When did you realize all women are whores even that quiet innocent girl who sits in the back of your uni class and...

When did you realize all women are whores even that quiet innocent girl who sits in the back of your uni class and barely says a word is most definitely a whore.

why do you use boring club thots for all these threads

But for all your "honor" and "class" you'd be behind her in a second mashing your floppy sweaty dick into her slightly moist fuckhole, grunting and heaving until you lazily drop a load of putrid cum.


The roastie thing is a meme, it's a lottery, some vagainas are like that.
My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you can't see the labia
Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin
Same as the "uncut dicks smell" thing
I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while my the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells.

Holy shit, get a life you loser

Fuck I knew I shouldn't have opened that webm now I want to kill my self. What are some kinos to cure this feel boys.

Actually sad, because that girl is really cute.

But girls just wanna have fun user Eksdee

Why in God’s name do you know what your Mom’s and sister’s labia look like. Especially with multiple data points over time.

Women from fourteen years old are flattered by men with the title
of mistresses. Therefore, perceiving that they are regarded only as
qualified to give men pleasure, they begin to adorn themselves,
and in that to place all their hopes. It is worth while, therefore, to
try that they may perceive themselves honored only so far as they
appear beautiful in their demeanor and modestly virtuous

when I realized girls pooped too

Threadly reminder that every reason that you're a virgin is your fault and that your pathetic genes won't be passed along, saving the rest of us from sharing the gene pool with your low test, mentally injured children.

idk to cure but distraction feels u should see interstellar, always makes me cry

i always prefer the quietest and reserved women, they are wild inside, i was not prepared to my first times

>if guys danced like this with each other we would be called faggots

Blame the degenerate society that tells them this is the cool thing to do.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Might as well just pour a whole bottle of soy sauce down my throats while we're at it.

Thats one eloquent way to put it.... very eloquent

Is there anything more alpha than marrying a women who has slept with a bunch of guys? I'm thinking at least 10+ so she can learn all the tricks in the book, before getting with me and being able to properly satisfy rather than not know what she's doing.

Thanks for beta testing my girl cucks, I'll take it from here.

Fucking pleb

lol assuming you’d manage to keep her attention
Have fun raising your wife’s kids, user

This pretty much happens at Warped

It's almost like men and women are different

they look like they fuck black guys

Just remember boys. Every time you see your future wife kiss your children as she tucks them in for bed. Just remember.

why is everyone here so sheltered that some slut twerking does this to them?
