CHECKMATE, plebiscite

CHECKMATE, plebiscite

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how much does disney pay per a word?

>yellow hat man writes thing

wow, 2000 words

must have taken him forever

Get that hothead outta here

That's a lot of words to say misogynist MRA nerds.

>Actor* in movie defends it
*actor who only got role from his friend the director
What?? No way!!

Well fuck him, I wrote a 9000 one shitting on it, I win.



has this been added?

someone work on that

>muh escapist fantasy for children and virgin sweaty nerds needs to be realistic


Why is there so much damage control for this movie? I haven’t seen it but it seems to me most people didn’t like, so why is that such a bad thing to all these people coming out of the woodwork to defend it? The prequels were pretty much just accepted as bad as far as I know, they didn’t have a bunch of journalists and media outlets defending them when they got bad reviews.

If you need 2000 words to defend something, it's clearly a fucking mess with tons of issues.

>tfw 250 word essay about a film I like due next month and haven't even started

>hot head writes a news article

This guy is in almost all of Rian's movies and is a friend of his. He's just trying to help Rian out

Every story arc can be summarized as this:
>Male character: I’m gonna do a thing.
>Female character: No! Don’t do that thing!
>Male character: I’m gonna do it anyway!
>Female character: Now I have TO STOP YOUUUUUUU!

Silly males, don’t you know females are always correct?

What? 2000 words is nothing, you can't even begin to describe a film with so few words. Hence why Sup Forums resorts to unfounded, reactionary statements, because the average poster is too retarded to articulate their views.

By that logic, a review consisting of "IT'S GOOD" has to be objectively right because it has only a few words.

>500 word essay due tomorrow and you haven't even started

Prequels didn't push quite as hard of a message.

You know a movie is a crowd pleaser when people need to write essays to explain to the proles why they enjoyed it.

(((Disney))) are realizing the sheer devastation they've caused. Now it's a hundred grand to anyone who can get a puff-piece published to convince the goyim that TLJ is actually good.

Brainlet newfag lurk more

Somebody needs to contain that hothead.

>8 million assholes make 20 million threads on Sup Forums about TLJ
>this is fine. it's just expressing opinions bro
>random dude writes an essay about it saying he liked it

Defending something isn't reviewing it. Defence merely needs to refute perceived issues.
That's not how logic works you retard.

There is a slight difference between 10 000 users expressing wildly different criticisms to one guy writing 20 000 words of fluff.

which had more damage control this or chickbusters?

Slutbusters had nothing on the sheer amounts of money Disney are putting into saving this tanking ship.

>no one is a perfect villain

I probably write 2000 words an hour just shitposting, is that supposed to be impressive?


lol that's what, like 2 pages? get the fuck outta here you brainlet moron. i can write 2 pages in half an hour you idiot

You shouldn't need an essay to defend a fucking fantasy popcorn flick. The amount of damage control on display is pathetic.

>That's not how logic works you retard.

Aren't you doing that right now?

People are still putting out shill pieces for this movie? Why?

The cake is baked, people either liked it or they didn't, these dumb articles don't do anything other than signify Disney is actually worried about the reaction.

imagine turning the most beloved, well known and successful franchise of this planet with decades of movies, tv shows, games, books, comics, fan events, etc ... and turn into into just anther run of he mill movie blockbuster franchise
this is a fuck up of unimaginable scale. it´s like somehow losing a war where all the odds are massively in your favor.
there is no amount of money the higher ups at Disney are not willing to spent to avoid people talking about their failure.

>2000 words
So? That's about 5-6 pages.


>respond with NO U
You lost. Get over yourself, faggot.

Because they fucking killed Star Wars. Not even the prequels could kill Star Wars. The holiday special couldn't do it, but Disney somehow found a way.

le hothead cop

I keked.

>Being this hothead

So this is the Vietnam of Disney

>soyboy boytoi defends his pimp, hoping for a Looper sequel

>2,000 words

Is that what Americans call an essay?

I doubt that he just like everybody else that defends this dumpster fire names even a single criticism that people have about it

Hi, newfriend. It seems you missed a turn. Reddit as back the way you came, but this time take a left.

>250 words
>next month
m8 you can easily write that tonight, fucking hell. Trying not to go over 250 words is the hardest part

At a certain point it becomes ridiculous

Sure, in highschool.

