Are you mad you didn't see this little guy in Disney's Star Wars's Episode 8: The Last Jedi?

Are you mad you didn't see this little guy in Disney's Star Wars's Episode 8: The Last Jedi?

>what kind of alien you want senpai?
>you know what an anus looks like?
>say no more

>we need a prolapsed anus alie-
say no more

>Message from Disney

>we want alien of butthole
>i will arrange him

looks more like a penis with the frenulum as a mouth.



>gong sound

it looks like a vagina and butthole

Looks like they tried too hard to differentiate themselves from the bland cookie-cutter alien designs from TFA and ended up with this ugly ass incongruous blob ripped straight from Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed.

Wonder if he is any relation to the aliens in the movie "Explorers"??

Will Disney ever be able to beat this 2002 CGI ayy from Ep.2?


This looks like something horrifying from Xavier Renegade Angel.

Peter Jackson still got it

why can't they make attractive aliens?

Why can't they even bring back any of the alien races that are known and liked?

He looks as if he saw the film of course before us and wanted to warn everyone...but was assassinated by the mouse before he could do so.



They'd ruin them somehow. We should feel lucky.

Taun We is the BEST fucking alien in star wars hands DOWN

Fuck, it would be so hot if she sucked my dick.

The whole point of Disney's Star Wars is to try to shit on everything that made it good and loved.




Remember when Star Wars aliens had personality?

>very unique non humanoid head
>give it just regular human hands

>imagine this thing staring you into the eyes
Seriously, I would be mesmerized, scared, and fascinated at the same time.

>Disney's Star Wars - Ayynus
>Lucas' Star Wars - Ayyfus

>japanese alien

Seriously though, how did George get away with this?

>mfw she puts her hand on your testis

um, sweetie Disney CAN do sexy aliens

don't forget this beauty

Fuck does anybody have a screenshot of that puffy thing with the megaboobs in the casino. It was a split second shot when I think Finn and Rose were trying to escape.



>Star Wars came out in '77
>Star Wars takes place in space-1977
>Attack of the Clones is 22 years before that
>Attack of the Clones takes place in space-1955
>People eating at 50s diner on earth in 1955 wouldn't call it a 50s diner
>Dex doesn't run a "50s Diner"

The Opera singer? She has a floating dog.

It's like a David Cronberg's nightmare.

Apart the political SJW agenda, it seems nobody control anything on that movie.


Leela is not an alien though, she's a human with a mutation.

Is Disney intentionally trying to make the aliens as ugly and unappealing as possible? I feel like George would have dismissed these designs without so much as a concept art book appearance.

I thought the original EU stuff was autistic but at least it was interesting

this one is a cute
this shit gives me nightmares

Well hello beautiful

who do the designs in this thread make me nauseous but not all the gore and monsters in horror movies?