ITT: Shows that declined sharply after writing out best actor/character

ITT: Shows that declined sharply after writing out best actor/character

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I started to lose interest when he sacrificed his daughter.
That shit made me angry

Jaime is still alive though

character assassination. can't have a successful white male xd

It is supposed to you fucking idiot.

Do you lose interest in every show that invokes the smallest emotion in you? What a fucking child

I actually like that he burned his daughter.

he deserved it for killing all those defenseless wildlings as well as other villainous acts

no you dumbass

it declined sharply after running out of books

It actually happened much earlier than that

That's what he gets for killing the true king of Westeros

I’m glad Jaime left Kings Landing shows that he’s not just Cersi’s bitch
Shame really, other than the parts where he used dark magic he would have been a pretty good king
Why are you so angry? Calm down it’s just an opinion

Do you think there was any Tyrion sperm left inside shae's ass when Tywin put his cock in there. Mainly, I want to know: did tywins tip touch tyrion's SPERM?

vikings stinks without ragnar and rollo

Walking Dead went to shit after Shane(or whatever Rick's best friend's name was) died. Maybe I could stomach season 3 but everything after that wasn't watchable.


He was the only no-bullshit king in the realm, but D&D want us too hard to root for manic dragonbitch

That tree triggers me because it looks like a small version of the laughing tree from Mortal Kombat 3.

Probably was cleaning it off in the toilet when Tyrion found him


True. They ran out of the source material, and I am a dumbass.

You're right. S4 and the deaths of Oberyn and Tywin was the true end. S5 had some good moments before the finale, though.

I didn’t want to believe that was happening, but it was glaringly obvious from the beginning. I’m beginning to really hate her, with her acting like a complete cunt to Tyrion and everyone bending over backwards for her. Her and Cersei are tied for most annoying character for me right now

I thought the show went downhill after Joffrey's death.

Rebounded after Brody with Quinn. Shit again without Quinn.

While Stannnis is the Mannis, he is not the Azor Ahai, neither in the books nor the show.

They eviscerated the book by making it an action movie for normies. The chasm between the beauty and seriousness of the work, and what it has become, has overwhelmed me. The commercialization has reduced the aesthetic and philosophical impact of the creation to nothing.

This whole time I thought his name was Jon Rees. Like a Filipino or some shit.

What if Tywin and Tyrion could warg into lions, What would their reactor be like?

Which is funny since he dies like 5 comics in

Fuck, this is true too. All the consistently good characters except Jaime and Theon have been killed off.

this, but said less faggy

>shows that he’s not just Cersi’s bitch

He'll be fighting for the kid in her womb and be crushed when he hears she miscarried. His last and best chance to be a father, gone

Shae had been gone a while by then, her ass was filled with random Essosi cum

Tywin did nothing wrong.

>for all those kids that could never be as cool as their big brother
>Seth Curry
>Billy Ripken
>Larry Jordan
>Stephen Baldwin

Do you mean Tyrion?
Whiny dickless Theon dominated by his sister is a so-so-soy character


he was shit. decent actor but pretty naive character. trusting in that firewhore. burning everybody, even his daughter.
he was shit

ok that made me chuckle

This show never recovered from the brutal blow of him leaving

>even his daughter

tfw no Bronn Cersei scene ever

is Lena gonna #metoo Bronn?


lol laughed so hard i peed out of my butt (im a girl)

I have been wondering that - who of the cast do you think is most likely to be #metoo-ed? Personally I think it will be Iain Glen



That 70's Show when Eric left. The show was about him

the fuck did he ever do but mope and repeatedly fuck up?

I'm almost 100% sure Jaime is still in love with cersei and will run back to her. She's supposed to be the the cause of his death, foreshadowed last season if I recall. He's just having a little tantrum right now.

It's the other way around, he's the cause of her death.

Or Tyrion

He kills her after he fucks Brienne

Nah they literally say he loves her and she will be the end of him, then he's like so what. The show is not exactly the most subtle.

the show died with ned.

unironically the best option, edgelords only like stannis because muh strong righteous daddy

A literal homo. He and Loras would walk around with shitdick 24/7.

better than an insane foreign-whore-conspiring ideologue

>Look at meeeeeee I'm a dragon !

The Starks lost the war as soon as Renly died tbph
Basically whoever the Highgarden backed were going to win the initial war and they would only go for Renly or Joffrey

come to think of it, GoT has lost so many good actors/characters each season, do you think that's part of why a lot of people feel it has gotten worse as it went along? i mean in season 1 alone, we had bobby b, ned, viserys, drogo, and syrio. it's coming to a point where we're mostly just left with the fan favourites who aren't really that great

>come to think of it, GoT has lost so many good actors/characters each season, do you think that's part of why a lot of people feel it has gotten worse as it went along

nobody outside Sup Forums thinks that though

it's mainly that the good characters were also played by good actors
the current main cast is half good at best
and the characters that were meant to pick up the slack weren't written as well as they were meant to be I think sansa is one of the best characters in the books

>I mean in season 1 alone we had fatty rapist, boring patriarch, shit actor and greasy wop

All those characters are shit you fucking autist

As the show has introduced more strong women it's become exponentially better

Ned and Bobby maybe. Couldn't give less shits about the other 3.

