ITT: Film Series That Should Have Been Cut Short

>The Matrix
>T1 + T2
>Alien + Aliens

almost all of them

Star Wars

Alien was boring as fuck. Aliens was the best movie ever!


Lake Placid

I actually like T3 because Claire Danes screams a lot, can anyone explain this for me


Toy Story 1&2 (3 was alright but there's plans for the mouse to make more)

hunger games

Halloween for fuck's sake.

literally every single 80s horror franchise

any Child's Play after Bride

i know this is bait, but kys either way

Lethal Weapon should have ended with #3. Allegedly they're thinking of doing #5 now.

It's been done

The matrix didn't need to be cut short, just for the sequels to be better, also the animatrix is good overall.
Terminator should probably have stayed at 2 though, but 3 would be acceptable if it was reworked.
Alien 3 is fine and could of been better, beyond that not so much.
I don't think there was ever a call for more than 1 robocop though

Xhe is right though. Alien is a great movie, but once you've watched it 2 or 3 times, you dont have the desire to watch it again. Aliens is far more rewatchable and has way more iconic and memorable scenes.

>After Bride

Hang yourself. More like after 3.

There are Robocop sequels because 99.99999% of the audience completely missed the point. This happens with all of voerhovens movies which he is a moron. He works against his own ideas about violence, its retarded.

halloween 2 is essential

Of the top of my head:

-Highlander (II would have been OK if it had been the director's cut to start out, but that should have been the end of it).
-Rocky (should have ended with III).
-The Karate Kid (II was still decent, but III was crap).
-Die Hard (should not have been revived after Die Hard with a Vengeance)
-Starship Troopers (should never have had sequels; see regarding Paul Verhoeven).
-The Fast and the Furious (ditto).

just the first one

Verhoeven is a massive SJW thats why

Jurassic Park

Thor, except they should only have made Ragnarok

I liked Prometheus more than all of them


Halloween 2 is a basic retread, Halloween 3 is a good, bizarre film. Four is slasher nostalgia Kino and 5 & 6 are among the most mind bogglingly stupid and weird sequels in history.

Saw for the same reason - You can't call them good, but they are so fucking bizarre and head scratching that it's worth having them exist.

I'd say cut Friday The 13th short though. Half of that series could be recut into one film and you'd lose nothing.

Alien 3 is one of those sequels that is "fine" but literally has no reason to exist. You watch it and it's not bad, but you don't know why you bothered.

Alien 4 has a bunch of great stuff in it, to the point where you wish it wasn't an Alien film so it could be it's own decent movie.

Same with Prometheus.

People misread a lot of Verhoeven films - they think it's purely satire and that he's anti-violence.

In an interview for Starship Troopers back in Empire, he stated that he's mixed about his feelings on violence, because he finds violence really exciting and arousing, and that includes IRL violence he saw as a kid during the Nazi occupation. He's a pervert and kind of sick, but he's aware of it. That's what makes a lot of his movies (like his most recent) so interesting.

Jaws 2 wasn't bad. It was kind of meh, but I'd personally give it a pass simply for having perhaps the greatest tag line of all time ("Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...").

Jaws 3-D is where it really went to shit.

Thor Ragnarok is an example of where it would be best if the original entries didn't exist.

Spiderman + Spiderman 2

skip the rest, keep Homecoming.

The Hobbit


>number of times you can watch a movie is directly proportional to its quality as a film


That's the list of films that should never have been made. Unless you mean the Rankin-Bass animated Hobbit (which did actually get a sequel of sorts, as Rankin-Bass also did a Return of the King adaptation after Part II of the Ralph Bakshi LOTR was canceled, and it was pretty good, all things considered).

>denying that rewatchablity matters

cheap horror movies get an automatic pass. they're spooky regardless of how low the budget goes.
auteur directors spend a lot of time stretching their dollars

I mostly have just always liked wrapping up Ripley's story with that movie, as much as killing her can be a fuck you after aurving the bullshit of the first 2 movies. But yeah it didn't really need to exist. You're right about prometheus though, and I think for every thing I hate about 4 there is something redeemable in there.

Four is basically a great director/crew being given a shitty convoluted script that has to figure out how to get the Alien franchise and Weaver on screen again, and doing a bunch of awesome stuff, but still, at the end of the day, being stuck in a shitty story.

Prometheus too, if they had just said "fuck it, ditch the need to be beholden to Alien" and just made it an Ancient Aliens movie, could have been so much better. Like Alien 4 you have a great cast and crew with great work, but in service of a garbage story.

There's only one RoboCop movie, not a series.

I always thought that was obvious. His films are generally unsympathetic to instigators of violence, but he revels in depicting the consequences. He's a textbook sick puppy.