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embarrassing tryhard garbage

I'll watch it if it gets uploaded somewhere. Seems fun. I'm vaguely interested in seeing a clear easier-to-follow explanation of what this whole poppy thing has been about

Do people find her attractive?

wait niggas

do people actually pay for youtbe red?

Poppy is ugly

physically a little, but she's incredibly annoying.

It comes with my subscription to Google Play music.


many big youtubers say most of their revenue comes from youtube red

It's a garbage pop art stunt by her and some guy who calls himself "Titanic Sinclair" (lol)
It's shallow observations about celebrity culture disguised as a mysterious YouTube channel, oooh who is this Poppy, what does it meeeean
A.k.a. stupid crap for people who think Andy Warhol was a good artist

I can't blame them for creating it. They clearly have an audience. There is clearly a desire for these videos.

K, I'm baby

i do so i can have youtube on in the background on my phone

Andy Warhol was a good artist, but your IQ seems to be too low to comprehend his work.


Try to find someone capable of creating more iconic works.
His work was objective trash when out of context, but he knew how to create pop iconography which was the sole purpose of his career.
Also Chelsea Girls and A Symphony of Sound are absolute kino.

Poppy is inferior


Saw her in concert, the show was amazing

Her computer album is fucking great



time to BLACKED

I want Poppy to suck my blood desu

You do know there are free apps for that?

Fucking retard.

titanic is a b tard that much is obvious

poppy is too pure for that

more like poopy lol

I've masturbated to Poppy at least a dozen times.
Pretty hype for this. Fuck Charlotte.

who is this ugly bitch?

I lost all interest once I saw her slimy director..

Even with all of that makeup she's still a solid 7

Get Out. You. Faggot.

vr scene where I can slobber her asshole when?

I want to fuck Charlotte, more than Poppy desu... what's wrong with me guys??!

>start a band with your gf
>become obsessed with the internet
>messy breakup breaks up your band
>hire some random girl to sing and act weird on Youtube
>gets so popular you get numerous sponsor deals and even a movie
How is this real life

Mars Argo was cuter anyway. And it's essentially the same concept as Poppy but with legitimately well written music and lyrics.

Fuck Titanic Sinclair and his exploitative bullshit.

This girl and her channel are retarded.

Fuck you.
youtube-dl you fucking scumbag.

Success and riches are 90% luck.

Mars was better

This, she would make a cute girlfriend as long as she keeps her mouth shut

she looks like she fucks black guys

>Try to find someone capable of creating more iconic works.

Are you sure? I remember to read how they make money from that special google ad program.



Was Nightmind /ourguy/?

Patrician. Taste.

Will this be kino? I'm hoping so.

I want to fuck a Poppy

What did they mean by this?

Who is this?


I came.

I have not a single clue who this is nor have I ever seen a single one of her videos or whatever. After a quick Google I can't decide if I'm out of touch as fuck or not.

>google XYZ
>all about how immensely popular it is and how its a cultural phenomenon
>had no goddamn clue about it
>feel like a grandpa

Jesus. I'm not even out of my 20s yet

It might but I wanna see you do the same thing and get millions of viewers
Shes doing something right

Look up her snging fade into you and mgmt kids and tell me you wouldent let her suck the nut out you with those lips while looking her in her big eyes.

Before she was poppy she was a pure examplw of cute

Cont. And my kind if women by Mac DeMarco she is deff tiny gf material.

pre-makeover Poppy was cuter

what is the point of this bullshit

C U T I E that's cutie

inb4 rape allegations against him from these two brainless cunts come out

what's that hiney look like?

This needs an immediate answer

I've been working my way through all of Poppy's videos and I've been jacking my dick off to each one. I'm only up to Poppy's Sandwich but it's been a wild ride.

Wait till you get to the one of her eating cotton candy.

I'm confused. Is this Poppy girl a liberal/feminist or so IRL? Titanic Sinclair seems a centristy type and from what I've seen he doesn't hate Trump, but what about her?

That's like the first one dude, that's the whole reason I embarked on this grand adventure

No if you watch her videos assuming she had input she makes fun of virtue signaling and people thinking their opinion on politics matter as a celeb. When she won a award she even joked in her acceptance speech by adding at the end "oo and the president is bad" as if to show how formulated they all are.

Was it a real award? Is there a video of it?

Poppy is for ______

Imagine caring so much about e-celebs and identity politics


it's when you put 4 fingers of each hand into the anus and manually pull it open as wide as you can!

Yea YouTube it, it was some YouTube award show

I could only imagine how tight and pink her butthole would be.


>"To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Poppy. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of post-modernist critique of consumerism and Faivre's work on Western Esoctericism most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Poppy’s fatalistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterization- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Evola, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they’re not just funny- they are redpilled. As a consequence people who dislike Poppy truly ARE bluepilled- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humor in Poppy’s existential catchphrase “I'm poppy!,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Padmasambhava's eight manifestations. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Poppy’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer monitors. What fools.. how I pity them."

>"I just fap to her"

Pick one.

Number 2

depends on what time of the day it is

see nerds, this is where spamming ur shitty projects on Sup Forums will get u in life
fuck you sinclair

What a cuckold, I'd never pay for shit that should be for free

She needs to ditch Titanic Sinclair already

There is no Poppy without Titanic.

In an unsettling sort of way. Kinda like that chick with all the face tattoos and a swastika on her forehead.

Yeah like Mickey Mouse needs to ditch Disney


He writes all the music and most of the skits though.

There is no Poppy without Mars. Absolute madman Titanic literally dedicates his life to making a clone of his waifu

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu did it better years ago.

>Andy Warhol was a good artist
you aren't approaching Warhol correctly if you view his art simply as 'art' rather than a discourse

Mmmm yes, indubitably.

>haha she said "youtube dot com" instead of simply youtube what a profound observation on internet culture
Poppy is for plebs

it's a bit more than that, there is a pattern of direct obliviousness

Literally anything can be nominated for a sundance film festival award

Someone hit this bitch with that makeup app

Can a sundance film festival award be nominated for a sundance film festival award?

He was a hack and his work was incredibly obvious
Only delusional art thots and 14 year olds think his work has any lasting worth. Historically significant? Yes. Particularly good at all? No.

What the fuck is youtube red?

Maybe poppy is just interesting meta internet junk
Stuff that exists on the internet just because the internet has a lot of stuff like that
I don’t think it’s amazing or anything, the only time I watch more than a couple videos is when I leave a playlist on in the background

If you film it

gonna go see her in concert just for the fuck of it. watched a lot of her last year but the effect wore off. still want to see if she's just as adorably fuckable in person.

>He was a hack and his work was incredibly obvious
Yeah, that's why he's so great.
You sound like one of those ignorant retards who prefer shitty neoclasical rehashes instead of something new and actually interesting.