How can one man be so based?

How can one man be so based?

Other urls found in this thread:

i know

i love ((ross)) as well

Imagine being so pathetic you can't enjoy something because of Jews

imagine being so pathetic you enjoy things made by the demons destroying your nation

>imagine being so pathetic you enjoy things made by the demons destroying your nation
You're tendies will be done soon champ

kill yourself. Ross is our guy.

How can 1 man be so problematic

you didn't even do it right you braindead nigger


>this is what pol retards really believe
Severe mental illness can be tough. Hold there, my friend.


Monica was the hottest.

Who would win in a fight?
a. Red Ross
b. Chandler Blanco
c. "Joey doesn't share food" Joey
d. Dark Gunther

Monica in the Geller Cup

don't know

Shutup! rope day will come soon and I'll finally have a girlfriend.

>I'll finally have a girlfriend.
It's nice to dream isn't it?

All me btw

>a kike is /ourguy/
The state of Sup Forums right now.


Phoebe looks like could be the hottest if she dressed nicely.
Do we have a scene of her not wearing those usual rags?

I found the whole "friends is problematic" meme pretty funny, because the first I learned about homosexuality was from Phoebe's song, and I thought it was pretty concise.

Im triggered

how can one man be so reddit?


Based Ross

Ross is the best character

He made rage humor funny before Dennis

I don't like the looks of this guy. Seems like someone you should keep away from.

Superior Ross coming through.

>It's a Sup Forumstard tries to fit in episode

>when a tv character is so based that it trascends it's media

who was that actor?

best part of the show. i stil watch old episodes just for him

>Russ ends up with Julie.

Superior Ross indeed.

>two recurring characters were a lesbo couple
>the main plot of one episode was them getting married
>later there was an arc where Ross dated a black woman

>this show is problematic

Daily reminder that Friends is Seinfeld for Redditors

But Seinfeld is Frasier for Redditors

But Frasier is reddit

that's snarro

This. I'd rather go back to where it was all jews and no niggers at least.