Films set in CHICAGO

>Home Alone
>The Fugitive
>Nolan's Batman Trilogy
>Wayne's World
What are some other kinos set in Chicago/Illinois?
It seems as though so many films are set in California or New York... and yet the movies set in the middle of the midwest are the comfiest.

>seems as though so many films are set in california or new york
probably because the film crew gets murdered by gangs before they can finish filming

Only the good ones are set in the suburbs of Chicago. The city can beat it.

>Nolan's Batman Trilogy
Those are set in Gotham

Baby's Day Out

>mfw gotham city is chicago
Makes complete sense and Bane was 100% right

TV shows and not movies
>Early Edition

Dark Knight Rises is set in pittsburgh though isn't it? I remember heinz ward was the guy returning the kick off as the stadium collapsed.

boston legal is kino

Yeah DKR was a real mixture of cities, but Batman Begins and TDK were 100% Chicago.

blues brothers
ferris buehlers day off
guess who
almost every vince vaughn movie

Transformers Dark of the Moon

Source Code, I remember they have lots of shots of the bean

High Fidelity
Risky Business
The Color of Money
Home Alone
North by Northwest
The Untouchables

Adventures in Babysitting

source code
the untouchables
child's play

Yet another reason why TDKR was the weakest movie. Many scenes are obviously shot around Manhattan, which is jarring after the first two movies made Gotham a dead ringer for Shitcago.

not american, have limited knowledge but is the Blues Brothers set there?


Every John Hughes movie.

>ferris buehlers
There was a guy that had a box truck painted up to look like an Abe Froemans Sausage King of Chicago delivery vehicle.
Thought it was a legit company for years.