JUST Panther

>That CGI regression

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>Thinking a majority of anyone who is seeing this watched a single trailer
Blacks heard "Black Super hero from Africa" and bought tickets regardless. Also I heard Stan Lee makes his cameo getting Cucked while he films from a closet.

why do blacks just automatically think they have connections to africa?

Because they do. Just like whites have one to Europe.

they automatically assume that anything any black did, is also automatically theres.
So basically lets say some blacks were Kangz, they automatically assume they are Kangz as well.
Some black invented something someday? Its there, whities cant use it, etc etc.

You have just described nationalism.

>just like whites have one to Europe

Just like how Americans can take credits of anything white europeans did or vice versa

good thing im not nationalist and just race idealist, and i perfectly understand that niggers are untermench

Without nationalism we would all be slaves. Nationalism sets you free from the large shitty empire.

Just because your great granddad once visited Paris doesn't mean he's white.

American blacks arnt pure African. They have no connection to Africa. The same as how American whites are not pure European and have no connection to Europe.

No American calls Europe the 'motherland'. We left for a reason.

Am I the only one bothered that they can alter an entire movie on the fly now?

I am too

>we left
you aren't the same kind of human as they were. don't include yourself in their feats it's embarrassing. and also the europeans accomplishment far more in terms of culture than the 'americans' ever did, categorically not even subjectively.

>blacks invented something
the only things they invented were peanut butter, huts made out of poop and gangsta rap.

um, sweetie if it wasn't for us you would all be speaking German. Also how many european flags do you have on the moon again?


you wouldn't be on the moon if it wasn't for the german tech

they didnt invent it Mayans and other American civilizations used 1000 years ago.

i mean peanut butter (god damn i used to dislike it, but i just made some peanut butter sandwich fucking tasty as fuck)

>if it wasn't for us
пpивeт бpaт

>the people from wukanda fist bumping and acting ghetto

aren't they supposed to be advanced shit or did they stuff that garbage and hiphop in to appeal to blacks

What if he fathered a bunch of children with all the French sluts

Yuropoor land is a failed backwater these days. A province in our global empire.

Note how this Yuropoor is so cowardly he's trying to act like he is not one. Sad!

>what is the lend lease act

Commushits would have gotten no wear without western supplies. Read a book instead of tankie propaganda.


>m-muh supplies


Same reason racists automatically tell blacks to go back to Africa.

You're right, they don't matter. Just throw more comrades into the meatgrinder.

>Read a book
Lend-lease amounted to around $11B. Total war effort by USSR was about $130-140B. It's something that helped the Soviets win faster and avoid some deaths, but certainly wasn't even a major factor, let alone a crucial one, my pseud friend.

Different frames

cry moar

That's exactly what far right racists do. They achieve jack shit then try to elevate themselves on other people's achievements because they're the same race as them. It's sad.

To be fair zerging does eventually works.

Remember when Marvel had a black superhero movie and no made a big deal about but just enjoyed a fun movie ?

>bragging about stopping Germany

Nationalism doesn't say shit about other nations getting strong too
Hell, I would argue healthy competition benefits everybody in the long run

I 'member

blacks are literally biggest racist of them all

>post a shitty compressed image
>duhurrrrr CGI regression

>even movies get downgraded now
Fucking hell this timeline is really running out of money.

because they WUZ KANGZ!

>t. Irish-German "white" guy

How fucking naive and young do you have to be to think this is a recent thing.

We actually don't know exactly how much lend lease amounted to as the Soviets would rather not admit, and neither would the US government once it became clear that yesterdays allies were tomorrows enemies
Most we have are estimates decades after based on information that were buried and destroyed during the cold war

But Black Panther is the richest, smartest of the super heros. That's why it's a big deal. Plus he's royalty, all while being black. Also in all these marvel movies all the leads have been white. Thats why it's a big deal.

This video really captures what I mean.


mind you, people learn in school that nationalism caused ww1 and ww2 even though if you look at the maps you clearly see they were all empires

The first was made before the 2nd. They don't release them in order, they're finished well in advance. Look at any other movie and you can find the same shit.

Because they have a direct genetic connection to Africa.

Is this bait?



Khruschev recalls that Stalin himself would say that without Western aid they would not have won the war.

Fucking Georgy Zhukov even says admits it, but hey I guess you know more than the Chief of General Staff of the Red Army

White civilization made and invented every single useful thing. negro-shitskins have completed exactly 0 achievements.

>The same as how American whites are not pure European and have no connection to Europe.
>moving to another land invalidates thousands of years of genetics

I guess whenever a european travels to thailand for vacations they're now a stinky thai, good to know.

Is there any more pointless graphics option in a game than blur? Who would actually have it on?


It's there to mask the frame-rate drops when you turn around fast and make the terrain load and assfuck your performance. Fuck consoles.