Reminder that the best Star Wars movie was written by a woman

Reminder that the best Star Wars movie was written by a woman.

ESB is the second worst film. It makes TLJ look exciting, nothing fucking happens.

Of course it was, men could never understand Star Wars.

Because our sensory receptors have been blown out after years of Michael Bay and JJ. Now if there's a dip in the action people lose interest.

>luke meets and trains wtih the greatest jedi master in the galaxy
>han and leia have to escape from the entire Imperial fleet in just their space winnebago
>han and leia totally fuck in cloud city
>C-3PO gets blown to pieces
>han's old friend literally betrays them
>luke gets his hand chopped off
>luke learns his true parentage

Hipster opinion discarded.

New Hope is the best movie.

Empire is the most rewatchable Star Wars movie, The Last Jedi is the least rewatchable.

But the actual best one wasn't


New Hope is the only good Star Wars movie.

>>luke meets and trains wtih the greatest jedi master in the galaxy
Wow, he trained with a frog for a week and now he is half as good as his father in the same age. Wow
>>han and leia have to escape from the entire Imperial fleet in just their space winnebago
That actually is the most boring part of the original trilogy
>>han and leia totally fuck in cloud city
How!? I thought Darth Vader arrived in less than 24 hours to Bespin
>>C-3PO gets blown to pieces
>>han's old friend literally betrays them
But then he betrayed Darth Vader
>>luke gets his hand chopped off
Ok, that was cool
>>luke learns his true parentage
Plot twist for the sake of plot twist

I don't agree that norhing fucking happens, but it's the most overrated film of the saga and the original Star Wars is much better

Don't forget the Rebel Fleet is found and has to relocate.
Empire also had a much better saber fight than Hope.

Kasdan wrote ESB. If you had ever read Leigh Brackett's early draft, you would have realized it didn't remotely resemble the finished film. They didn't use it because it was shit. But she fucking died, so they gave her a writing credit.

Plus any woman they hired in those days obviously had talent, not because they bled from the crotch every month

Ok cool

Friendly reminder that the guy who wrote ESB wrote TFA and Solo.

She didn't get there because she was a woman, though

That's a month in universe ( training with Yoda )

Vader wasn't related to Luke yet in the first draft, yes? It's something Kasdan came up with.

Kasdan wrote the final script, but Lucas wrote the second draft after Brackett's was discarded and his draft largely resembles the final one.

> Kasdan came up with Vader being Luke's father

This is not accurate.

I've always heard george threw out leigh brackett's story

Is it on the internet somewhere?

I will contest that, as I always felt that A New Hope is the most rewatchable. Empire is a very close second, however.