Is there an unknown rule that you have to nominate Meryl Streep to every fucking oscar?

Is there an unknown rule that you have to nominate Meryl Streep to every fucking oscar?


She's the Madam of the pizzahut, she arranges all of the underage sex orgies.

>openly far left
>nominated every year

Really makes you think...

It's not really a secret anymore. at least she never pretended he harrassed her.

Overrated as fuck.

yes, because she is what hollywood wants as image for her actresses

Florence Foster Jenkins was pretty good tho

Pretty sure Denzel has the same rule

But Denzel is BASED and /ournig/ fpbp

the year after she dies they're going to nominate her for something, because they'll be too scared not to.

Has she ever been in something Legitimately good or is she just a meme?

>But Denzel is BASED and /ournig/
True but it still happens. Who else are they gonna nominate? Idris Elba?

He wasn't based in that one weird movie about time travel


She's kind of a testament to how uncompetitive the women's sections are. They continue to nominate her as a running inside joke.

>haha look Meryl has been nominated again she's so good haha :^)

Steven Spielberg too. Tom Hanks also, but Hanks usually deserves his noms.

She's one of the best at what she does, that's why.

Denzel has deserved all his nominations and should have won for Flight.

She's Hollywood's biggest meme

Spielberg has been getting shafted in recent years. And he's desperate to win a third best director award too.

She was Harvey's procurer and enforcer, of course he was going to make sure the Academy threw her those sweet nominations.

She's a good actress that's why. Gimme a quick rundown on why Sup Forumseddit hates her?

Shut the fuck up fake Krager.

imagine she gets called out this year? #SheKnew

No one's saying she isn't a good actress. She's very good; just not spectacular. Certainly not someone that deserves a nomination for virtually every performance. As for political stuff, she was extremely close to Weinstein and undoubtedly knew what was going on but did nothing. She's since jumped on the metoo shit.

she's female, and that is all the reason you need

>comparing a person with 8 noms to another with 21 noms
spielberg got just 7 noms and hanks 5

No one hates her. She's possibly a bit overrated though.

