Fucking BASED

fucking BASED

It's so great when hashtags start shady charities that aren't transparent at all.

marky mark & michelle williams are both represented by WME IMG

what went wrong?


That is quite based

From witch hunt to protection racket

Based? More like a beta move. WTF is the Timesup movement to begin wit? what are they doing with that money? Probably going into the pockets of feminists cunts to make more propaganda.

marky mark caved like a cuck

holes detected

t. straight white male


What the fuck is that money for?

he handed over the money he earned to feminists because michelle williams decided to work for free and the media had a hissy fit about it

for gender equality. #TimesUp

I guess now there won't be any rape allegations against Marky Mark.

It gonna halp cloze up da wage gap honey

Why doesn't he donate it to the elderly vietnamese man he blinded?

It was just banter

>All the other actors waved their fee, saving the (((studio))) money, so they have more money to put back in to harassing women
>Based Mark sees through the charade and not only takes (((their))) money, but gives it to charity in a public


>but gives it to (((charity)))

lol nobody in Boston even knows what banter is

I’m as far right as they come and I don’t believe in any of those feminist myths but it boggles my mind that Michelle Williams was paid just $1000. Can someone explain this?


Damage control PR

>charity set up to fund legal teams for the women
>no charges have even been pressed on anyone, not even Weinstein

Really gets the noggin joggin'

I would kill for 1% of what mark wahlberg made

Net worth and personal agenda.
Mark didnt care if Spacy is in it, Michelle did.
Mark has a higher networth and still a high pitch carrier. Williams is a 1/10 net worth and is somewhere between a C- and D-list.

And the change in the film doesnt erase Spacey, it only would hurt the movie. So i guess it was in Michelles high interest that this movie doesnt flop, while Mark doesnt care.