/rlg/-Reylo™ General

Reanimation Edition

Will we have any official Reylo content in 2018?
>New Forces of Destiny episode featuring Reylo, voiced by Daisy and Adam (TBA)
>TLJ Blu ray with ~20 minutes of deleted scenes (March 27th?)
>TLJ Novelization (March)
>More Reylo merchandising

Adam interviews Daisy (for real, not a fanfic): vmagazine.com/article/driving-miss-daisy/

Short videos:

Long videos:

Rian about Reylo : instagram.com/p/Bd1voS8nPBy/
Daisy resources: Thread archive: archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/subject/reylo/
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first for miss me yet Sup Forums

TRUE endgame right here lads

Is this the updated version ? kek

It's good to be alive, lads


Daily Reminder dont use pics with specific tumblr ads for the start post

/based/ chinks TLJ > TFA

>glowing piss stick

Can I ask what happened? I went to sleep and found it deleted.

Reylo Anime WHEN

start pic with too much tumblr (ads)

is this the reddit general?

That really is quite clever.


is this one piece aka we need one full arc to run 50 meters


Fucking idiots.

Classic NA hours

Suppose you were in the position of JJ or Rian and all three ST movies were still in front of you, how much of the KOTOR story would you incorporate into 789 in general and reylo in particular?

Would you go full retard and imply that Rey and Ben were indeed reincarnation of Revan and Bastila?

I'm genuinely asking
Do you guys seriously like TLJ or just memeing?

Is tumblr colony no.#2 having a good day?

>disney shitters admit to the ST copying everything from previous SW media
Imagine my shock

you already know it lad

Yes user, now kindly fuck off :)

They are teasing hard. Its also common knowledge that Rian loves Kotor.

well, i think many feel this way and don't want to admit it...but Kylo and Rey were the best part of the movie.

Like a diamond in a pile of shit. So its kinda divisive

>reylo has a general but game of thrones doesn't


Didn't like TLJ. Only Rey and Kylo's scenes were decent.

Reylo scenes made me forget my anger towards TLJ tho

Nope, Australian hours

finally, someone who gets it

Blyad ?


lel you both don't get it. /got/ is banned during off season.


and reylo should be banned because it's delusional tumblreddit shit

>implying GoT isn't tumblreddit shit

Both are tumblreddit shit

Got is like redditcore


ded general



Ep IX is going to culminate with the Star Forge moment and Rey convincing Ben to return to the Light via the Power of Love.

Hello 2ch my old friend

Appart from Reylo, what's your favorite pairing?

no. the first few got books were out for decades and nobody knew about them. likewise, when the first few seasons aired, nobody gave a shit and it was nowhere near the massive show that it is today. only in the recent seasons has reddit picked up on the show. the show cannot be blamed for the cancer of its fanbase, and it's objectively a good show.
making perpetual threads about a fictional romance between two fictional characters in a work of fiction is, however, in itself objectively cancerous.

after becoming a reylofag there can be no other shippings

Luke x Han Solo

And then Ben forces Rey into an escape pod and commands the Star Forge to fall into a star?

>kylo wants 8 dark side kids
Love it



>imagine in episode ix during the last battle, it’s all out chaos between the FO and the resistance; finn, poe, rose, chewie etc are all fighting to their last breath. but when the resistance is taking heavy losses and when all hope seems lost, the falcon zooms in and takes down like half of the FO’s army. everyone gets all excited and they’re cheering when they see rey waving in the gunner’s seat as the ship flies by. then finn realises something and goes “wait, if rey’s the gunner, then who’s flying?”

>and it cuts to ben’s grinning face in the cockpit, swerving the ship around to give rey another clean shot at the FO’s fleet.

That's actually very smart if you think about it.
>Your own children are less likely to kill you
>They've got your blood, so they're most likely to turn like you anyway
>More likely to be the most loyal soldiers
>His kids will obviously be prone to fall easily to the dark side if they're his own blood
8 loyal kids are better than a whole army if they turn out like FN 2187

Not SW but...

