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Well now that he's been banned from Twitter for saying he was going to kill other people and then himself over the cancellation of his medical insurance I'm sure he'll have plenty of time to make videos. 2018 YEAR OF THE SPOON

He's gonna get you.

I don't follow The Wild and Crazy Adventures of Spoony anymore. What is a "live wire" and is his based cop brother still busy killing Mexicans?

E-celeb faggot

why the fuck do people watch youtube videos


I wonder if these channel awesome folk thought the sky was the limit. Only now to see their shit crumbling to dust.

>38 tweets per day

I don't think I have 38 thoughts per day, what the fuck are people tweeting about

I'm not worried. My friend Linkara is coming to protect me!


Trump. Always trump.

Ive had to let some friends go cause their lives completely revolve around pissing their pants about trump. It's like a disease. These peopel are completely changed.

>he doesn't shitpost more than 38 times a day
go back

Why, user, CONTROVERSIES of course!

Is Linkara a jew?

For that matter is Spoony?

Yep, Mr. Banhammer just got the banhammer.

it's honestly quite cute that a bunch of misshapen nerd chucklefucks from the midwest thought they could mastermind a media empire by pointing out plot holes in movies while simultaneously becoming the stars of their own original content shows which were of course impervious to criticism


All of Channel Awesome is coming to kill you, but you have enough money to bribe one of them to turn traitor. Who do you choose?

Pic related.

fuck me up with yr banhammer spoony daddy :3


Sean Fausz
I use him as cover and run away

>sean fausz
holy fuck, is that guy still alive?

>spoony is losing his health insurance
>spoony is losing his house
>spoony lost his twitter
He's going to JewWario this year. Screencap this.

>All of Channel Awesome is coming to kill you
one bug should be enough defense


What happened with the Quiz Doug was doing for more than 100k and looked like a birthday party for a mexican kid?

best spoony vid right here.

is he actually?

hand down



what happens if they crash into each other?

>no vid

very accurate

Yes. You can check it right now if you don't believe me.

>No Latz flying because he has nipples beams


Is that Patreon monthly figures.

>Reviews: 0

>Tweets: 13,900

There's another film review/whatever I grew up reading that I check in on twitter. Drew McWeeny. He lost his job, lost his wife etc. He whines constantly about being fired - but he would simply not put out content. Just film reviews, but all of his articles and series would just go nowhere. He'd start a series on "x" write one or two articles, and then nothing. Now he still whines endlessly about how the industry is fucked, he can't get work, people keep switching to video etc...But the guy puts out maybe one review a month and a podcast at snails pace intervals where he talks about 80's flicks he watched as a kid.



He tweets consantly, endlessly. And a full 50% of those tweets?


Is he really little, are all those books and bozes behind him absurdly oversized?

He's listed as 5' 9¾" on IMDb.

He is 165cm

IMDB is always bullshit, just like the height Google displays for celebs. If you watch the E3 videos you'll see Spoony is about an inch taller than Angry Joe, who already is pretty short.

they are comics. Usually about a4 pages

Trump and Le Alt-Right. Not even joking.

Pic related. Just randomly grabbing shit from formerly one of the biggest critics on the internet and this is what he's spending nearly all of his time doing.

Check the tweet count - he lost his regular twitter account in September of 2016 when he got fired.

I only know Doug, the fat girl and the black guy.

If dubs Spoony kills himself in 2018

Right. But they look MASSIVE. He must be tiny as fuck.

Does Sup Forums keep up with this guy unironically or are you just waiting for his suicide/breakdown?

He should at least stream his suicide

It would be the most viewed video he's done for the past 3 years

They could have a career literally making videos and writing articles about what they love.

And instead they spend all their waking hours screeeching about Droompf and imaginary Nazis.

Don't they realize how fucking sad that is?

how many times did this guy poop in the year?

I don't get it. I saw the video of the girl with that thing, and she said all that gunk wasn't blood, but some sort of juices or saliva that the insect was producing. Still, however, it obviously looks like the thing's mandibles have a real pinching and squeezing force, and it looks like it hurts. Why allow this to happen to yourself?


>implying you'd have to pay phelous to turn traitor


is twitter the most successful cia psyop of all time?

How does Twitter make him money?

How much is his meds?

To be fair, Bob Chipman is a scumbag and I'd laugh my butt off if someone punched him in his fucking face.

>If you take up that identity, you've already declared violent intent

What a fucking faggot. People like him assign that identity to people whom they dislike for differing opinions as an a priori justification for their own violence


I unironically hope that he kills himself

I know. It's funny.

>Nazi Ideology is inherently violence and calls for direct, violent action.
A. Nowhere is that stated in the ideology, loose as it is.
B. So does Islam, but criticizing Islam makes you a Nazi.

>Since Nazism is inherently violent, you can use violence against it in self defense

>btw you do not have to identify as a Nazi or practice it's ideology or even be aware of it in anyway - I will decide if you are a Nazi or not.

In Spoony's defense, maintaining an active social media profile can net you money via Patreon supporters. Here's how:

1) Someone sees you parroting an idea they agree with ("Drumpf is bad!!").
2) That person goes to your Twitter page and sees a lot of opinions and stuff they like.
3) That person notices the Patreon.
4) "Well, he is an ally. I'll donate a buck or two."

Thing is, it hasn't worked for Spoony because the whole "love you my way" tweet kind of soured him on the sort of person who also hates Trump and donate to Patreons. Spoony is "problematic."

imagine phelous just tearing apart every channel awesome soyboy in half using his autism strength, quoting ninja turtles while delivering the final blow on doug walker.

