Which is the best Simpsons side character and why is it Seymour?

Which is the best Simpsons side character and why is it Seymour?

Armen Tamzarian

Sideshow Bob you nigger

Because he is the only character with a backstory that is more interesting than his present situation.

No one else in Springfield has dedicated themselves to a pursuit as noble as guiding children toward a successful future.

Just because a shit episode involving Seymour was kinda the start of shitty Simpsons doesn't mean the 6 or whatever seasons of Skinner gold is now worthless


also Moe and Smithers

It wasn't shit though

Nam flashback Skinner was best.

The majority of post season 6 maybe 7 is shit



Go away

Sneed is the only funny thing to come out of The Simpsons ever. Die

Neck yourself you fucking redditor.


Oh great another Simpsons thread derailed by Sneed

That has got to be Moe or Mr.Burns
>You coast through life fighting the urge not to punch people in the face
>And for WHAAAT!?

>Smithers get the amnesia ray
>You mean the revolver sir?
>Myes thats the one.

They ruined him

Early Mr. Burns was glorious.

>Mr. Burns, I think he's dead.
>Oh, dear. Send a ham to his widow.
>Mmm... ham.
>No, wait - he's alive!
>Oh, good. Cancel the ham!

Abe Simpson and his white bearded friend.

Exactly. Burns is genious.
>The Japanese?
>Those sandal wearing goldfish tenders??