I didn’t want to have sex him so I got naked, sucked on his little brown cock and let him finger my cunt...

>I didn’t want to have sex him so I got naked, sucked on his little brown cock and let him finger my cunt. I just didn’t understand why he pursued and didn’t pick up on the obvious clues I wasn’t into having sex with him??? also he only had white wine and i prefer red???


Other urls found in this thread:


>gets a blow job
>buys wine for his date
In Aziz’s mind this is a good day. Why are women so shit at communication?

I'm torn on this case. I can't decide who I hate more, roasties or poo in loos.

how does a random ass 23 year old who is obviously borderline retarded have a cool job like being an professional photographer and getting gigs across the country at massive award after parties?

the better question is, who in their right mind would actually want to have sex with him?

he had to put some drugs in the wine

she probably blowed someone to get that job.

I don't know why I read all that but she clearly would have been happier shoving that bottle of wine up her anus. Who cares about this shit

>Aziz Ansari wins an ACTING AWARD at the fucking Globes for his worthless, entirely derivative, utterly unfunny sitcom
I'm glad his career is getting ruined, this is just the universe balancing things out.





Would that be rape or a job interview?

>Indian being a sex pervert
Imagine my shock

>non-verbal clues
lmao dumb

>They got dressed, sat side by side on the couch they’d already “chilled” on, and he turned on an episode of Seinfeld.
>She’d never seen it before.

What kind of person hasn't seen every episode of Seinfeld?

I'm actually kinda surprised that he even bothers to go out and buy wine instead of just fucking his mahabarata maid

>“It took a really long time for me to validate this as sexual assault,”
No. A sexual assault is known after it happens not just "oh i guess five months later it could be"

Did this actually happen? Pls tell me it did


Im not retarded blaming over here, but not having watch the entirety of Seinfeld is kinda asking for severe traumatic rape

I was texting this girl the other week. She was definitely interested and was asking me dumb questions and shit. Asked me what my favorite show was so I texted back Seinfeld. She said she'd never seen it. I didn't even know what to reply back. How the fuck haven't you seen Seinfeld? It's syndicated on like 10 different channels.

Of course it didn't. It's a metoo blog. They are fan fiction narrative about porn with your fav c celebrity

Few things irritate me more than poos with American millennial accents. I hope he kills himself now.

>YAAAAASS KWEEN SLAY THAT PAJEET and while ur at it, lol, you should tell that like, street shitter, to stop being such a Pooboy, I mean Fuckboy

this infighting is glorious. let them eat each other.

then one accuse the other of assault after

but what did he actually do wrong?

no, I'm serious

I can't stand the cunt but he didn't commit a crime.

She did say no multiple times and he kept being a creepy fuck. Illegal? maybe I don't know. But he's such a fucking douche just sit back and laugh as he goes down.

>tfw you weren't born into a rich family but at least you weren't born indian
at the end of the day it's a win

He didn't commit a crime but if you think the behavior exhibited in that story is appropriate you're a sociopath.

Roasties, loos are a blast to party with.

>go on tinder
>every girl is literally the same
>group chats lol

jesus christ

but she didn't say no at all

I don't think it's appropriate but he obviously wanted sex and she obviously wanted power/fame/access to the celebrity world and they both fucking knew it

This is me, I fucking despise that diehard lefty street shitter cuck but I cannot stand that this bitch is literally classifying his shitty "give vagene pls" game as rape

It's not infighting though, because they never blame 'hollywood'. They blame 'men'. The problem isn't 'hollywood perpetuates this horrible mentality' or that 'we need to stop people who abuse power like this', it's 'we need to stop these MEN from doing this shit'.

any pics of the roastie

>but she didn't say no at all

But she did. Like twenty times.

Roasties any day. Poos can be bro tier but roasties will always e scum

Maybe if she wanted to get the point across that she didn't want to fuck she shouldn't have sucked his cock willingly.

you mean they blame white men

even though he's a poo it's the WHITE MAN'S fault

Trump curse is alive and well. Burn in hell, you skinny little shitlipped fuck.

she said no to all the times he straight up asked where he should fuck her. Dude has zero fucking game. Like she was clearly down to fuck when she went back with him but he screwed it up by being a creepy weirdo who puts his fingers down girls mouths.

t. virgins/poos

roasties. btw aziz is a muslim so he doesn't count as a poo, he's a traitor and deserves death. I mean he's practically a fucking paki

Maybe that's why she kept pushing him off and moving away and then finally asking to leave? You fucking retard.

