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QOTD: what are your thoughts on Kevin Brownlow

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>what are your thoughts on Kevin Brownlow
I think he sucked my dick in a pub toilet in 1987


>Kevin Brownlow
who is he and why have I never heard of him before?

You crave entertainment

Sometimes yes. I'm also not fond of the british.

good pickups y/n?


haha I love 69, it's the sex number. You should check out the weed number, 420, if you haven't heard of it, it's equally good.

If you're really looking to go wild you should type 58008 into a calculator then flip that mother upside down

good post

thank you

Whats your fav silent french movies?

You don't really think you'll win, do you?

Louis Feuillade's Les Vampires (1915)

Passion of Joan of Arc
L’Hirondelle et la Mésange

I think are all I’ve seen (features at least) but they all are recommended


The Miss U.S.A. pageant will be amazing tonight. To be politically incorrect, the girls (women) are REALLY BEAUTIFUL. NBC at 8 PM.

Lovely film.

more like GAY time lol


Better than anything Griffith made


Vegan alert:
-Mary strangles a plant.
-Mary says she's going to feed a cat (assumedly some non-vegan) milk.



I wonder if this person will ever respond

why what?

wtf I love Pete the Cat now

I'm so cool

Aziz Ansari Accused of Sexual Assault


Which one of you stunted amoebas is this?



Why did you pick those titles? What makes them good?

Maybe everybody else wants to enjoy the peace and quiet. This is one of the most important websites in North America and who are you? WHO ARE YOU? You miserable presumptious no talent. You’re no artist. An artist respects the silence that serves as the foundation of creativity. You obviously don’t have the talent. You don’t have enough respect for yourself or other people, or know what it means to respect yourself. In movies or any form of creativity.


>it is scope

They are the only 3 that I have seen
They are each good for different reasons

u kno most peepol thing luigi feulilade in vented cinema bot actully it was dvv griff
just a randmon fac! :p

What are the reasons?



i want have kids with Emily Jean "Emma" Stone and i want to watch movies with her. I would show her Griffith masterpieces like Birth of the Nation and she would be really impressed by my great taste in cinema.

What did Griffith do that Louis Feuillade didn't do better

Napoleon is a good historical epic with some unusual editing, and a really powerful and stunning triptych scene that I think is more impactful than pretty much anything else I have ever watched
Passion of Joan of arc has lots good faces with nice lighting
L'hirondelle has lots of nice comfy boat scenes.

Why are they comfortable?

Here's a hint: he craves _____________



Maybe this appeals to someone not in heels.

>historical epic
You mean a generic biopic
>unusual editing
There's no unusual editing in Napoleon.
>a really powerful and stunnning triptych scene that I think is more impactful than pretty much anything else I have ever watched
He stitched 3 screens together. Not substantial, at best probably a 100 extras.
>Passion of Joan of arc has lots good faces with nice lighting
You mean harsh lighting

Since the earliest panoramas there has always been a synergy between film and the steady walking pace movement of the barge – perhaps too the boundaries of the celluloid strip and the banks of the canal share an aesthetic. The strange parallel universe of life on the water provides the perfect setting for tense drama and in the non-fiction film it is the perfect way to see the world (as it was) go by.


Good boy, now you're at least thinking about it

L'hirondelle isn't nonfiction

Can anyone theoretically posit why Griffith's "epics" bore but Gance's excite. It's a missing link researchers, historians, and general academics have been searching for. How is Griffith editing fast, overflooding the frame with unprecedented, unsurpased spectacle but still maintaining a lack of intensity

Make this a thread brucie poo

didn’t say that it was, brainlet

And ask why Griffith and Flaherty are denigrated but Gance and Feuillade are idolized

Get a room, loverboys.

>and in the non-fiction film it is the perfect way to see the world (as it was) go by.

>provides the perfect setting for tense drama and

It calms you and it invests you.

What do Griffith and Flaherty do that rejects investment? What happened in the interim t make them so acclaimed in their time but denigrated in post-mortem

Hey /lbx/

I stream movies over at bretty good dot com where we hang out watch movies and chat. The site has been around for years and a popular place for live Sup Forums stream. I tend to stream more arthouse, foreign and overlooked films (relative to your generic Sup Forums poster taste).

I'd like to recruit more people with refined taste so I thought /lbx/ would be perfect. This month is Japanuary so I'm trying to do at least 1 japanese kino a day if you're interested. Think I'll do Branded to Kill here in a little bit.
Image is some of my recent movies streamed.

If you drop by, the site might be on autostream till about 5pm eastern when more people get online.

My name is Kayo by the way, come say hi!

What makes Flaherty and Griffith serious artists, but Feuillade and Gance the opposite. Why has appraisal flip-flopped from the serious to the infantile

We also have a steam group so you can get a notification when we announce the start of a movie :^)


more like bretty BAD

What about a discord?

Although Abel Gance (1889–1981) is now recognized as a major figure of early cinema, he often struggled to find acceptance of his work in established canons of taste. As Jean Epstein wrote in 1927, Gance’s films are “magnificently imperfect,” evidencing an “turbulent, unstable, precipitous, excessive” concoction of styles and ideas that is not easily understood or embraced (see Abel Gance. Afterimage 10 (1981): 28). The label frequently attached to him—“the Victor Hugo of cinema”—continues to link him to 19th-century romanticism rather than 20th-century modernity.

Why is Gance considered more advanced than Griffith if evidence points to the contrary?

megaautist: what do you think of Kevin Brownlow

Emily Jean Epstein

pete the cat: what do you think of Kevin Brownlow

where's robertopancakes

All my questions are more important, but they won't get answers because it requires humility on part of the opposition's advocates. The ignorant are often the most brazen beyond aptitude.

where's rooney

I don’t consider Gance to be more advanced
Why are you asking me that

Now you're trying to weasle out of answering the questions because you're either incapable and/or afraid to admit your faults

'plausibility'... oh, dear...

Jerry van KIKE


By swinging the camera on a rope, what does one achieve emotionally, psychologically, and intellectually?

You achieved physicality, cameraman as stuntman, spectacle

hello friends

seen any good films lately?

Mr. Original Doggy gives Blackhat a 4 1/2 star rating.



Liquid sky is really out there
shame the poster makes it look like anime


Confirmed with the first post


early mann =/= later mann

early originalname =/= later originalname

People don't change. You were born a failure and you will live and die a failure



You don't really think you'll win, do you?

Shut up, slave.

normal people: Seeing these black people dance is quite amusing.

griffith autist: I WANT TO FUCK THAT NIGGER BABY!!

the only slave here is you, tardboy

The fat guy killing himself with his rifle as a form of parallel autoerotic asphyxiation is darkly humorous, but it's so obvious and telegraphed by the initial speeches that you really ponder whether it's a compelling enough paradoxical payoff to begin with. It doesn't allow for a separate interpretation between the prior events. It's a set trajectory and a direct telling. Little in form of complexity compared to the intra-contradictory montage construction Griffith and Eisenstein achieved. All elements are divisisiby created to be dialectically branched. Here, Kubrick is telling you this is the one path with his one-point perspective, no alterations, this is the single finite direction. It's an oversimplification of Griffith and Eisenstein's montage and an example of reality shaped by insularity of vision. By compressing reality, he has simplified his dialectics. Sex and violence the only ones given attention.

>Kubrick is telling you this is the one path with his one-point perspective, no alterations, this is the single finite direction
What about closeups?

pls give recs

Science Crazed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!