1,069 days until Avatar 2

>1,069 days until Avatar 2


Based based poster

Fucking based

>user so stupid, knows nothing like child
>but also so brave

you won't keep this up, you can't

>he's actually keeping it up

Nobody cares IDIOT

Based fake avatar poster.

Please never stop


>implying this isn't some Stand Alone Complex and multiple people are posting, pretending to be the original OP


>Stage One: Denial
How does it feel knowing he's keeping it up?

Jim’s gonna do it again. He’s gonna raise the goddamn bar.

You know how people felt “a little depressed” and “let down” after leaving Pandora and returning to real life last time? Well this time, mark this down, people will shoot themselves in their fucking heads after seeing Jim’s vision in Avatar 2. Why live after glimpsing something so real? So alive? So utopian?

Jim comes around every decade or so, and people always forget just how magical he is. He’s like a modern shaman. He conjured visions out of thin air. Moves floating mountains like a God. And he seamlessly marshals high technology in the service of human stories.

You motherfuckers have NO FUCKING IDEA how high the goddamn bar’s gonna be after Avatar 2. This may be the final word on film as a medium. They may just shut it down and decide to do something else.

Bend over, spread those ass cheeks, because daddy Jim’s about to fuck your very soul with no lube.

The filename is wrong, the actual poster always has a way longer more encrypted filename.
>How does it feel knowing you cant recognise true based avatar poster.

Based based based poster
>implying the legacy of ABATAP will ever die

It doesn't matter who makes the post.

What matters is that Jim will save us


a bloo-bloo

>tfw 1,068 more based posts about Avatar 2

>1070 posts until Avatar 3 countdown threads


Open your fucking mouth. Get those fucking tonsils ready. Get ready to deepthroat Daddy Jim right fucking now.

Daddy’s got a swollen set of balls. They’re full of a lil something called ABATAP 2, and they need draining. You have no goddamn clue what’s about to be shot down your throat, you little pleb faggots.

You thought mo-cap suits and performance capture were innovative? You have no fucking IDEA what’s coming down the pike. This will not be a film. This will be an experience. This will be an entire human life, all the joy and misery and love and hate, compressed into 2.5 hours.

Open up, faggots. That’s right. Daddy Jim’s still the biggest swingin’ dick in Tinseltown, and he’s gonna entertain you right up your fucking assholes. He’s gonna pump blue Na’vi cum into your guts and you’re gonna fucking LIKE IT.



protip: less than 5% of people on Sup Forums right now was here during the avatar hype

fewer than 0.5% during LOST days.


Any good waifus in Avatar 2?



Blue Zoe best Zoe!

Neytiri obviously, Kate Winslet is also in it and plays a na'vi

Neytiri... after having received human military equipment?

Bitch looks like snoke


We can't keep this up longer... I'm sorry bros...

I want to kiss Neytiris plump lips!

>he is keeping it up

>wasting trips in an anvatarcountdown thread
Some things are too blasphemous to forgive, fake me.

>days until Avatar 2

fuck you

he already missed some days he's a fraud not based at all

***OFFICIAL List of People who are BASED***

Based James "Jim" Cameron (of course)


Avatar poster is my hero!

>based avatar countdown thread
Very not based of you


Based Avatar poster.

I meant he wasted it on a lie. Not wasted because it's in an avatarcoundown thread.

alright I know this is hard since there are so many good onces but what's your favorite Neytiri quote?
Mine has to be
>"I am with you now, Jake. We are mated for life."
just so amazingly caring and sensual, just like Neytiri!


Formerly 1,070 days until Avatar 2

Fuck you, you cuckshit multiposter faggot cunt salami fuckwit shitstain jerkoff cockspotting qweef-sniffing shitlicker cumrag splooge munching shitdick fuckstick asswipe poof wanker. Just kys.
