I just got back from seeing The Shape of Water

I just got back from seeing The Shape of Water.

It's a perfectly fine movie. There's nothing terribly objectionable about it. So why do I dislike it? Help me sort my thoughts Sup Forums

I'd like to give some evil critique on the movie The Shape of Water.

something something interracial breeding propaganda something something

Perhaps the abuse in coincidences and incredible moronic situations. I love the movie regardless

I'd love to see it.

because there's no reason to see it over anything else. you don't get anything other than exactly what you expect to get from the latest del toro fairytale fluff

disliking something because it's average, derivative and milquetoast is perfectly valid

Let's talk about Michael Shannon for a second.

>references the bible and God
>buys a new car and dominates his wife to satisfy his toxic masculinity

If they hadn't used the diner guy for the homophobia bit, he would have checked every single box all by himself.

Basically a tame version of the Neonomicon comic


Its crap!

He showed what a good man should be. But now everyone wants to label all that as negative, fuck them.

>Guillermo del Toro is a slitfag

Shaking my fucking head, famalamarama...

Ocean creature? At least he'll be used to her smell down there below the waist.

ativism, miscognition
Watch creature from the black lagoon instead

I didn't watch the movie but these are my assumptions why you didn't like it

>plot built up around the Cold War, an interesting period of conflict
>side plots of soviet spies
>nothing comes of it
>it's literally built up just so the woman can have an excuse to fuck a monster

and then
>at no point does the creature show emotional attachment or love
>she just plays with it and interacts casually and mistakes attention for love and sneaks out what could be a child minded animal just to rape him

The idea was stolen and the concept already was used in his previous movies. Del Taco is a fucking hack.

>>at no point does the creature show emotional attachment or love
>>she just plays with it and interacts casually and mistakes attention for love and sneaks out what could be a child minded animal just to rape him

This was kind of a real problem.

The creature never was shown to have a distinct personality of his own. He just rolled with shit for the most part.

Not really. Del Toro loves monster movie shit to his very core. The creature in Shape of Water is much closer to the primal thing in Creature From the Black Lagoon than Abe.

I'm positive shooting the shit with Doug Jones while shooting Hellboy caused the seed of the idea to develop, but there's no real sign of Abe in Shape of Water, and fishmen are not a new thing.

>del taco loves monsters so it doesn't count
t. you

>in comes paddington

someone photoshop paddington into the part where they fill the bathroom with water

Good job reading past the second sentence you absolute waste of a sentient being.

I can't decide if I thought she was hot or not. If she looked young or old.

Her features looked a decade apart depending on the scene.

she's like hot and ugly at the same exact time

Most of Del Toro's movies have a horrible bastard of a villain who's some sort of avatar for the worst bullshit in his time and place.

Devil's Backbone and Pan's Labyrinth at least.

Sounds pretty hot. I'd let him give me a rough fucking.

You would probably like it more if the fish was a mermaid and the protag was hotter.


It's because they barely touch on the connection between the mute girl and Mr. Fishdick. We're supposed to care because the movie tells us to, instead of actually having anything of substance there. The film is just a bore filled with cliched characters and story beats. A safe movie but nothing that sticks with you.

did he give her the fish bone?

THE SHAPE OF WATER is beautiful-looking, but it has basically the depth of a cartoon.

The main problem is that the plot is a mess.

The first half SPEEDS through the getting-to-know-each-other section with the woman and the creature. So much so I thought the movie was wrapping up and was only halfway through. The woman saves the creature after three minor encounters.

Then there's too many perspectives in the movie. We switch between the woman, Michael Shannon, the scientist, and the woman's neighbor. The last two POVs are completely pointless to the rest of the movie.

The scientist doesn't need to be seen beyond his scenes inside the facility. It was well-established that he didn't want the creature to die so his motivation didn't need further elaboration. His whole subplot was ludicrous and the thing that most makes it feel like a cartoon.

The artist neighbor was entirely pointless except to give the woman someone extra to interact with and to make the point that discrimination is bad and hurts people's feelings?

Michael Shannon's character has no depth at all. He's ridiculously over-the-top evil. But that would be okay if he were the only cartoonish element.

The whole thing would work better if it were what Guillermo del Toro says it is: a fairytale. But there's too much extraneous content for a fairytale.

If they had dropped the storylines that are outside the facility except for Michael Shannon's, and extended the time the woman gets to know the creature inside the facility, the whole thing would work better.

The shape of the water is definitely that of a black man.

>cardboard characters
>pretense of depth
>nonsensical plot
>give it magic powers so we can solve the ending

>THE SHAPE OF WATER is beautiful-looking, but it has basically the depth of a cartoon.

I was thinking the same thing. The movie has no depth or nuance at all. The good guys are unambiguously good, the bad guys are unambiguously bad, the whole plot hinges on a flimsy romance that isn't even properly set up, and the overall theme/message is shoved right in your face. It was like watching an R-rated Disney film.

I can't tell you why you don't like a thing. And if you can't articulate it, then it doesn't really matter.

Because subconsciously you realize it is communist jew faggot propaganda.