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seed 'em all

Marge, Lois, Francine

Women of cartoon?
Weak thread dumbass

3 2 1 4


no no no yes
god that bobs thing is even more hideous than a simpsons character. or maybe its just 30 years of getting used to that awful top lip

Gimme some of that Frannie fanny

>not appreciating Linda's best personality

Only Francine.

All 4 of them have penile shaped haircuts.


>turning marge into a womlet
francine > marge w/ hair down > linda w/ hair down > lois

you just have penisdolia

why is she literally 56%

They all have horrible voices

Character: Linda >>>>> Francine > Marge > Lois
Appearance: Francine > eh idfk

linda is italian or some shit. why does this 56% meme even exist.

Hahahahaha kek


good choice

>Character: Linda >>>>> Francine > Marge > Lois
Basically this, case closed

Linda - 3
Marge - 6
Francine - 8
Lois - 7

Linda - 1
Marge - 3
Francine - 8
Lois - 2

Vagina Tightness:
Linda - 4
Marge - 3
Francine - 6
Lois - 1

Linda - 5
Marge - 6
Francine - 9
Lois - 10

Daughter fuckability:
Linda - 2
Marge - 2
Francine - 8
Lois - 3

Linda - 15
Marge - 20
Francine - 39
Lois - 23

Francine > Lois > Marge > Linda

>why does this 56% meme even exist
why do any memes exist



I fucking love how Marge and Lois are completely normal in proportion and SJW have to REEEEEEE about video games a 90% male dominated hobby.

Gas Feminism

Francine if you're not gay

Francine by far.

go back and watch seasons 1-4 of Simpsons, marge can be a gigantic bitch.

at least 90% of examples of le 56% meme are of 100% pure italians
pic related

>Vagina Tightness:
>Francine - 6

francine is destroyed. theyve even referenced it in the show

Kill, Marry, Fuck, also Kill


4 1 3 2
Marge should have always kept her hair down, she was MUCH MUCH hotter that way

ripped from her v to her a giving birth to whatever the boy's name is

Objectively, none of them.