1. Your country

1. Your country
2. Are you planning to see Black Panther?
1. Burgeria
2. No

will probably only bother seeing avengers at this point at best

I hate comics movie and i hate shitty american niggers. If i want see kino about negro i choose kino like last king of scotland


I'm not racist but that movie I'd going to pull a wonder woman stunt
You can't even talk shit about her, she is a shit actor.

Russians are white niggers so I fail to see your point.

my wife and a friend have tickets already, I plan on seeing if they like it first

1. Sweden
2. Yes, of course. It's the least I could do.

>Russians are white niggers
Check you privilegy, white cis scum, and give the Alyaska back

your wife puts wifi in your cuckshed?

lucky you!

i'll give it a torrent

No, I'm not a child so I don't watch prolefeed capeshit. The fact it has niggers in it only makes me less likely to see it.

Romania. Yes, out of solidarity for my POC brothers :^)

No, but her boyfriend is going to take me to the movie. He even offered for me to pay the ticket.


greatest country on earth
nope, why would anyone



I used to be a pretty big BP fan a few years back. I got into him through Moon Knight (MK made an appearance in the Priest run). But after Hudlin and WE WUZ, I have no interest in the property anymore.

1. Spain
2. No, I don't watch dumbed-down corporate propaganda.


No, but I'll probably watch it on Netflix when it releases

I'll wait for a decent torrent

I've never watched a capeshit movie all the way through, so no.


European Union
Yes, but that's only because I pay a monthly pass, I probably wouldn't watch it if I had to pay for an actual ticket.

I don't watch MCU movies since the first avenger, and I'm 100% sure I'm not losing anything of value.

Fuck no
I wonder if they are even going to advertise this outside of US and Africa. Isn't it just race bait: the movie?

1. Germany
2. no
Capeshit is probably the most dumbed down form of entertainment ever, only children and functional retards enjoy that shit. is right.

1. UK
2. Yes

probably yes but only if i pass the pennis inspection

1. Belarus
2. No


1 Spain
2 Yes, but downloaded when the bluray comes out.

Actually i think its the only original marvel movie in a while but i see where the jews want to put the spotlight so i won't give them shekels for it. Still i think it is going to be better than all the other capeshit.

1. Italy
2. A friend of mine who runs a comic book shop usually gets heavy discounts on superhero movies and such, so I try to go with him and other acquaintances when I can, but he has to set the date. If I miss that I won't bother, I'm really burnt out on superhero movies in general so watching it alone at full price is out of the question.

>Already bought the five tickets for me, my wife, her son, and two extra if my wife wants to see it again with her friend alone.



usa (t. mulatto)

really excited for all of the social media buffoonery and memes to come from this though.


And yes, probably within days of its release.

confirmed cuck

Literally /ourguy/.


You should reunite everyone and go together. You, your wife, your wife's son, and your wife's boyfriend.


With the money you gave him

>Fuck no

No. The concept of this perfect african country is fucking retarded and i'm tired of superheroes movies (unless there is captain America in it).

2. Yes
We are very progressive.


>Do you have anyone you can call the same?

He's a Gyp. Stark is /ourguy/.


Guy and his tribe are white as fuck though. Probably Nomadic Latverians instead of Pajeets.

Wait. What the fuck is this shit? What issue is that? Are they possessed, or there are people using their clothes? Is that some kind of Marvel Injustice?

I can't believe what I just read.

It's from Marville, a quasi-parody Marvel comic about a kid who travels back to the 616 and... It's fucking awful, really. But no, that's supposed to be 616 Stark, not mind-controlled or anything. It's not that out of character, really.

>be Stark
>have the IG
>can do anything
>AYO, I won't like, fix things cause, uh, then we wouldn't uh, """advance"""
Guy's a hoarding control freak who wants to become the monopoly on tech. And that's on his """heroic""" days.

Yeah, and you all will watch it too, don't be edgy.

1. Merica
2. No
Unlike every other comic movie so far there haven't been any Black Panther comics I've liked in the past, so I wont bother unless I hear good things from someone I know

No, at least not in theatres.

No I am interested in seeing this next Avengers movie just for the culmination of everyone in a movie but thats it man I dont give a shit about superheroes anymore. I tried watching Daredevil and I thought it sucked ass, same with Jessica Jones. Superhero shit is getting next level ridiculous at this point.

This can't be real. I'm calling this a troll

I'm calling THIS a troll.

you're not

no, not a chance in hell

Yes, going with the lads


>Spain (white)
>no and can you americans stop making shit movies? Kthx

1. USA
2. Yes

If you're non-black, & pay to see this; you've failed your race.

Will probably only watch a bootleg right before IW just so I´m not clueless about the Wakanda stuff


>my wife and a friend
>black movie

1. Hungary
2. Hell no. Are they even going to premiere it here?

I'm not sure anyone besides irredeemable soycunts and liberal """""journalists""""" would see it anyway.

Seems pretty self explanatory, Wakandans became so super technologically advanced because the mean old white man didnt show up to ruin their civilization. I'm joking but it honestly probably will be something like that.

God yes

>niggers can in civilization


Maybe because I have an unlimited cinema card, so I might go watch it for the meme, but maybe not if it turns out to be shit.

1. Paшкa
2. Heт

Fuck no. The only Marvel movie I've seen since the Avengers was Guardians 2, which I kinda liked, but I hate capeshit and forced diversity

Eu isn't a country you fuckhead, I bet you are from some shit hole like Bulgaria



1. Norway.
2. No. At least not in any way that would give Marvel any money.

I thought the picrel was luke Skywalker

1. Australia
2. Yes

It's literally going to be a large budget, sincere Kangz fantasy on screen. I've waited years for this. It's going to be the most insane cinema release of the year. We will not see a funnier, more meme worthy picture this year, I can bet on it.

Looks like the most interesting marvel film trailer I've seen in a while and I stopped watching capeshit after iron man 2.
The setting looks interesting but I won't see it. Cinema tickets are way too expensive to waste on capeshit.

1. Germany
2. No, I'm sick of superhero movies

All these Slavs with internet connections that aren't credit card scammers or child pornographers.

Who knew.

>pic related

>forced diversity

How is it forced? It takes places in fucking Africa.... you expect it the movie to full of whities?

What does Finland have to do with Slavs though?

1. US
2. Yes, but only because i'm reddit.


Oh my.

And I say that as a predominantly white man who is >3% Finnish.

Seriously speaking though.

I have a whole list of movies to watch before I watch some niglet in a cat suit punch people. I'll stream it just to see Andy Serkis whoop ass.

1. Chink
2. Yea looks pretty good

Yes, because I've seen all the others and I'm not autistic enough to be triggered by this one

either most of you are lying or it's going to be the bomb of marvel history

1) USA
2) No

1. czech
2. no, the movie looks like another mediocre capeshit and the whole WE WUZ thing isn't helping at all

Fuck no. The only enjoyable mcu films are the guardians of the galaxy films as they don't take themselves seriously.

I don't watch capeshit. Don't care about identity politics.

I'm glad you like us France bro

Well you have to take into account that most people on TV will have it outright. And even more, most people who want to post in this thread are people who won't go to see the movie. Not everyone has the same incentive to post.

So, it's not a valid source to evaluate if this is going to flop but it will