Is this kino, Sup Forums?

Is this kino, Sup Forums?

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100000000% yes

Absolutely. The ending is perfect

There should be a pepe/wojak edit of that picture.

Some fresh air set in the EU and s

yes it's unabashedly kino

anti-american libtard trash

Black comedy kino. Only plebs will disagree. As an aside, this is the movie that made me realize I love Colon Farrell.

Pretentious as fuck.

its garbage, just watch three billboards

do this

do it

do it

do iiiittttt

dew it

it was honestly amazing and i loved fiennes

Leave my cunt kids out of this!!!!

best script ever written by westerners

yes, then it was garbage on the second watch

Kys you dickturd



Because he hits a Canadian or because he berates a dwarf? Gave helpful advice to the American tourist as far as I can remember.

> FAT americans get called FAT in a movie
> i-it's a-anti ab-berican *sobs*



>those fat Americans who died going up the stairs despite Farrel's warning


Almost perfect from beginning to end, literally the only part I didn't like was at the end when they stopped shooting each other just to relocate, it was a bit too silly compared to the rest of the movie

the bit with the fat americans makes up for it

They were a bunch of fookin elephants

> what do you mean it's not his FING

I swear that shot didn't even happen in the movie. It is kino though.

Speaking of Brendan Gleeson, is Mr. Mercedes worth a watch?

>it's an inanimate fucking object

I've never seen anyone get BTFO so hard

Yes but not as BC kino as pic related.

Don't you need an Irish background to even understand half the jokes in there?

the canadian got btfo pretty good

>Just trying to leave this potato nigger a tip
>Keeps running away
>Give up and look on trip advisor for Bruge McDonald's

great but not kino

Probably my favourite film

It's alright but not quite the same level

What's with Martin Mcdonagh and Dwarves?


Its fucking try hard trash. Worst film I've ever been forced to watch by a soyboy friend of mine.



Did Ray die in the end?


>by westerners
*tips coolie hat*

why would you want to shoot a man who is about to shoot himself?

One of the funniest.

Watch the movie, fag.

lmao no fucking way

no you fanny


Both Mcdonagh's films are Kino.

>get a heart attack first

if any of you like in bruges or the guard have a look at another one of his comedy films six shooter
he got an oscar for it and no one has heard of it but and it's very good

Yes, it's great. Huge sleeper.

anyone else see this?

yes, it's pretty good. Features a prime performance from CIA.

Yes, it's very good. Although for some reason it was touted as black comedy, while it's really a pretty hard drama with a few laughs here and there.

Yes and also did my bachelor's thesis on it ayyyy

3 billboards is as good

This is legitimately in the all time top 10 films, even higher than In Bruges

I'd post some webms of his hilarious performance in the movie but its on my dead laptop.

Good job.

If you want him to.

But seriously though, I think it would make more sense thematically and narratively if he did

It doesn't matter, the point was he now wanted to live

isn't that what the vietnamese used to say?

He was already dead; at the end he just left purgatory.

In Bruges is like everything that makes Tarantino good minus everything terrible about him.


I retract that comment about your cunt fucking kids.


pick one


Well holy God.

>Read entire thread
>still don't know the name of the movie

In Brussels

It's been mentioned several times, dumb dumb.

well it's better than that 3 billboards horseshit

Yes but all out of context, I count tell if that was the name or not
Also you're a nigger, Harry

I may be a nigger but you, sir, are no gentleman.

Loved it. Absolute kino.

3 billboards is great retard

How so?
Explain your shitty opinion fatty

Yes, one of the best films ever made.

This. It was just for the trailer.


Hard dramas don't sell well.

They touted Darjeeling Limited as a zany family comedy and fucking ruined a date I went on when it turnes out to be my first exposure to le quirky Wes Anderson who's films I now enjoy


Its the perfect pleb filter

You's rra buncha feckin' elephants.


Must have been tricky for the casting team. Where did they find some overweight Americans for that scene?

Now, don't bother!

I know plenty of normies with shit taste that likes this film

They used CGI on a Canadian.

>pleb filter
A film that if hated proves you are a pleb
A film that if loved proves you are a pleb

They weren't even Americans, the guy has a fucking British accent
The director thought he could slap a Yankees cap on a fat Englishman and that we'd all fall for it

Bruges isn't that bad

Brit here. That's not a British accent.

Great tune