*claws you*

did he do it? what was the state of his bathroom when grace ran inside to gather her thoughts and wash her face?

Other urls found in this thread:


*unzips dick*

show bobs and vagene

*chases around room*

He didn't poo in his loo which is why she was so scared.

What the fuck are you talking about?

*poos your path*

>he's never given a girl "the claw"



I assume theyre referring to the girl who released text messages to him saying she didnt like how sexually aggressive he was.

I read that article, all it said was, "I'm just a whore."

I'm inclined to believe accusations against him because I'd be embarrased to lie about him.

Finding sexual enjoyment is impossible


You mean an uppity towelhead is in fact a sex pervert?

I don't believe you.

>Grace texted a friend: “I hate men.”
fucking misandrist!

>tfw poo
>tfw virgin

>went to an event with a date
>leaves with another man's number

Brainlet here, explain the claw to me. So does he shove his fingers down her throat to distract her so he can claw her Vagene, or does he do it to wet his fingers for the Vagene?
t. Virgin

v for vagene

I have no idea. "The claw" is not a normal thing people do.


lol. What a creepy little acid-tongued arab.

and she let a poo lick her vag lmao
real big whore
i bet her date's worst encounter was with that unfaithful slag

>all the bobs are here

Even though she consensually blew him and got naked with him.

ummm consensual sex is literally rape sweetie


she was too afraid to say no

No idea but I've had girls reach into my pants and grab my dick, it might be something like that?

yeah he did and clawed twice

Mate i am really sorry to hear th- poo in the loo

You realize you're endorsing the act of retroactive withdrawal of consent right?

>sent september
I love how she waited until all this teehee times up sweetie ;) bullshit started so she could get her 15 minutes of fame. Fucking roasties.

consent under duress is not real consent

what duress?

The claw is a late-tier move and he should know.

Being famous must fuck up your timing when some girls will just go with whatever you do, even if it’s going from 0-100 in 30 seconds. That must be how they all get so pushy.

>He only had white wine, this stupid Paki fuck!!! I’m gonna make him regret this.

It’s to simulate oral sex but also for setting fingers for vagene

The thing that's bad about it is he's the most publicly feminist male


Does it really make you want the loo?

Kek. Pretty good

Made me think of this


Whites have tired of poos in their space.
You are treading on thin ice here.


