hit and run is to murder a dozen people while watching porn.

the stories in black mirror are always the worst part
always filled with stupid predictable set ups like the gerbil or the girl getting lost in arkangel

she was evil cause she only fucked white men, and had white kids. that was the point of the episode. racist bitch

If it woukd have ended with the blind baby reveal and no gerbil it would have been a fine episode
Prove me wrong

The whole season was shit but here’s my ranking
>USS McCallister
>Hang the DJ
>Black Museum
>the Emoji Movie
Haven’t seen metalhead and I’m not really planning on it

She's Indian