So some user just pointed this out in another thread

So some user just pointed this out in another thread


Other urls found in this thread: glass

Explain this magic

I don't get it, please explain

brand new stupid meme

>he doesn't drink coca cola or beers

in the future only replicants can't make curved glass

hopefully someone got fired for this

are you people retarded????

It's an actual set you dumb faggot, even the buildings behind are miniatures.
Have you ever heard of plexiglass?

>curved glass
>old school air conditionning and monitors
What kind of timeline is that !?

Holy shit OP thanks now I’ve lost all immersion

Curved glass? That’s fantasy shit

Name one (1) thing wrong with curved windows.


What the fuck is wrong here? what are you talking about?


Some people on Sup Forums genuinely think glass can only be made straight

Close the thread, close the meme, it's over



It's a style I personally love

>Cassette Futurism

The 80s vision of the computer, where all the technology is basically the same as they had in the 80s, cassettes, tape databanks, monochrome monitors (green text black background)

The video game Alien Isolation does it so well.

And it's nice to see here Villeneuve, kept that style from the original Blade Runner, and didn't go hyper reality, cgi futrisitic star trek wall screens / hard light etc

>I share a board with these people

>Idiots have never been inside a corner office

I forget that this place is filled with the dregs of society who have never experienced things beyond shitty wagecuck walmart living with your shit lives in basements

fuck i hate this place


I worked as a glazer for a year and literally installed curved class windows.

I have no idea how the original OP got this idea in his head.

It's one of those posts you see on Sup Forums that's so bizarrely wrong that you want to know if OP has genuinely gone through his life under that assumption, and how he originally reached it.

Stand back OP.

I am going to blow your fucking MIND glass

Reminds me of that crossguard thread.


I was immensely impressed that Villeneuve achieved this.

About ten minutes in I was realizing that he had nailed the resequel concept perfectly.

Unlike Prometheus etc where the films simply can't be watched as part of a continuing series, Villeneuve gave the film a beautiful modern/contemporary look, while maintaining the authenticity of the technology and production design of the original, setting the movie in the future of the original film, not our contemporary times (beyond hair and clothing designs, which makes perfect sense) or IRL future predictions.

Alien Isolation was mimicking the look of the original, which was great and all, but what Villeneuve did was far more impressive - and it's something that people like Ridley Scott utterly fucked up in their new films.

did they state it's glass in the movie

why dont you go back to where you came from faggot

But I'm in Australia?

Guess they've never watched tanked or hockey

Whole lotta reddit in this thread

It really is great.

Watching Promethius and the technology disparity is honestly painful.

I haven't bothered watching whatever the next one was


>corner office
>implying they have curved glass

making glass is like magic tbqh

I swear this thread better be bait.

I'm more shocked at the thickness of that window frame, like that's the kind of thick glass they used on air planes or large aquariums.

Dennis Gassner and Syd Mead are living legends

Gotta be safe from scum replicants trying to snipe you in your office

fuck this game really does look spectacular


Those transparent walls looks like plastic and not glass.

On the off chance you're serious, how infinitely more pathetic are you, with all your supposed success, for being here.

Atleast we dregs have the excuse of being dregs.

The future envisioned by people in the 80s.