If I know it's bait
It's not good bait
I fall for everything
But not this

I don't think that was why it declined. That is about the time it took a drastic turn from the books.

i mean in the case of viserys and drogo, even if you don't necessarily like them as standalone characters, their dynamics with dany are largely what made her interesting. barristan selmy as well

Came here to post this

Jaime is the king slayer. It is literally his character to kill Mad Kings who threaten the safety of the kingdom.

Cersei will try to use wild fyre or some shit and Jaime will put her down, bringing his character full circle. He may die in the process, but she will absolutely die by his hand.

>planned to usurp the throne before he even knew about Joff being a bastard

What a fucking cunt.

You should be ashamed of yourself for posting such terrible bait

he always knew

>unironically the best option

He was a puppet for Highgarden you moron

>strong backing = puppet
I mean I guess he'd have to appease them for a bit while consolidating power but not afterwards.

Highgarden are a bunch of fags who let their women run shit but it may have still been best option

I think they’d have leverage on him since he’s gay and has a lover; so yes he’d be a puppet

his twink fuccboi was completely devoted to him

I'm not 100% sure on the show but I know that Renly didn't know about the incest until the Stannis letter and even then he outright denied when talking with Catelyn for the first time.

he dismissed it because it's more convenient to be a usurper fighting another usurper than a usurper fighting the true heir


Maybe, wasn’t he having some questions about their relationship there for awhile? Besides, if that secret ever got in the hands of someone else, he’d be getting fucked by someone else(in the not so “nice” way)

Stannis has the true claim to the throne by the laws of man.
Stannis was killed of for not being popular with the retard audience.

Jon's death is changed and is resurrected because he makes the female audience wet.
He was going to lead the nights watch on a conquest to take back Winterfell and his best friends tearfully kill him, but they change it to the unpopular members of the watch do it and then are offed.

They run the script by test audiences and follow market trends, instead of doing anything creative

Show cant die soon enough

I don't think it was a secret at all in Kings landing. Everyone knew.
Books were different, they didn't even do anything gay. It was all just hinted at in a pretty funny way.

Yeah give the kingdom to the weak fuckers who are always punked by the Greyjoys.

So what? Let the retard greyjoys raid if that's what it takes

Renly wanted to usurp the Lannisters because he knew they were behind Robert's death, and they're fucking nutjobs who'd probably assassinate Renly just so they can give Tommen Storm's End

The timing was just too suspect, Stannis didn't reveal anything until Renly already crowned himself
To him it was just a convenient lie

prophecy as well, her bro will kill her, she just assumes it's Tyrion


Of course HBO had to kill the joke with hardcore buttfucking

>not wanting to watch twinks fuck each other's butts in hot sweaty sex

They are too weak to stop the salt water drinking island hicks.
Civil war will happen and end with Bolton still killing Robb taking the north, Frey taking the plains, Lanisters backing whoever can take the capital back, the kingdom will become the Coast and Tyrell islands only

Stannis takes the throne and proceeds to crush his brother and Robb for being Usurpers and rules by the law preventing the continuation of the Civil War we see with just about every other option.

dude that's gay


>Stannis Mary Sues it to happily ever after

You missed his point entirely.
He wasn't angry because Stannis did an evil thing thing and that's heinous.
He was angry because Stannis did an evil thing that's completely against his character, and most likely show canon only.

Nigga Double Dubs don't lie

Stannis would try to rule the way I described, it could not play out that way but its a better alternative to giving the throne to the flower fags.
Just admit you like the flower fags because that one chick showed her tits a lot.

Also what was up with the character assassination of Stannis he straight up says in the books he would Sacrifice the entire kingdom for his daughter and she is the sole motivation for him to take the throne.
He is the True Heir and he aims to take the throne to secure a safe kingdom and future for his daughter.

Is that really so OOC?
>If I must sacrifice one child to the flames to save a million from the dark... Sacrifice... is never easy, Davos. Or it is no true sacrifice.
I bet even book Stannis would sacrifice Shireen, with a heavy heart, if his back was put against a wall. It just feels cheap because it didn't accomplish nothing.

Him killing his daughter is show only.
Stannis threatens to kill his wife when she tells him stopping by to visit her is a distraction and remarks she may have to take her away so he can do the lord of lights work.

I don't recall any of this Stannis doin it for muh girl character from the books.
I just remember him being a whiny asshole that hates everybody and everything.
All he had to do was let Robb be Kong in the North while he takes the South but nooooo he's so fucking beholden to the Targaryen kingdom that he helped usurp that he has to go all or nothing.

What a little fag Stannis was
Gayer than Renly