Psh nothin personnel kid

Psh nothin personnel kid

Other urls found in this thread:,_The

Something that bothered me about all of the times guns were fired in Sopranos was the lack of cycling on the slides. It was always smoke and sparks coming out of the barrel.

Sopranos was utter garbage visually

>Sopranos was utter garbage visually

Vito was by far the worst character in the show and you cant prove me wrong


>Shoots Jackie Jr in the back of the head
>"It's a joke."
What did he mean by this?

>fake guns don't look real
Do you cry about all the hosed down streets at night and perfect lighting too?

Was this prop supposed to be Hollywood's idea of a Glock? Also, why didn't they simply use a real Glock considering the shot was only of Vito's hand? And why was their props department so lacking to not be able to find a stunt pistol that could operate mechanically?

It's not really a big deal.

There are a couple of episodes around that time which had a serious drop in visual quality. I was honestly reminded of 7th Heaven at times for some reason. But I think that was just a bad couple of directors for those episodes.

check this out if you like guns:,_The

I think all the backlash for that shitshow was what prompted them to film this the way they did

>filmed from 50 yards
>guy drops realistically
>no way to tell anything other than that

Blundetto's was also filmed the same, so they gave up on making realistic killings. Peeps' too, you barely even see the gun. The worst to me is still this one

Whoever let this on air should be fired, especially the execution at the very end before they leave. What the fuck.

>reminded of 7th Heaven
Dude, you fucking nailed it!!!


Remember when Silvio shot Jimmy Altieri, but the editing is so bad that you see Silvio go "puh" with his mouth to simulate the gunshot.

That show was surprisingly and refreshingly un-pc.
>"This aaa nabuhhood muthafucka."
>"Yeah. I can see that."

>using a glock brand glock
Probably didn't want the actors hand to blow up

because not everybody is an autistic virgin white fuck like you who cares about those things, people care about writing and acting, the craftsmanship, not this autistic crap

nobody cares. get laid


The autistic rage of this post is ironic
