Digimon > Pokemon. Point made

Digimon has better mons and they have actual characters and development. They actually look stronger than cuter when they level up, the show also was between kid show and mature show which is the perfect for such anime. It was for edgy smart kids, while pokemon was for todlers who lived in a bubble.

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Both are still children toy commercials, so grow up, manchild.

I can't remember too many episodes of this, which is strange considering how utterly obsessed with it I used to be.

Pokemon on the other hand, I can remember lots of episodes. Digimon was a better cartoon though imo. Pokemon was a better game and everything else though.

Sorry but Monster Ranchers>Digimon>Pokemon

Adventure 1>Tamers>Frontier>Adventure 2>Data Squad.
Have not watched Xros Wars or anything after.
Digimon as an anime was and is far superior to pokemon, mostly because they chose to go anthology approach whereas Ash has all of his progress wiped when he advances a region.
Pokemon games are infinitely better, though.

Digimon has the better show. Pokemon has the better games.

I have not watched them since I was a kid but distinctly remember being engrossed by the third season. I found out recently it was written by the Serial Experiments Lain guy which makes sense given the lowkey cyberpunk stuff that was happening in it.

Digimon Story > Pokemon Story
Digimon Dub Jokes > Pokemon Dub Jokes
Digimon Games < Pokemon Games
Every Monster's name ends in Mon < Every Monster name doesn't end in Chu

Its hard looking back, season 1 pokemon vs season 1 digimon. Pokemon is the same nearly every episode. Digimon has a lot of b-roll though. Digimon just didn't win, so people look at pokemon more often. Pokemon is still relevant.

They were digital monsters you fucking retard, every monsters name ends in mon because its their file type. It's much better than pokemon being named after the noises they make

first of all, second of all, "MY NOSTALGIA IS BETTER THAN YOUR NOSTALGIA" is almost as cancerous as the Sup Forumstards pretending they're trying to have legitimate discussion about television and film

kill yourselves

I will admit at the time as a 9 year old boy to thinking that anime grill was cute


Is it really needed to call the wizard monster, wizardmon? They fucking jamicanmon? Is there a Manmon? A Monmon? A bonbonmon? A moonmon? A Moncalamarimon?

digimon are data. they are .mon files. wizardmon is really wizard.mon. thats why everything ends in mon

Goemon>all other mons

Also, the digimons looked better. Pokemon went for cutesy, which i guess had a broader appeal. Digimon had a real gritty sort of 'back of the textbook sketch' fell about it. Like the artists put more thought into the character design.

Salamon's evolution line made no fucking sense.
Dog->Cat->Angel woman

This desu. I really think Digimons biggest strength was how wild the designs could be. Pokefags shit their pants if a mon even resembles an ice cream cone or something whereas Digimon will put leather pants or missiles on just about anything. Its a lot more fun and imaginative that way.

Digimon lacks structure and logic. I bet no one can even say just how many Digimon there is.

It's a messy franchise.

There's like 1300 iirc. If anything the lack of structure and the fact that almost any digimon can digivolve into some off the wall creature is what makes it fun.

Digivolution is wild and unpredictable by nature. In pokemon they set ground rules that an exceptionally experienced charmander can fuck up a trained graveler or whatever, but in digimon pitting a rookie against a champion is a surefire loss in most cases. I personally think its cooler.

>exceptionally experienced charmander can fuck up a trained graveler or whatever
20 years later Pikachu still gets BTFO every couple of episodes.

Just dropped in to say that LadyDevimon is best waifu.

>niche tamagotchi game that has no western fanbase anymore still gets compared unfavorabley against Pokémon i.e. "did you see the new legendary? Urgh, it's literally a Digimon"
Why are Pokémon fans so cruel?

fuck yea digimon


Did they send Archnemon to the dungeon/shadow realm in the USA dub?

Digimon animated series was definitely better than Pokemon. Pokemon was just so fucking formulaic. I didn't even watch Pokemon when I was a kid and I was a huge Pokemon fan.
Overall as a franchise Pokemon was much better tho.

What's so good about this?

Monster Rancher is the RC cola of trainer-cartoons.
I disliked Digimon Tamers at first for jumping into the "trainer fights other trainer with powerups" bandwagon. Cheeky fuckers playing with kids expectatives to make Digi-Evangelion.

Digimon also has canon brother/sister incest