What are some films about pure evil?

What are some films about pure evil?

titans fan detected

What are some films about pure butthurt? Get rekt homo, Brady 4 lyfe


Hillary's America

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Bill Belichick and Tom Brady are literally Sheev and Vader

>implying there are titans fans

>Thinking Pittsburgh are the good guys
The state of you goys. kek.

>that filename

I'm just wondering, do people actually not understand how air pressure inside of a football will decrease in cold weather? Do people really think the Pats were cheating? The whole thing was a hoax that gave delusional idiots a reason to feel a bit better about getting constantly BTFO by New England all the time.

The AFC was so shit this year that the NFC are the good guys at this point

Also rape is a natural urge while cheating is inherently malicious


Get out with your normie shit

Why are the Pats so perfect bros?

The one time I care about sports or living in New England is when the Patriots are doing well
Does the rest of the country even TRY to have good professional football or 4 seasons?

As in they did nothing wrong?

>Based Brady
>Based Bellichick
>Based Gronk
>Edelman (RIP)

Other teams literally can't compete

based NE bro, stay warm this weekend

Why are Patriot haters bitter losers?

It was mostly due to their reputation as cheaters already from the Spygate incident, but in that case also explain to my why the Colt's balls didn't also deflate?

Also explain to me why Tom Brady avidly lobbied in 2006 to change the rule in allowing teams to supply their own balls for games rather than being directly supplied from the league and from that point on the amount of fumbles the Patriots recorded SUBSTANTIALLY decreased by a huge margin in comparison to previous seasons (especially considering the numbers from previous years were comparable with the NFL average while after 2006 the margin grew ridiculously)?

no, jasg are the only good guys left in the AFC

Explain to me how after the half when they reinflated the balls to the regulation PSI Brady blew the Clots the fuck out? Explain that to me. Explain to me that if they were cheating how they scored more points in the second half than then first, Do not use the "tempo" argument faggot

there is no movies about Gilles de Rais
but you can settle with bluebeard ones

Because Tom Brady is still Tom Brady (and that Colts team was hot garbage to begin with)

Now answer my other question

Only 4 of the Colts balls were tested and they had all lost air, not only that , but they were tested at the end of halftime when they had sat in a warm room already and their pressure had risen back up. The patriots were tested while they were still cold from the field.

Spygate was the smallest offense that got blow out of proportion. They didn't get in trouble for filming, they got in trouble for filming from a certain location. Everyone filmed and it wasnt illegal until 2006 when memo went out.