A Ghost Story

Anyone on Sup Forums see this? Did you like it? Did it invoke any emotion?

I didn't see it but Mike said he liked it so that means I liked it #loyal #rlm

no david im not gonna watch your shitty movie

it looks like something I personally would skip

I kinda want to see it because I enjoy the exploration of weary timeless characters like the King in Yellow and other bitter immortals.
I don't think I want to sit through all the artsy shit...maybe just watch it on fast forward when it's free.

It's not a money grab horror film, it's actually more fantasy.

I didnt like it.

I liked it a lot and the music was great. The bump on the piano and the climax were spooky and exciting.

People who don't appreciate art are considered low in openness. People who lack openness have low IQ. Therefore, you are a low IQ nigger.

I honestly loved it. I was worried it was going to be hipster trash like Wristcutters, but I came away feeling like the movie achieves it's objective. It's not a scary movie, but a thought provoking one. There are alot of slow scenes at the beginning of the movie, and if you can get past the first 30 miuntes you'll start to understand why the scenes progress at a snails pace. It's juxtoposition with the fast pace of the end works. I loved it.

Actually I'm white

It was fine
source: I have sex

Wasn't scary.

>>Actually I'm white
>tfw I'm non-white and I liked it
wtf I'm subhuman now

>Inb4 "now"

Wow. Good job injecting your identity politics into a fucking entertainment film. Fuck off sjw cunt

Way to completely misinterpret basic psychology fucktard. It's too be expected since you are just quote Peterson from some dumb fucking podcast though.

It was 2deep4u movie and i had to turn it off halfway through

I don't recommend it to anybody

It was meh. Did RLM only like it because the director is from their town?

I've been meaning to watch it since it came out, but I'm a procrastinating piece of human garbage and a waste of oxygen and flesh, so I have no opinion on it.

boredom. It would be great if it was a 40min short movie

It gave me existential angst.

>Anyone on Sup Forums see this?
>Did you like it?
>Did it invoke any emotion?
Detached melancholy mostly. You watch enough of the ghost and you start to feel like a ghost yourself, and in that will want to at least stand beside him.

50% of whites have less than an average IQ.

greatest movie of the year

>Detached melancholy

Very good though I could do without the literal 5 minute pie scene
Movie lost my interest in the beginning (I was literally forcing myself not to check my phone) but gradually gets better and better. I get why it’s set up like that but they doesn’t mean it’s not a rough opening
Also the music is great, I Get Overwhelmed has been added to many of my playlists

>I'm waiting for someone
>I don't remember

t. la creatura

this movie made me upset and really gave me anxiety

I was wondering why they gave it such high praise. Haven't seen it yet. They know the director personally or something?

Yeah the pacing is great. At the start the slow speed doesn't really make sense and feels a bit of,f but you realize as the film progresses that the time in their relationship is the only significant time for him throughout the course of eternity, that's why there's so much emphasis on it. The scenes which come to mind are the one where they're cuddling for minutes (this felt like an intrusion as the viewer) and when she's eating the pie.

Because it's good for starters.
But also because it's incredibly creative.
If I had to review as much popcorn shit as they do I'd get super burnt out on it, and would end up drawn to the novelty of a guy in a sheet watching the world go past as well.

The pie scene felt more significant after experiencing the end. But it's understandable that the first time around is feels dull and out of place.

I watched it and I didn't liked it. 1.5 hours of nothing happening didn't triggered nothing in me. I'm not that old

Looks like pretentious "le indie art film face xDD" but I could be wrong.

is roon roon under a shit for 2 hours?

is it a documentary about womens rights in afganistan

put it this way user: if she had to be under a shit for two hours I have every confidence it'd be an excellent two hours under shit being. talented girl.


No, but I assumed it'd be at least worth a look because of how God damn creepy Casey Affleck can be.

Kind of like a lot of the beginning scenes, they all contrast with the ending and simultaneously reflect on caseys character perspective of things.

For all the brainlets out there, the pie scene is supposed to be a subversion of the viewers and casey's expectations, how a loved one reacts to their others death is the most immediate thing someone would want to know. It's kinda poorly done and could be done a number of ways, but basically it's just a realistic human subversion.

its shit

This. I don't care if it's good or bad I'm never watching it because fuck pretentious cock suckers who film things in 4:3

Too fucking hipster for me.

I did. Cried twice in it. Pretty well executed and minimalist, but still managed to draw a strong reaction from me. I'd talk about it more but since this was discussed in RLM I can tell this thread is mostly gonna be shitposting so fuck it.

It's in 4:3 because that's the ratio of old home movies, and of old ghost captures - not because they're trying to be pretentious.
If anything you're the one that's being pretentious in not giving it a shot it.