*coughs uncontrollably*

*coughs uncontrollably*
>"Excuse me. Where was I? Right, I'm not addicted to weed."

Other urls found in this thread:


>Joe began following Roosh on Twitter a few months ago
Is he getting redpilled?

>the podcasts are now half MMA talk and 25% pop sci intellectuals talking about BS

>only 25% funny time and Tom Segura talked about sports for half the latest pod.

They also spent a good half hour talking about trannies in sports. We get it Joe, you have issues.

What would Joe be like if his wife divorced him, took 50 percent and alimony, majority custody?


reefer madness

>Isnt it weird how they never took a photo of the sun when they went to the moon?

>Joe invited Adam to the podcast to talk about furries
>Adam accepted

I don't think I'm ready for this.

who is Roosh?

shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet this going to be fucking awesome

Hes a spergy iranian? dude who sells blogshit to autistic betas about PUA red pill shit

It's like half logic and then after a while you've said every truth and then you're just talking shit and the autistic fanboys are still listening cause they never got it together and either became alpha or MGTOW, they just keep listening and doing nothing

Is he bringing back Alex Jones ever? They were talking of doing another one but it’s almost a year.

pull that up jaimie

where is the force that manlet man invited dogfucker to his podcast

>Guest next week: Mel Gibson

Hooooooooooly shiiiiiit. Is this real?


Awesome, finally another JRE to be excited for rather than just tuning in during a drive out of obligation.

holy fuck

first jre ill ever watch

I don´t think it would change him much since he already has some friends that went through horrible shit like that.
now if his daughter got killed or raped by a illegal immigrant that avoided deportation several times in the past because of democratic policies might change his world views on some subjects
then again something like this is probably never gonna happen since he sends all his kids to elite schools and live in a rich gated community

he will be leashed tho, if it was 12 years ago tho

what is this? Source please

no fucking way!
I hope they talk a bunch about climate in hollywood and that Mel can give us some more news no his viking movie

>mfw i see a rogan thread

>Listen up fuckface, I don't have a weed problem, my problem is I don't HAVE ANY FUCKING WEED

He really dropped the bomb there

This is why I love JRE, so often he gets top tier guests.

Also bringing the Black tech reviewer guy. I like that guy.

How much money do you think the podcast grants him?

>latest podcast with tom papa
>did you know armadillos can give people leprosy?

Twin peaks season 3

I'd say at least 250k/year

Isn't it free?

each podcast starts withhim reading ads for 5min + he puts all of the vids on youtube and each has like 1mil views

Imagine if he takes a fat rip and looses all inhibitions.

I wonder how much he pays Jamie


>BJJ teacher
>MMA Fighter
>female race car driver
>mel gibson

such a gem hidden in an ocean of trash

I'm guessing 100 k