Sunshine (2008)

Was the final third of Sunshine the closest thing we've ever had to true cosmic horror kino?

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quite possibly, yes. I still want to slap my twenty-something self for not getting sunshine's greatness upon release

gentle reminder there are actually doofuses who prefer le generic dude something's wrong with the ship space disaster lmao first half of the film

Pretty sure it was 2007



It was miles better

Can i get... 15% ?

no it wasn't, it was boring and forgettable. the final act really escalated the film into something memorable

One of my favorite sci fi films. I was on the edge of my seat in the theaters back then.

poast cute rose byrne

She's a raging feminist.

What, don't like Event Horizon?

This was the first horror kino that sheltered teen me was ever allowed to watch. Blew my fucking mind and made me shit my pants.

Sunshine (2008) a shit

Event Horizon exists so no.

Came here to post this. Sunshine is thrilling at points, but not horrific. Event Horizon is real horror.

I disagree, I liked Sunshine but found Event Horizon forced as fuck. Space is terrifying enough as it is. There's no need to add in some kind of horror cthulhu dimension to make it scary.

It's unnecessary but you might as well.

And if space itself is terrifying enough, then Sunshine isn't doing a well enough job at conveying it. As I said, it's thrilling, but not horrific.

So what? Are you gay and only allowed to like non-feminist alt-right traps? Dumb faggot.

She ain't that great

>some kind of horror cthulhu dimension
it was actually just hell

>ship on mission to the Sun to save the planet
>your psychiatrist is literally obsessed with the Sun to the point of damaging his sight by staring at it for hours each day

Are we supposed ton be believe there is no vetting of the crew? Especially the bloody psychiatrist? God, I really hope someone got fired for that one.

Oh wait, the """"science"""" """""advisor""""" was the meme man Brian Cox aka left wing self absorbed shill.

>dude we should like use science for our policy decisions
>all people are equal though in potential though without question!!!!!

Yawn. Yawn, yawn, yawn. Growing increasingly weary and tired of this world.


Personally I found the characters fighting to preserve air, the dude freezing out in space and the dudes getting melted by the sun to be far more horrific than any number of corpses ripped apart by chains in some cheesy hell dimension. But that's just my opinion.

how many white children do you have

Weren't they traveling for 3+ years already by the time the movie starts?

It's hard to predict how someone will react in space after such a long time.

Great soundtrack that builds two really awesome scenes: Kaneda's death and Capa's jump. Can only find the former on YouTube.

Great set design all around as well.

>but not horrific.

It was horror in the sense that pinbacker was clearly some sort of supernatural being whose origin and motive was never explained but he was being guided by something otherworldly

cosmic horror is done best when it's subtle and not literally DUDE. TENTACLES. LMAO and this was the best case of that

why does clint mansell's stuff always end up getting used in every fucking trailer ever to the point of boredom?

That's John Murphy though. His stuff from Sunshine has been used here and there as well though, notably in the strobe scene in Kick-Ass.

Great movie, one of my favorite sci fi flicks of all time, but it has literally nothing to do with cosmic horror, aside from the movie taking place in space. The Void is cosmic horror, ending of Sunshine is just a slasher on a spaceship. Fuck I love Sunshine though, the distress beacon of Icarus 1 is such a haunting sound.

oh right guess it applies to john murphy too

Adaptation fucking WHEN?

it's called event horizon

Guillermo del Toro wrote a script for one. (It was fucking shit.)
But there was at least some interest.

the fuck are you talking about?

what an awful book cover

shadow over innsmouth is a better candidate for adaptation

mountains of madness doesn't have much of a story

>(It was fucking shit.)
Yeah it was, a shame.
Surprising to see someone on Sup Forums being right.


>those teeth

It isn't very good.
>whoa dead guys!
>whoa aliens!
>whoa man is the descendant of alien pets!
>whoa a monster with a LITERARY REFERENCE!

I don't know why but the scene where he starts crying about having fucked up a calculation always gets me.

Event Horizion is fun, but in a very Warhammer 40k way. It's kitschy and honestly camp.

Sunshine is both scary and beautiful, which is an impressive balance to hold.

Isn't Sunshine essentially a rip-off of Event Horizon?

The ship is very poorly designed if it doesn't give warnings when a course correction would no longer have the shields facing the right direction.

At the Mountains of Madness could be done very well as a film, but not in the format of a standard horror.

It would need to be very slow paced and shot to show the massive scale of both the environment and timescales discussed.

Honestly, I think it'd be best if it was shot something like the shadow of Terrence Malik movie.

>literally jason x

Nobody defends the third act. The movie leading up to that garbage is 10/10 though.

>build spaceship to the sun
>name it Icarus


This. Event Horizon is good and still enjoyable, but unquestionably campy.

I remember being angry at the female character when they were having a vote. There was not enough air for everyone and the dude that caused the problem was in a coma.

The choice was to (a) reluctantly kill coma guy so that the rest may survive, or (b) leave him alive so there’s not enough air for anyone -including coma guy to survive. There was no magical third option, they weren’t going to kill him out of malice -he was essentially already dead, why let him waste the air so nobody else can live?

But the dumb bitch didn’t want to get her hands dirty so she voted no. She’d rather die, along with everyone else on board, rather than do something unpleasant but necessary.

I found her idiocy infuriating. Even more infuriating is that there are people who would hail her as a her for having “strong convictions.”

The entire script hinges on the retarded ship design to accomodate the progression of the story. And Pinbacker was tonally out of place as a sort-of supernatural monster after two thirds of very human drama.

What I don't get is, the movie is called sunshine but it's all shot at night?


You can only land on the Sun at night, user.

Read a book sometime.

not just everyone on board, the entire fucking human race.

Who cares when Michelle Yeoh is in it

No it couldn't, because it's based on entirely fictional geography. I don't mean the city, I mean the ridiculous mountains in Antarctica, which would be like making a movie about a gigantic volcano in England or something.

Just speed rewatched this because of this thread, and what the fuck, the 3rd act was garbage

depends if you believe in an afterlife

killing coma man is a trip to hell regardless of the stakes

>because it's based on entirely fictional geography

I don't see why that should stop it.

it's fucking magic dude