ITT: Movies only you have seen

ITT: Movies only you have seen

Is it good op?


t. not op

Why does your opinion matter? You haven't seen it, only OP has

It's not bad




it was alright. some of the humor was lost because the effects were too good


I have, and now the OP has been established as a liar and I as the one who tells the truth ergo the movie is shit.

Why would you watch this? Did you know someone who was in it?

Is it at least stupid fun? I love small-town horror movies, might watch it tonight depending on your answer.

Death Collector, 1976. Joe Pesce's first movie.


Parts of it were filmed in my home town.


This was filmed in my city, its rumoured the crack smoking scenes were real.

It's not Tremors tier but it's not a bad afternoon flick



I picked this gem to watch at a bad movie night . It was pretty entertaining honestly despite being trash.

>A cracker of a film
what did they mean by this?


movie i saw when i was 12 year old in the 90

its kite (yes the anime) doctor moreu mixed down with reanimator very goreful

no one remember it
its not listed in any zombie fansite and this includes imdb neither wiki or any french site



Actually, I'm pretty sure anyone that was a fan of the Sci-Fi Channel back when the best things they aired were Farscape and MST3K will remember this.

I watched that when it first aired as a Saturday night First Premiere on HBO.

if they thought releasing it would make any money they wouldve

like a firecracker. jk they mean fuck white people it is europe after all

well shit, nice

final destinations
night ripper


None of you wiggers have seen Kolobos

I've seen it, when all the irishmen get trashed because the tentacle monster doesn't like the taste of alcohol.

Pretty shit but sort of funny in parts

Greatest movie ever!


Yup. I also remember Princess Di died around the time Escape From LA was the saturday First Premiere movie on HBO. Weird.

Oy Vey My Son Is Gay.

Lifepod 1993 where a black woman is burnt to death from solar radiation.



I randomly found this movie one night when I was drinking alone. It made me feel less sad.


Full kino

the lass was cute

oh fuck off. it's hardly obscure

Seen it. Okay movie.

>The Guard

I saw this one first when I was little and cant' remember a damn thing about it. Could never get into the claymation Rudolph though....was this kino?