No, you made the comparison that a positive review's length was equal to a defence essay's length. Where as if one was bad because it was long the other was good because it was short.

They have no baring on each other in terms of their length. If a defence piece is long it's because it has a lot of ground to cover, there is no reasonable alternative answer. A review being long or short is more dependant on the subject matter being reviewed.

>2000 words is a lot

Isn't that like, 4 pages?


isn't that like 3 paragraphs? maybe 2?

He's just defending his buddy.

why is disney in ((())) liek talking about them as they were (((them))).
there was a family guy episode once where they made a disney styled part with stewie and brian and when the jew pharmacist came in the kicked his ass as to make a joke that disney is anti semitic.
so what gives ?
does Sup Forums call everything jewish that sucks these days ?

Only company in this building

How many shekels per word did he get?


Christ this reminded me of the 200 word essay I have to finish for tomororw

Its so obvious that Hollywood Disney planned on Hillary winning/Trump getting impeached.

No sane person would still push this level of propaganda otherwise. Good luck in Episode 9 because it cant be salvaged

>I take pride in word count

He probably is looking for disney to pick him up to direct some capeshit

>2000 words is a lot in 2018

Thanks twitter

The prequels were made by an independent filmmaker who was hostile to Hollywood studios. They were mercilessly raped by the media and even celebs like SImon Pegg fueled the hate against theam even more than a decade after. Now the same Simon Pegg sucks the dick of JJ Abrams and any schlock maker from Hollywood. Nobody dared criticze TFA, and now they're shilling hard for TLJ. It's a mafia

A 200 word essay would be a cunt to write, trying to get a well thought out well defended argument down to 200 words and still have it read well is a piss take.

Padding out a topic to 8000 words would be easier, albeit more tedious.

They're trying to prevent their investment by telling movie goers they're stupid for not loving sjw wars

What role did he play in TLJ?

Ah I see

>It's a mafia
You and I both know they gotta go

Do you know how many tweets that is!


Apparently he was the alien that reported finn and rose to the police of the casino planet after they parked on the beach. It was just a cameo



Correct. They've sunk the franchise past the point of no return.

Imagine the desperation

250 words is literally a handful of sentences. Just do it you fucking slacker.

im very worried that people need a movie as simple as the last jedi explained to them.

Oh wait, he's not a religious Jew, nevermind. Based white man!

Your movie is probably a failure if you have to resort to actors defending it with essays.

That's probably more than the whole script for TLJ.

fuck off newfags

I had to write up a 250 word abstract about mice with snake genes that ko’d their legs as a small part of a genetics final. Test was 3 hours I was done in 1 hour and even wrote jokes on my exam for the supermodel TA. Other kids were shaking trying to count how many words they wrote. I wouldn’t think it’s an argumentative essay just a little written assignment.

>2000 words
So less than I write for fucking entry level English?

Eh, I think he's friends with the director. A lot of people will go out of their way to publicly defend their bud, even if they might not like something about them (who knows).

I read it.

He didn't defend it so much as convey a different point of view regarding the evolution of Luke Skywalker. He actually criticized the way in which the evolution occurred.

It's actually a really good article. It's not defending anything; he's just expressing his opinion on the matter.

These hack journalists and bloggers are conflating him giving an opinion with him defending it. It's not true. But that's what you should expect from puff pieces and clickbait journalism nowadays.

Read the article. It's on the frontpage of medium

It's part of the social engineering that has been going on for decades, the grand societal plan that large corporations like Disney have put all their stock on

They want a society of completely brainless consumerist drones, and will spew/fund any narrative that furthers this process. They are afraid of free thought.

Oy vey!

>Read the article. It's on the frontpage of medium
Fuck you no clicks for you

>actor of Looper defends the new work from his former employer

>tfw first 30 words of a 150 word paper on my favorite theater snacks due in next two weeks and I haven't even started yet

I'm afraid of looking myself up on google, i might be jewish too.
I'd say it's disney shills and people pissed that their agenda pushing doesn't fly, but i guess i'm missing something else.

>can’t even write 250 words in over a week
At least we weren’t born in 2009

>"not strictly religious"
>parents were among the founders of the Progressive Jewish Alliance

That's literally every scummy Jew, fucking assholes don't even have the decency to believe in the god they say made them special, except when they want to roleplay as eastern european autists with fur hats. I'm so fucking angry

Why is Disney so desperate bros? How much money are they losing on this piecr of shit?