What are some movies to watch when you've lost control of your life

What are some movies to watch when you've lost control of your life

Other urls found in this thread:


The Limits of Control
The Forbidden Room

Synecdoche, New York

Requiem for a Dream
Clockwork Orange
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

under siege

Escape from Alcatraz

Withnail & I

most nicholas cage movies

>watching sad movies when you're sad instead of watching something cheerful and uplifting

where did op say that he wants sad movies

The Pistol: The Birth of a Legend

It’s about Pistol Pete Maravich. His dad has a flat top and teaches him how to be as good at basketball as niggers.

It will help you because its all-consuming comfiness will put your mind and soul back at square one. It is the comfiest work of art ever made.

Falling Down

how about a television show?


Fortress, Bob Ross, The 10th Kingdom

everybody loves raymond, homeward bound

Jordan B Peterson lectures

Cheer up op. And killing yourself is a good idea.


What are some movies to watch when you've got no one to talk to and you suffer from loneliness?

Falling Down


The Lord of the Rings Trilogy