>she obviously wanted power/fame/access to the celebrity world
Not sure where you're getting that from.

>>I didn’t want to have sex him so I got naked, sucked on his little brown cock and let him finger my cunt.
yup, okay

Found the roasty. Go fan your beef curtains you disgusting pig, even a street shitter is better than you

hopefully it's gonna affect his pal eric wareheim and ultimately....tim heidecker

karma's a bitch, should have never cancel world peace, faggots.

>Not sure where you're getting that from.
fuckin lol

aziz is a millionaire right? and he's in his mid thirties. why the is acting like a hormonal teenager kek

like you can literally suck cocaine out of insta thots ass hole with that kinda money wtf is he doing

She sucked his fucking dick. I mean, I would be with her if she didn't suck his dick. That's kind of a big red flag for the normal guy that 'she is cool with doing shit' since she put his cock in her mouth.




why'd she voluntarily suck him off then?

Its funny how she just whizzes by it like "fuck if he does respond and give me my fame hes gonna say,' well she sucked my dick twice' better sneak it in this article like I didnt wanna actually do it"


...and then she stopped, and she made it clear she wasn't uncomfortable, and then tried to stop the sexual conduct, and then he pushed her into again...
What don't you get?

She maybe (most likely, since he's an ugly skinnyfat manlet indian) wanted to fuck a celebrity, but "power/fame/celebrity" is a bit of a stretch. Nothing implies she's social climbing. The fact that she was at that party in the first place implies she's already connected, anyway.

I would say that allowing someone to put your cock in their mouth AT ALL is a red flag for 'I'm down to do shit'. And why didn't she just leave immediately? After he was doing that 'claw' bullshit or whatever, why not just be like 'ok, this guy's a fucking creep. I'm leaving'? Why put his cock in your mouth and then go 'omg why is this guy still trying to do shit???'

She said she didnt want to be forced into anything which could be interpreted as no anal or other specific sexual acts because he points at his dick afterwards and she willingly sucks it again.

there are probably more people in this thread than visit that site, It has a horrible attitude
articles like
>Everything a fuckboy says to try and convince you he’s not a fuckboy
wow such journalisim


>You should pay for my time
What an interesting dynamic this sets up

>implies she's already connected, anyway
exactly, so she wants to increase her social standing
she has ambition and wants to keep moving on up

good for her, maybe if she ditches the anonymity she could get the sympathy vote and become a celebrity photographer

lolno. Trump curse isn't real, it's just no one you heard about voted for that idiot side from your hick relatives.

Celebrities, Successful people, Newsworthy people are all against him. Why do you think the only bad that wanted to play at his inauguration was a fucking Bruce Springsteen COVER BAND.

i still cant get over how he just sticks his fingers in her mouth lmao that is late game move when you're inside her or shes dripping

Wait, wait -- we know who the girl is?

it sounds like a typical hook up with a girl to be honest.

I’ve been with multiple girls who flat out said they weren’t going to have sex with me but ended up fucking me just from some stupid thing that turns them on.

girls will often make out with you and say “oh we just met though i don’t want to move too fast!”

then you move their hand to your hard cock, squeeze their ass, or rub their pussy and they’re suddenly spreading their ass cheeks open for you.

they’re usually one moan away from saying “fuck it i’m too horny now! but i totally don’t do this ever!!! let’s have sex”

he was horny and trying to get some. she was definitely going along with it and he’s probably used to girls being easy pickings since he’s famous. she’s just capitalizing on the me too shit

he just goes for it user, i don't know. that is one of my favorite moves but like you said it only works after you have already made in the end-zone it's like a touchdown celebration dance or something kek
as a person who read the entire stupid story i am fucking uncomfortable now



imagine being this butthurt

forreal though if I was a girl I'd projectile vomit looking at those brown link poop-like brown sausages going in my mouth and tell that street shitter to bounce


I'm torn, really. Because I love the minority part of them so much, but he's a sexual deviant.

>that thing

looks like a rapist, wouldn't let him within 10 feet of me.

uh oh spaghetti ooos


Yeah but it's his fault for fucking it up. When she says she doesn't want to go to fast you do some basic foreplay shit. You don't strip naked and shove your fist in her mouth what the fuck.

I hate his (((Comedy))) too but I have a really hard time believing she's never watched Seinfeld. Especially if she's flirting with comedians.

