Your going to see Episode IX in theaters right user?

Your going to see Episode IX in theaters right user?

Yeah, I'll see it, but I'm afraid it's going to be safe and focus tested after all the manbabbies cried about TLJ, which was the most inspired film in this franchise in nearly 40 years

I'm skipping Solo because I didn't like Rogue One.

No you retarded old bitch stop putting women in Star Wars, girls don't even fucking like Star Wars they only like taking nudes and sexting chads on tinder

Most likely not. I saw TFA and Rogue One but skipped TLJ.

Star Wars has been dead to me since the shitquels, I watched VII from an illegal steaming site, and only saw RO and VIII in theaters because I had a date.
But VIII was the last straw, that shit was so fucking bad.

I didn't see any nuwars in theatres

>I'm afraid it's going to be safe and focus tested after all the manbabbies cried about TLJ,

as opposed to TFA or R:O?

I want to see Kennedy dead

Kill yourself

0.2 Disney`s shekels have been deposited into your account.

Nope, I didn't see a star wars movie in theaters since TFA.

if kathleen kennedy said she would give you $100 million and full creative control to make your dream movie in return for licking her pusy, would you?

>those fucking sideburns
Literally puked


Wow three soyboys in one pic.

licking pussy isn't as bad as full on sex and then I could save star wars.


>pay to see Master of the Universe or Wicked or some shit
>Sneak into star wars

even if I DO see it, you're not getting my money bitch.


Rogue One was sterile and safe as fuck, I'll give you that

TFA is superficially similar to ANH and hits a lot of the same plot beats, but it has enough of its own identity with the characters and the thematic point of the movie so it works out.

me on the left

No, I'm done with Star Wars. You guys ruined it.

t. Nazi

Assuming my faggot friends still ransom their friendship to me with stupid shit like forcing me to go see retarded fem propaganda...


I'm gonna to wait for reviews of trusted people.