What's some kino where the villain redeems himself at the end?

What's some kino where the villain redeems himself at the end?

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This is such an odd timeline

This guy must be great at sucking cock because Youtube seem determined to keep him going

>Even so, the first question on Saturday was about Paul's future with YouTube. "Thank you for making it the first question so we can get it out of the way," chief business officer Robert Kyncl responded, before he explained that a final decision on Paul had not been made. "We believe he's made missteps, unfortunate missteps. He's expressed remorse very quickly and is learning from the experience," Kyncl explained. "Actions should speak louder than words. Logan has the opportunity to prove that."
>He's expressed remorse very quickly and is learning from the experience
Nice stock phrase you got there

>they still try and keep based red-pilled PewDiePie down

He is easily thier most lucrative asset and until recently extremely advertiser friendly. None of his actual fans give a shit so they most likely have no interest in him leaving.


Based logan is /ourguy/. dabbing it on hater redditor soyboys.

The paul brothers are such a low hanging fruit that the youtube leeches can't stop talking about them.

Isnt his faggot brother Jake Paul the popular one?

I have never watched a single video of him but I like Logan Paul only for constantly triggering obviously jealous "youtube celebrates" simply for being more successful then them. I just wish youtube would have a strict "no money for drama videos" policy because that would really tick them off. some of the most watched videos on youtube for the last few months were all just about youtubers talking about the newest logan paul "controversy"

>Logan is literally Hitler, the cancer of our community.
>Using dead people to get more $$$
>I'm going to tell you about this in my yt video that has ads turned on

Fucking attention seeking hypocrites.

>execs talking redemption

God do kikes love their money.

Logan Paul is the only man who I would want to suck on and choke on my dick.

I have a power fantasy of somehow walking in on him having an emotional breakdown after losing a bunch of subscribers and endorsements to the point where he's sobbing and screaming while scarfing down a box of powdered donuts and cheetos.

This would continue for several hours until he begins a process of mental age regression and delsusion. At this point I would tell him that I would be able to make it all better if he gags on my cock. He gags, swallows and magically his subscriber count and fanbase is restored. I then wipe his mind and he lives life as if nothing happened while I patiently wait for the next meltdown to experience the Logulp once more.


>this triggers the r*dditor

>He's expressed remorse very quickly and is learning from the experience

Bullshit. His "apology" consisted of him blowing himself for having a bunch of subscribers.


oy vey

I mean he's the one getting his dick sucked, that's not so gay is it?

This. He apparently found a dead body and acted like an asshole to people on the streets of Japan, and even then he's less obnoxious than all the retards that come out of the woodwork to virtue signal. He's doing what the people on jackass did nearly 10 years ago but since he's on YouTube the retards care. I would even go as far as to say they made him more famous, because I didn't know who he was before this nonsense.

says the guy that is dreaming about getting sucked by a guy. You disgust me, faggot.

if anybody really cared about suicide the would have just made a movie talking about some websites were people can donate to or seek help for.
and if they were really that "offended" by what he did they should have never once mentioned the video or even his name.
If I was a youtuber I would have started the video like this "considering the most recent youtube controversy I felt like doing something a bit different and talk a bit about suicide ..."

>Say nothing was wrong and didn't punish
>Things start to subside and punish him anyways
>Pretend like you punished him the first place even though you didn't
>Now act like he can be redeemed
Make up your mind

90% chance he comes back as an alt right nazi. It almost always happens when youtubers or social media "celebrities" get in trouble
>the liberals bullied me and hurt my feelings so now I hate minorities

Why is this thing so fucking creepy looking? Its just off and I can't put my finger on it.

looks like a young jimmy saville.

im not him but you're def a NON MASCULINE soyboy

>He's expressed remorse very quickly and is learning from the experience," Kyncl explained. "Actions should speak louder than words. Logan has the opportunity to prove that."
>We have too much money invested in him and we expect him to make us millions so let's just forget this thing ever happened please

Next episode of Black Mirror right here

he has dead eyes

so essentially taking his show and partner money is all for nothing?

pewdiepie has like has more than x3 the subs, and looks like he gains more per day

nigga bald af

conservative youtube channel? YOU'RE FUCKING GONE
make fun of dead bodies? ok as long as you're youtube's golden child and they've invested millions in you

and that doesn't mean shit anymore. he may be most subbed but he's not close to being biggest youtuber anymore. even before the controversy he was in

Stop projecting, nigger.

Why not? I don't get it, if not sub then what matters. Does Logan get more views or something?

views yes. and he's more advertiser friendly.

i never even heard of this fucking nigger before this shit

>youtube literally finishing scare pewdiepie season2
>like 200 people worked on this and it's a completely finished product, ready to air
>still wont air and get his redemption even though the initial "controversy" that got him in trouble was completely fabricated
>this fucker who actually fucked up on a much more degenerate level gets a pass


And at this point people sub to pewdiepie just because he's the most subbed but never actually watch his videos. He still gets views but it's no where near what it's supposed to be with that sub count.

they eventually did cancel logan's new movie and cut his ad revenue or something

literally a millionaire and has the worst hair cut

nice gets

unironically (((they))) needed for that to happen. He's too big for them and directly competes with whatever the legacy media puts out on tv and cable.

eat shit faggit

You know what's really annoying, this being here on Sup Forums, this shit and you, you don't belong here, go away no one likes you, you're all a bunch of limp wristed faggots who thing this board is your personal toilet, it's not, so get fuck out.

>desecrating a corpse

no problem

>hitler jokes


he's jewish

There's like a tiny handful of REALLY LOUD people who don't like him, that's all. That's the way it is for most things online.


Hey guys...Logan here, I wanted to do a different video today in light of my latest controversy and BIG mistake...today we are at ground zero in New York where terrorists committed the most heinous act in recent memory....and we along with a few friends well...we wrote the name of each victim on a block of wood and as you can see we stacked them right at the centre..... ITS JENGA TIME BABY!!!



Police officer: What the hell are you doing!?!?


Police officer: you piece of shit!!!


Paul's assistant shoots the cop in the neck.

Paul leans in with the camera.


The Wrestler Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

well at least he didnt say nigger, i mean how would you EVER redeem yourself from THAT?

Just a gag bro. (You) my post if you're in the logang LMAO