Bad guy is named Sauron

>bad guy is named Sauron
>his right hand man is named Sauronman

Other urls found in this thread:

>bad guy likes to murder
>rules a country called Mordor
Tolkien was a fucking hack

Christopher Lee was the only cast member to know Tolkien irl - in fact Tolkien offered Lee the role of Gandalf should his books ever be made into a movie. Not sure what happened though....

too much iron in tolkien's blood

>bad guy kills people with a laser knife
>named Sheev

>Helms Deep
>Minas Morgul
>Minas Terith
>what do we call the big volcano?
>Mt. Doom!

>literal bad guy spends thousands of years building an army and kingdom
>literally forgets to put some guards at the entrance to the mountain that can literally kill his whole army one hit

literally 8th grade writing

>Named Darth Tyranus
>Isn't a dinosaur

Sauron: The Abhorred
Saruman: Man of skill

Bravo tolkien

It's real name is Orodruin tho.

nowhere in the books is it referred to as Mt. Doom

>cast Christopher Lee
>don't give him a singing number
What where they thinking?

>what do we call the big volcano?

>what do we call the big volcano?
Amon Amarth

Don’t be a retard

why didn't they use that name more often?

>literally half size

It's a reference to Hitler/Himler

because it's too dificult for western audiences to pronounce


Because plebeians can't into Sindarin.

Because they don't speak Sindarin. 'Mount Doom' is a literal translation of Amon Amarth.

Look this is Tolkien we're talking about here. He developed something like twenty languages. Everyone has at least three names each. Sauron's original name was Mairon, he called himself Tar-Mairon. Saruman's name was Curumo, he took the name Curunír, then everyone started calling him Saruman. Mount Doom is properly named Orodruin or Amon Amarth.

Only a master of evil Darth.

Why did he call Vader by his title?

Mocking him with politeness?

no mana shield for when some social retard stabs you in the back

>Pajeet bilbo shitting on his doorstep

Because in the original trilogy 'Darth' wasn't a sith title, in fact the sith as we know them didn't exist in canon!

>le hobbit

They found Lee worked better as Saruman.

Christopher Lee would also have sessions with the other actors before scenes and explain to them "The story so far" so that they'd have a context for their scene.

He also schooled Jackson about what someone who gets stabbed sounds like because he had firsthand experience.

>Jackson was blocking a scene in which Wormtongue (Brad Dourif) stabs Saruman (Lee) in the back. Jackson goes into a long explanation about how he wants Lee to react and Lee says, "Have you any idea what kind of noise happens when somebody’s stabbed in the back? Because I do.”

>Maiar of Aulë becomes baddie
>Second Maiar of Aulë becomes baddie

I think I'm seeing a patern here.

Yeah, I thought that was really stupid.

are you forgetting when Aragorn brought his army out to give Frodo a chance?

was the name saurman ever related to sauron or was that just purely coincidence?

fucking BASED


Sauron - From Saura ('putrid'); literally he is the "Putrid One"
Saruman - From Saru ('skill'); Literally he is the "Man of Skill".

It's worth noting that in Tolkien's own reading of LoTR, the names are actually pronounced quite dissimilarly, more like "sow-ore-onnn" and "saaar-oo-munn"

"Sauron" is a Quenya name; in Sindarin he is called "Gorthaur".

"Saruman" is a Northern Mannish name (actually Old English), presented as a translation of Elvish "Curunír", as the Istari essay in Unfinished Tales confirms.

I don't understand, did he mean what noise does the person stabbed make or the knife entering the back or something? Could you clear this up for me user-kun?

He wanted to know how a sneed sounds when you feed him. Is that what you wanted? A "me retarded" quip-post? Go kill yourself.

>One does not simply walk into Mordor
>Sam and Frodo literally walk into Mordor

>is a senator
>"I am the senate"


I mean I don't know how Lee schooled Jackson on this issue. I asked you nicely to clear this up and you come back with insults, that's not very nice of you user.

Why the fuck did it take so long to walk there if Laketown was literally right there? Tolkien was a hack

>character named Tony soprano
>doesn’t even sing

Has anyone else put this much effort into their worldbuilding? Only one that even comes close are the malazan empire books

the sound the man makes. It's not ARRGG, its a soft gasp because your breath is leaving your body. Lee was a WWII vet in clandestine ops.

