WHY is this allowed?

WHY is this allowed?

>There are actually people who aspire to do this shit
Just save up some money and make your own fucking film

based umbrella poster

Because it's easier to have some PA peon hold an umbrella than the make up artist re-apply the make up.

It's a job, not even that demaning.
I literally just got home after a morning plowing fields and this was the first thread on the first page.
I fucking hate you guys so fuking much

th...th...th...thanks user

That is because they did not allocate entertainment fee that Gomettze needs on the book YO !!! They both look they were out of there (*¯艸¯)

Pay is good

She can't have her makeup ruined in the rain, dumbshit.

Would any of you guys actually have someone hold a fucking umbrella for you? That shit would get fucking annoying, tell’em to fuck off

Nobody aspires to hold an umbrella for some spoiled whore bitch who is more of a product than a human being (Especially true for Disney stars). It's just dumb bimbos coming from backwoods states thinking they're gonna make it big in Hollywood. End up doing porn or working in "movie industry" walking around studio with donuts.

Be nice to the chick in OP, she seems like a qt nerdgirl, leave her alone

this umbrella shot was for a james franco movie so I wonder if anyone got their pussy licked without their permission. Someone make sure Bobby Duvall didnt get molestered

i work in film, the person holding up the umbrellas job is literally a production assistant, the lowest of the jobs on a film set. its usually like 15 dollars an hour for 15 hours a day. its usually filled by retards and degenerates but sometimes its just losers that think theyre big break is just around the corner so they work on a movie set. im just there for a paycheque so i can eat, fill my car with gas and go home and make techno music. its quite comical watching people take it so seriously

Selena Gomez will be the first person to play a college student at 35.

u r welcome

Selena Sunday????

So are these people holding the umbrellas those who got Tv/Film production BA's?

What’s the problem? That’s hot as fuck.

I want my own beanie wearing hipster film student slave girl.

Or better yet... I wouldn’t mind servicing a young spoiled actress.

gotta keep makeup consistant


you can be in college at 35 you dumb fuck, in fact many people go back to college after they're older.
unless you mean European college which is like High school on America.

why is she keeping the babby so close to the axe?

People still care about this talentless whore?

Good. Leave forever.

>What was your major?
Uhh... holding an umbrella...

She’s going to chop a toe off with that foot placement.

>So lacking in self-consciousness that you'd actually be ok with someone carrying your umbrella for you.

Even HM The Queen doesn't have someone carrying around her brolly for her.

>It's a job, not even that demeaning (you spelled this word wrong btw, no wonder you work in a field).

Jobs should be demeaning?

>"I literally just got home after a morning plowing fields and this was the first thread on the first page."

And? You make shitty life choices, you could make money streaming video games online in this day & age yet you choose to do work that is centuries old.

If you have someone to blame its yourself.

You posted this comment using future technology the likes of which goes beyond the tech that got us to the moon... and yet you plow fields.

that's exactly how you ram that fucking axe in your own god damn foot. What a stupid bitch.

god bless

except she's going to chop her leg open in the next shot

long live the queen!

it's a preffrence thing.

i don't like ppl carrying the umbrella for me cuz it feels hard to pace myself.

maybe in htese photos they were trying to shoot a scene.