What are your thoughts on the movie Precious?


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I remember when Oprah told Precious that because of this movie she would have a long, wonderful career. How's being a morbidly obese black women in Hollywood treating her?

fat nigger kino

Disgusting Nigger flick that advocates in favor for incest.

That actress shouldn’t be given money to fund her addiction


I too remember when Oprah would say any lie for audience approval.

they greased her up so she would fit in frame

It was on TV one day so I watched for 5 minutes. She stole a bucket of fried chicken and I laughed my ass off and changed the channel and never thought about it again


Everyone in the theater laughed during the fried chicken scene and I don't live in a majority white city.

That shit was absolutely hilarious.

stupid oscar bait that made heaps of money because of the critic circlejerk.

100 percent souless fiction and doesn't have anything important to say...

someone should put it out of its misery

Shame about the star actress.
This role was her one shot to win an oscar but they fucked her over

very depressing
people complain about no gf or whatever but at least you're not an obese black illiterate woman in poverty who has been raped by her dad and has an aids incest baby

>movie has black people therefore I dont like it

Don't you mean they greased her over?

She need it tho. It's that white patriarchy that keeps her from consuming the 6000 calories a day that she has already consumed for several decades.

She was funny in Tower Heist.

2009's Get Out and Hidden Figures

What did you like it for?

>not being proincest
amerimutt detected

Kike detected go marry your cousin, Moshe.

that's pretty racist pal, I was just saying it was a bad movie, jesus

Fuck off back to Pol. Is board stands with Israel & you're not welcomed here.

One of the funniest films ever made.

>an obese, poor, rape victim, HIV positive negress with her retarded son are saved by a jewish social worker and a lesbian feminist teacher.

Some scenes made the movie border on parody, such as the fried chicken theft scene.

Dios mio! La creatura!
Raúl... trae la escopeta!
Los monstruos Americanos cruzaron la frontera!

Ay virgencita por favor ayudanos!

>Sup Forumseddit isn't proisrael now

Fuck Blumpf he hasn't done enough for Israel.

If was racist. Why did she want to be light skinned and married to her white teacher? Why couldn't she be proud of the black wire she was?

>movie has black people so I have to love it and can't criticize it.

Fuck you.

I believe what Armond had to say. I can't spend time watching this trainwreck.

>in favor for incest.

Are you implying the movie was against incest?

Honestly bugs me when someone wants to be another race. Like, if you love white dudes then get you a white dude, but holy shit enjoy things you can't change about yourself, because your white boyfriend does.


After you, Cletus!


pretty much sums the book and movie up