Jackson wanted Lee to give a fucking dramatic scream or something when he gets stabbed but Lee was like
>nigger do you have any idea what it actually sounds like? Because it sure as hell isn't that
because he actually knows what it sounds like.

The human reaction to the knife

was he autistic?


thank you for clearing this up

uh Naruto. You see this Kakashi's signature move everyone knows as Raikiri, literally lighting blade because of a legend that he once cut lighting with that move. But it's true name is Chidori, literally 'thousand birds' because it makes a a constant chirping noise.


>It's worth noting that in Tolkien's own reading of LoTR, the names are actually pronounced quite dissimilarly, more like "sow-ore-onnn" and "saaar-oo-munn"

This is how I always thought they were pronounced, I didn't realise anyone thought otherwise.

not simply.

Yeah but that’s after all the orcs left to go fight aragorn and they came in through the secret entrance. Boromir was talking about going through the black gate and fighting all the orcs inside

This is the whole point though. The hobbits overcome everything the humans and elfs consider too difficult and out of reach.

Is everyone criticizing LOTR itt like 10? You can tell that we're on Sup Forums and not on /lit/.

>get fucked up by Shelob
>simply walk into

>le hobbit
Fucking reddit

>Lee was a WWII vet in clandestine ops.

Hate to be the one to say this but Lee's war record has been somewhat embellished over the years. He was an RAF liason to SAS but never a member himself. (Which isn't to say he couldn't have possibly heard that sound at some point; it's a good story and I'd like to believe it's true.)

TIL When Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee auditioned for the role of Saruman in "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" he only had $11 dollars to his name. When the cast got their paychecks, the first thing that Sir Ian Murray McKellen bought was a car. Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee bought a hot dinner.

This pussy eater did all the singing

Also Lee was getting a bit too old to do the more physical stuff that Gandalf had to do like riding horses and what not

>bad guy is named Hitler
>his right hand man is named Himmler

>bad guy


More like the hero and his sidekick.
just kidding CIA

This Himmler fella looks like a swell guy

>bad guy
pick 1

>bad guy is named trump
>used to be called drumpf

it honestly makes sense

just imagine feeling a knife in your back unexpectedly out of nowhere, are you gonna go "AHHHHHHHHHH NOOOO WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" or just be shocked and confused and mortified at what is happening

On the 5% chance you're not trolling, his name is Denethor, and he's the Steward to the throne

>Named Darth Tyranus
>Isn't a giant anus inside a tire

Were the stewards of gondor Bulgarian?

Sauron thought Aragorn had the ring. So he sent every soldier he had left to go get it.

He never thought anyone would resist the ring and destroy it after possessing it. He was right, Frodo was never going to destroy the ring. By chance it was destroyed.

>le evil propaganda man is named Wormtongue

wOW thaks for the sublety tolkien

let's not kid ourselves, it's mainly native english speakers

le hobbit looks like it's about a mexican street shitter trying to cross the border wall so he recruits the help of a wisened old tour guide to show him the secret way.

kek, his shirt even looks like a soccer jersey

there's a video of this in one of the behind the scenes segments

>book about the lord of some rings
>it's called lord of the rings

>if the ring falls in his grasp he shall truly become The Lord of the Rings

>creates whole language for a race complete with it's own unique alphabet

Mordor is a combination of "Mor" (dark) and "dor" (land). Other examples of places/things with "Mor" are Moria (Dark Pit), Morgul (Dark Sorcery), Moriquendi (Dark Elves), Morannon (Black Gate), Morgoth (Dark Enemy). Other examples of "dor" are Eriador, Gondor, Doriath etc.

>Be named Denethor
>Throne still calls you Stuart

You suck at spelling stuff phonetically. It's Sauer-On and Saw-Rue-Mon.

>meet Ron
>start speaking spanish to him

I thought it was Mt. Dew for the longest time.

>is a senator
>commits treason
>senator is an anagram of treason


>By chance it was destroyed.
gods were behind it, read the silmarillion

Is The Silmarillion good or is it just Wookiepedia except slightly less autistic?

the Silmarillion can be a bit overwhelming but it's good

Tolkien did nothing wrong



It's kind of like reading the bible.


>You shall be the fellowship of the two towers