Be darth vader, sith lord and apprentice to emperor palpatine

>be darth vader, sith lord and apprentice to emperor palpatine
>take orders from this guy

what the fuck was his job even, what did he do?

He was assistant manager and head of production for the Death Star. He didn’t really give orders to Vader, he just vented his frustrations tomBader and they sounded like orders because he was so stressed.

When did he take orders from him?

Vader was a special enforcer, he had not direct control of operations, until Lucas realized the had created Space Jesus and treated him as such. Vader didn't have the power to fire the DS to blow up Alderaan, to give you a concrete example.

>vader, release him!

even talks to him like his bitch lmao

Tarkin was a big fucking cheese, so much so that Vader either respected him or knew the Emperor respected him. Tarkin was sort of on another level in terms of the officers, so much so that he was the last one to speak to Vader without fear

>disrespecting the grand moff
You should be executed OP

Vader and Tarkin were bros that respected each other's role in the empire.

If he was so great, then why wasn't he even mentioned in the clone wars.

He was Sheev's friend

hes in the cartoons which are canon

Even Leia knew Vader was Tarkin's bitch

He was a Grand Moff, duh

It feels like the original intent was that Tarkin and the Emperor were sort of like a duo of some kind, or that Tarkin was very close to the emperor in terms of power

Autists at Wookiepedia say that Moff means governor and "Grand Moff" is like a governor of governors. Each governor controls a planet and a grand moff controls an "oversector" that contains a lot of governed planets. So basically he's some manner of big shot middle manager tyrant who's bigger than the guys who are tyrants of merely one planet, and apparently big enough that emperor's own apprentice needs to pay attention to him.

Crucial detail: just like Vader, Tarkin answers only to the emperor. They're probably more or less equals in influence (Vader and Tarkin that is, not Tarkin and Sheev).

He frequently was?

Tarkin was super active in Clone Wars.

He's in both the TV show with same name and rebels too, and has his own book just called tarkin

And he was a good friend.

Basically, he’s the Emperor’s right hand, tasked with administering many provinces of the galaxy. He’s like the Viceroy who would rule India while the Queen ruled Britain

because the whole close relationship between the emperor and vader wasn't written until the prequels. vader was just the muscle of the empire and tarkin was a general.

Vader was just a religious fanatic serving the Emperor that everyone else had to put up with.

Tarkin is the expert in political and military maneuvering. Vader is more or less the attack dog.

And a good one.

In the original film, he's envisioned as just a lackey. He's a guy in charge of going after the stolen data tapes.

This is a board of kinographers who supposedly are well versed on all Star Wars lore from Luke to Luuuke so I'm going to have to ask for a quick rundown of the Grand Moff Tarkin book.

Also I saw at the bookstore there's a Canto Bight book. Somebody give us a quick rundown of the codebreaker and the Heineken guy and their backstories.

He's in a couple episodes in the series. Really shows the mutual respect Anakin and Tarkin had for each other.