Jokes aside did she actually tell him to stop fuckin touching her or wait for him to "understand" her non verbal cues?

yikes I didn't realize he was a muslim

>wow this guy really wants to fuck me
>wtf he keeps putting his fingers in my throat what the FUCK
>well better suck his dick a little

Is this woman retarded? What took the idiot so long to leave?

this the girl?

>le 56% facr

She's exaggerating or something. That doesn't even make sense shoving his fist down her throat. If she wasn't interested she should have said, I'm not interested. I've had a girl do that, I stopped. Easy. You don't suck his dick.

i completely agree but the mind boggling part is she had already sucked his dick once at this point

why even let it go that far

if i looked like that poo
just for the fact of being a fugly shitlet i would probably ask and get about 100 confirmations before having sex with someone willingly simply bcuz it would be unbelievable that i was gonna get laid

fool got too full of himself

I have those same shoes at the bottom. Are they girl shoes?

I guarantee if it was brad pitt and he did exactly the same shit, she would never have made this public.

She just wanted to help her career but got cold feet when she couldn't stomach poo

It's always the moronic roasties man

That’s chick who wrote the article
Trying to cross reference different female photographers photos from the emmy that are from the Brooklyn area right now.

Curious as to what this dummy looks like.

Because women are literally incapable of consent. They need chaparones like it's the 60's, second wave feminism was wrong. Women are vulnerable creatures, your slightest breath can crush them.

Cool shoe rack bbgirl has : )

He's a mentally ill sociopath. I had a friend just like him until I realised it was too late. Hes not a criminal and he didnt commit a crime. Hes just pathetic. Thats all. Not even worthy of your pity.

probably go back a year in instagram, or find tagged photos of him around the same time
specifically that same photo they use
and the dinner shot
maybe facebook too

To me it sounds like he doesn't really have much sexual experience, and he made his moves too fast & the girl got freaked out.

That claw throat thing sounds straight out of a PUA's book on sex, & he was sure it was going to work..


I would kill for a girl like this.
Every one I meet is permanently sarcastic and bitchy to mask some stupid insecurity.

I think she should be held accountable for embellishment.

Pajeet is just a meek little Indian boy. I met him once cause we were heading in the same direction and I told him I like his work (Even though it's shit). This isn't the guy who's going to use his fame to get off on some power fantasy. It's unfortunate she was traumatized by his tiny brown cock, but she's giving him mixed signals and it's not hard to understand why he's confused. She sucked his cock and I guess he put his fingers in her mouth like a FKA twigs video.

Who he thinks he is:


that’s her side of this. we don’t know exactly how it went, and maybe he didn’t fall back a little when she was being hesitant and he pushed too hard at the wrong time. but that’s more him not being smooth than anything else. it’s not a crime and it’s not heinous.

girls like to play cat and mouse when you’re “hooking up” with them. they’ll ride the line, give you blue balls and sometimes you have to push a little to seal the deal.

this would be a non-story if he wasn’t famous and she just wants some attention because of all the recent shit in the news.

had this been a regular guy this is how the story would sound when she is telling it to her slut friends

>yeah i went to his apartment and we started hookig up. i gave him a blow job but we didn’t have sex. i wasn’t that into it. i could tell he wanted to though. omg lol he just texted me i’m not going to answer

this guy knows. EVERY thing in this story is a typical one night stand situation. there is no such thing as "game". it's a word used by guys who don't have the first clue about anything to do with the female species. It is rooted in a deep seated male behavior of "I hope she likes me!!". game is a myth on the level of Santa Claus. you can't talk your way into fucking a girl. you can't convince a girl to fuck you. either she's down to sleep with you or not. that's it. she's just capitalizing on the metoo trend and enjoying her 5 mins. any move you make on a girl can be ridiculed if she wants to do so. whether it's sticking your fingers up her throat or whatever

Paki? Wew that's harsh

>yfw when "Master of None" gets taken off netflix

What is the end goal?

Is it the female take over of Hollywood?
Force men to admit they are sexual deviants?
Increase women power in society?

no that's true some poos are pretty based,
we had this guy in uni who was half indian looked full blown tho and he had unironically an entourage of guys at every party

What are you autistic? She's obviously seen it, and even if she hadn't she was fishing for an offer.
>oh, you haven't seen it?! Wow, how about I come over and bring the box set sometime?

And you're in. Dummy. Unless you eventually fucked her anyway then it's good job