"he's just like me"

>"he's just like me"

Other urls found in this thread:


>"I'm not like them at all"

never heard of him




I stole it from an old thread

ur alright

This is not why most people liked the movie you dumbass.
Do you think in the original people identified with Deckard?
Both movies bombed because there is not "standard" protagonist.
You drooling retard.

Sup Forums's BR2049 obsession was pure cringe to behold

Good job




literally "No u" the post

I knew BR2049 fans were low iq tards



you can't have both Dante and Randal there you have to pick one.

imagine being this guy

You realise your post is of the exactly the same merit?

you're not wrong


No your post is of the exactly the same merit

BTFO hahaha

OP literally getting SHIT on. Based

No shit

Literally me who made that post



Open mouth nu male only applies to reddit/capeshit/starwars

>combining edgy atheist fedoralords with the soyboy nu-males
Jesus fuck get your memes straight.


I wonder how you are so quick to say that. Could it be because your whole argument here is literally just that?
>No! Us soyboys aren't open mouth meme. You are!

Nice try though... not.



>not posting the best one

yikes, imagine typing this

quality cringe

>I like to make redit threads

t. triggered BR2049 soyfan

>Nice try though... not.

I see the haters are evolving into using Sup Forums tier wojaks


cant get much more reddit than soy runner 20149


Why are blade runner 2049 fans just as insecure as guardians of the reddit fans?

If you're not reddit then why does something thats been going on for years(calling something reddit) make them so upset?

I like this one tbqhwyfam

They get angry and defensive when something is true

r/movies is unironically better than this shithole

Whatever, samefag.
You argue like a child. You remind me of those mentally challenged loons from that recent march. Liberalism really is a mental disorder


also, you stole this guys insult
I thought you wernt about the "No U" thing.
Youre pathetic.

imagine being this guy.
Just look at all the things he put together for this answer.

When certified redditors call reddit to Sup Forums's MOTY (), we get a little defensive. You guys should just go back

Imagine being me indeed. Actually having the brain power to say something meaningful instead of throwing bait and insults around for a reaction, like some toddler.




go back


>Needing to conform to the artistic taste of others
>Claims not to be a soyboi
You're just an embittered soyboi.

OP will never recover.

"Joe stated his case passionately logically. But his perceived effeminate voice only drew big gales of stupid laughter"

_End Idiocracy quote


>(haha see what I did there)

you are 14 at best, at least mentally.

Boohoo im gonna go cry now

>everything I don't like is reddit

I did not say you are 6.
You are 14, so you will keep being an edgy contrarian.

Relax friend, it wasn't our intention to hurt your feelings.

Am I doing this right?

Sneed seed and feed

Don't forget Rorschach from Watchmen. I see that a lot too. Also Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver


>that capeshitter's attempt at memeing
Did someone touch your porg figurines?

This is about 95% accurate

tfw rebeccas hot
do give number

>Sup Forums's list
Please tell me this is fake

Do people really enjoy being contrarians?

>over 1000 votes
>the board is still slower than Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /vg/
It's a list, but it isn't a Sup Forums list

>Your Name


Sup Forums is still one of the faster boards. 1000 votes seems plausible, if more than just one thread was dedicated to it.

How did you know what I looked like?


Mother fucker, you know that Army of Darkness doesn't belong on there.

How is Your Name second? How? That movie is good but thats all.

And STILL..... OP and his ilk haven't created a criticism thread. They just repeat these same shit threads pretending nobody will listen to their criticism.

Just make a fucking criticism thread already or I'll do it myself and I liked the movie. Bunch of fucking retards who can't make a good thread have to resort to copy and pasting archived threads for an upvote.

>800 (600 of which are cross posters vs 12K pure redditors
So it really is a reddit film


It's been factually criticized a thousand times already. Your prefab response is getting tiresome, Sup Forumsedditor.

i thought the whole point was that hes like most anyone who's tried to find special meaning in life

Here you guys go