To be fair, it's mostly just roleplaying for them. People like Chipman have never thrown a punch in their life and if they did, they'd be more likely to break their own wrist than to injure the other person.

Angry Joe looks like he could probably bench something.

>you've already declared violent intent
Saying you'll punch people is quite literally declaring violent intent, so I guess it's okay to punch nazi punchers then (but don't say you will or else people punch you)?

He was banned because he said someone must "end trump now".

His insurance wasnt canceled. They wouldnt pay for some psych eval. He tweeted at them, then told them "nevermind, you cant do anything" when they tried to help him.

Exactly, the next time I see a girl wearing a Punch More Nazis shirt I'll curbstomp her in order to pre-emptively abort her incitement to violence

Phantasmagoria and FF8 are overrated. Make My Video was the best Spoony Review.

>has stated multiple times he identifies with the "tortured nerd" villians and would go full magneto with super powers
>is justifing violence against people that MIGHT be possessed by an abhorrent ideology

He's a full-on moral coward. Fucker would have a meat locker full of bodies if there were no consequences.

>I push my fingers into my eyes, it's the only thing that slowly stops the ache


Woah did he get unbanned?

And? Twitter has never done anything before when people say they want to kill Trump. Hell, they love that kind of talk. He got banned because he tweeted that the insurance company "didn't care if he killed others and himself" as a threat.



Fake account.

>Speaking of more, my Patreon has almost hit low 500s. What are you people doing? Do I need to remind you of my Collins' Syndrome?

People need to learn how to be subtle if they want to troll.

Oh im sure they would be willing to throw down if some guy with a swastika on his arm came talk shit to them (given he was clearly weak).

Point is those people hardly even exist. You can really just keep the Nazi boogeyman alive by broadening the definition, thats all that the antifa is about.

Fake account, the l an Antwiler is actually an uppercase i.

Just don't say it or else other people may punch you. Them's the rules.

>Point is those people hardly even exist.
Not if everyone you disagree with is a Nazi and you have shitty, disagreeable opinions. Then, suddenly, you have an endless supply of Nazis to punch. See, you gotta think about these things.

It's not just that. People point out that Commnism inevitably leads to violence.

>Well, it's not TECHNICALLY part of the ideology

Then proceeds to state that violence is inherently part of National Socialism, yet...technically it's not.

And again - he'll defend Islam to the cows come home - which expressly and clearly states you must commit acts of violence in multiple cases.

On top of which - he's saying all this after just randomly declaring that anyone he disagrees with is a Nazi.

It's not even moral cowardice. He's just a fucking brainlet child. He's the worst kind of brainlet - he's fueled by arrogant delusions.

>I have no sympathy for the white poor - I am a success and I used my intellect

He's literally a borderline broke loser living in a man cave with no wife or children, who "makes a living" via begging for handouts on social media.

I can't stand people like that. I mean, he's Ignatius J. Riley in the flesh.

Thta's whats so infuriating about it.

If Nazis actually existed, they wouldn't even bother with Chipman, as he wouldn't open his fucking mouth in public. He's screeching at strawmen.

Yeah, bans always take weeks to go through.

No, but most of Altright is.

It’s a sickness. Really though. I had to drop some people too. My brother as well, sadly. He married an Indian woman and they think I’m racist because I like trump.

I think he’s just insecure about one day having a mixed baby.

Pretty much. As someone who lived during socialism, the stupidiest idea was to shittalk the socialism even just with your pals in a pub, let alone broadcast them like people do today via Twitter. I am not exaggerating when I say that you wouldn't last a single day.

A movie really should be made about them at some point.

Mike Michaud. It'll be over in 15 minutes

>His folks actually let him dress like a stripper
>You can see his fucking nipples
>They actually let him perform in some drag bar

Not saying the kid can't crossdress or whatever. But, fuck. Maybe buy your kid something moderate to wear.

It's like something out of one of those shitty Shadman comics. Christ a-fucking-live.

You mean he waits 2 minutes and then fires them all?

>some people tweet 38 times a day/14,000 times a year
>I've never even actually been to twitter.com

I'll never understand people advocating for the two most garbage-tier political ideologies of the 20th century, both of which ended in abject, absolute failure for the countries that pursued them most aggressively.

>And again - he'll defend Islam to the cows come home - which expressly and clearly states you must commit acts of violence in multiple cases.
Just like Christianity, eh? You wont dare mention that though would you, snowflake?

No one advocates for National Socialism, except for a few lunatics on the internet.

Meanwhile you will see large numbers of people, some in prominent positions advocating for Communism. It's absurd.

...While also screaming about Nazism, as if it has any relevance to the modern world. I mean, you ask them to define National Socilalism, and they never can...partly because the Nazis themselves were so vague and malleable on their ideologies.

I don't think I've ever seen Chipman defend Christianity. In fact he has routinely whined about repressive Christians. Yet another great irony.

>Defend Islam
>Whine about the repressive nature of it's toothless cousin

Not him but many of Islam’s critics are also critics of Christianity, but only ever really get heat and resistance and death threats when they criticize Islam these days.

Spooney is going to an hero one day.
Hes so far down the rabbithole that it cant end any other way.

I'd be utterly unsurprised if one of the gays/drag queens that are seen celebrating and encouraging this boy want to try something sexual with him

You're a big dummy

I wanna laugh at Spoony and his situation by his life story just hits too close to home.

Didn't he make a shitty Star Wars review?