What is the worst Sup Forums fanbase?

What is the worst Sup Forums fanbase?

Sup Forums Did nothing wrong and also that reylo shit its nee, autistic and probably its being shilled so it wont last, sneed posters are worse

Who are the third on Sup Forums?

Reylo shipping Tumblr generals are the most cancerous thing on the board in years.

Animal Collective

animal collective
real soyboy shit

I don't thin Rick and Morty's fanbase is particularly cancerous on Sup Forums. Maybe in Facebook and Reddit, but in here we hardly ever see people arguing about this show...

I dont lurk Sup Forums but whats wrong with thinkpads?

Reylo without a doubt

I've never been to the Reylo general. Is it real? Is it not just a lightly disguised false flag/nuwars hate general?

it notifies everybody around you that you are an autistic virgin. same with linux (formerly gnu's).

Sup Forums and Sup Forums are shit
Rest range from mediocre to accurate
Solid bait overal

This. Steamed hams is a better meme anyway.

Swap got for prequel apologists,I know its all bait but its really annoying

t. comfy simpsons threads

t. butthurt sneed poster

>worst fanbases of Sup Forums
>football, da burrs, peyton manning

As bad as all those are, they all PALE in comparison those e-celeb cults of personalities. You can crank up the cancer to maximum with those losers.

Sneed posting is still worse.

>Sup Forums
>not grimes

how could anyone hate burrs posting? also TYBD.

all generals on Sup Forums are cancer

This. The most cancerous Sup Forums fanbases are the Pulisic fans, then the Kane/it's coming home fans, then the Ronaldinho fans

It seems real but it also seems to be full of pol and ironic shitposting. At least it's contained instead of infesting the bazillion nuwars threads.

Every single e-celeb or friend simulator thread ever made and the people that post in them

Saying animal collective is cancerous just means you're a newfag that wasn't there in 2009 when MPP came out

As a guy who mainly browses Sup Forums, i can say that nobody really talks about DG or ANCO enough anymore for it to be cancerous. They were back in their respective primes though

Sup Forums should be Europeans, MMA, and Brady fans
This chart is outdated

Yeah, Rick and Morty doesn't really have much of a presence on Sup Forums, and thank god for that.


But Thinkpads are based and Linux isn't a fanbase on Sup Forums, it's like 90% of Sup Forums. Those should be Nvidia fans and Arch users specifically instead.

it doesn't say "best fanbases"

>the entire board

kys urself irl

They are a fuck ton of rick and morty shitposters but I wouldnt call them fans

you obviously haven't visited Sup Forums recently, it's full of wangblows pajeets.

Definitely /rlg/. Those tumblr faggots don't belong on/tv/.

/rlg/ is full of Sup Forumsfags

>That smile
Goddamn, Grimes is A CUTE isn't she?



No, that picture was supposed to BTFO the sneed poster.

You really shouldnt post shit without even being to those subreddit a, g loves ThinkPad and gnu/Linux only nu-g doesnt

Lynch and twin peaks

kill yourself

What's so annoying about George Constanza in /lit/?

RedditLetterMedia cultists are so far the worst.