The game was shit just like TLJ, though.

Is Kylo considered a Sith ? If yes,wouldn’t having eight students break the rule of two ?

Disney please...

Bitch please, there's only two options : romance or death

What did they mean by this kek

What is this?

Yep, gotta keep that bloodline going strong. Plus even full dark side Kylo would be desperate to be a good father and mentor.

No, and rule of two has been broken anyway.

N.W.O skin implant trials

>Power of Pussy

what a nice guy. rey needs to stop playing hard to get

>rule of two
What is that? I swear I watched all the movies but never heard about this.
And he's not a sith. Not sure siths even still exist at this point.

Revan will tell him in IX that the rule is trash and he needs to introduce a new sith/jedi order

I want epIX to have a swelling emotional scene of Ben Solo boarding the Millenium Falcon and piloting it after he's regained and accepted his SOLO heart.

Something like this?

I can't remember either, but Sheev may have mentioned it. It's definitely irrelevant to the sequels.

The sounds of a terminally ill general.

Woah shit, KOTOR was that close to being canon?


Don't fucking compare the KotOR /bestcouple/ to this nu-star wars shittery.

There can only ever be two Sith: Master and Apprentice. It's to consolidate power and knowledge. The more Sith there are, the weaker they are.
I think in the films it only gets briefly mentioned in Episode I after the death of Maul. Yoda and Windu are debating whether Maul was the master or apprentice.

Finn and Rose because she's a QUEEN and he slays


the essential rule between master and padawan between Siths (sheev and vader).The real origin of this rules lies by Revan. (4000 years old)

I want Star Forge in IX so bad, FO having control over it would patch up so many plot holes.

It'd be a huge cliche but I'd go for it, at this point that's probably a better idea than whatever JJ's thinking. It's a pity they didn't show more of Kylo in his tie silencer in TLJ, pilot skills are supposed to be one of the thinks he directly takes after Han. I imagine Han was the kind of dad to get him to try flying as soon as Ben could stand up.

What do you really expect from tumblredditors

George deleted it at the last minute ( Revan is too powerful/significant to just introduce him in a cartoon series.


It would also come across as very lazy with yet another giant thing for the rebels to blow up.

But I agree, it would excuse the First Order being more powerful than the Empire plot hole

It would also explain Snoke.Okay well not really, but it would at least offer some room for explanation in the future. Star Forge has a corrupting influence right? Perhaps Snoke started out as a normal person but became darksider through controlling and using Star Forge.

Well Kylo will disregard that rule since he's not a sith and turn 5 children to the dark side, leaving Rey 3 or else she'd be lonely. Very fair

Rakata Prime is suspiciously close to all the action in 7 and 8 so far. I find it hard to believe that they deliberately put Rakata Prime on the revised map after getting rid of EU without any reason.

If say, some imperial fleet got away from Battle of Jakku, Rakata Prime would be a very logical direction for them to escape to.

>Tumblr thread
>Hurrr don't use tumblr pictures!

Foolish. We're getting ronin ending and twins.

Go back to tumblr Ohtze

Padme/Obiwan ... tho I kinda dig a bit of Anakin/Obiwan too.

>HUR HUR IM Retarded and using my own tumblr pics to seek attention to my own tumblr channel

Fuck off, we are still on Sup Forums dont put that things in start posts.

Good taste my dude

I did, unironically. Some seems were stupid but I figured I'd probably give it a 7/10.

You autists are kek af

>You autists are kek af

What's your favorite early Reylo scene?
I can't get over the bridal carry. That was so unnecessary unless you don't want anyone touching the girl you like.


>That was so unnecessary
Ummm… no, sweetie. Reva- I mean Kyle Ren needed her for the map and that’s the only way he could get her back to Death Star 3.0

You tried.

It's funny, they probably did that because their agenda wouldn't allow for Kylo to as much as bitchslap her. But ultimately it reinforces right off the bat the Kylo was so much more gentle with her.


You did not even try