Post shows that were fantastic then nose dived dramatically

Post shows that were fantastic then nose dived dramatically

you first


Breaking Bad

yeah the first season was good, and that was it

Everything that’s mentioned on Reddit.

>breaking bad became shit because reddit started liking it

You are what you think you hate

No, it became shit when it started actively pandering to the likes of Reddit.

first episode*

BB was good until season 5

>fantastic then nose dived
>starts thread with a show that was never anything but faggot AIDS garbage

Season 2 sucked, then picked up with 3 & 4, then sharp decline again.

South Park

unwatchable since it became LMAO [current event]

Opening scene*


Family Guy was excellent background noise until Seth decided to get deep and developed a strange fixation with highly detailed sex/violence. I dropped the show with the bank vault episode. No idea how that made it past the concept stage.

This. All the topics they cover are irrelevant and forgotten a few months after each episode airs. How am I supposed to show this to my kids?

>family guy

south park season 4-10 is one of the greatest runs in all of animation desu.

if dexter was just season 1,2 and 4 it would be a cult hit for sure.

Please explain in which part of the post is implied that, because I can't see Reddit being mentioned anywhere in it

Watched it before discovering reddit. Season 1 and 2 were kino and then it just became way too repetitive
with things happening just because characters were acting unrealistically stupid.
Like, what the fuck was even that borderline comicbook fight scene between Frank and the Twins? He should have died right there. Tons of episodes of buildup that amounted to absolutely nothing.

Lots of people I know share the same views on the mid seasons yet they excuse all the dumb shit because of a decent final season. Which wasn't that good aside from the ending itself.

Bella Thorne.

ya the new animation style really killed it

Game of Thrones
Season 1 was amazing, then it went to shit

Pre-cancellation FG was good, but at least American Dad took up the mantle for many years after. 1-3 FG is good. AD is great from like 2-7

>1rst season was great
>2nd season was WTF in a bad way
>3rd season went full retard

I beared through season 20, but I could not make it through even episode 1 of season 21. Someone needs to put SP out of its misery

This. Everybody always dismisses American Dad because they think it's just Family Guy 2.0 when it's actually a genuinely entertaining show with funny characters and situations.

Bobs burgers
rick and morty is on the decline
family guy

most of tv since when they show a pilot they don't often expect it to get picked up and don't have a story fleshed out beyond a couple episodes.

Everything fell apart
but it kept on going for 7 more years

They made 3 fucking seasons of this?!

>be 1999
>Family Guy premieres after the Super Bowl
>you're stoked to talk to all your buddies about this great new show you found
>all your friends catch it
>show gets moved around Fox's schedule... Sundays to Tuesdays to Thursdays to Saturdays... it becomes impossible to catch
>but your friends and you can't get enough of it
>you're all quoting the hell out of it like a good in-joke nobody else knows
>3 years later, Family Guy gets cancelled
>slowly turns into this cult show by the time you're halfway through high school
>kids are bootlegging episodes on flash drives, burning CDs, playing it on shitty Windows ME laptops during study halls...
>find out the DVD is getting released
>your parents buy it for Christmas
>watch the show nonstop
>go to college and everyone "has heard" of Family Guy, but nobody's seen it
>show starts appearing on Adult Swim and explodes in popularity
>kids are borrowing your DVDs so much they wear out
>find out the show is coming back on the air
>HUGE party in your dorm opening night
>catch the show regularly again
>but something isn't right...
>9 year olds start quoting the show at you
>edgy tryhards getting Stewie tattoos and t-shirts
>everyone has the DVDs now and kids are making up stories about watching Family Guy "before it was cool"
>Family Guy mania is everywhere
>show is not nearly as cult as you remember it
>jokes feels dumbed down and forced
>characters are flanderized to all hell
>fast forward 12 years
>show is less popular but still on the air
>you still catch it every week with your wife
>your friends are out of touch and have moved on with their lives
>your DVDs are long gone
>kids don't watch the show anymore
>and you sadly shed a tear for those simpler times

i'm sure s3 and 4 will be just fine in terms of acting, writing, cinematography blah blah blah but replacing turboqt claire with an ugly old gummy hag - now that i can't abide

Rare reminder that quality things are rare and hard to come by. It makes you appreciate the Simpsons' multiyear run of top notch comedy all the more.


Stopped watching shortly after his brother died

I still get flashback of grade school kids trying to talk about the "getting your penis and vagina stuck together" like it's something original they came up with.

>Pre-cancellation FG was good
t. reddit

It was, and I don't even go to reddit anymore

Classic Family Guy > Classic Simpsons
Zombie Family Guy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zombie Simpsons


I was an OG after the SB watcher mysefl

Friend let me borrow his DVDs in middle/early high school

Then it came back and went to shit

Family Guy had tons of good episodes after being cancelled as well, you Reddit faggots try to make the cut off pre-cancellation to sound deep

s4 was GOAT tho