ITT: we chase away the poltards by posting attractive non-white actresses

ITT: we chase away the poltards by posting attractive non-white actresses

Ashey Banks in fresh prince

I unironically had a crush on her desu. Never told my parents.


Sup Forums isn't against beautiful black women, but we are against the forced social engineering of racemixing by a monied largely jewish elite.

top kek


>Sup Forums is white
you are adorable OP




>Sup Forums dislikes nonwhite women

why would you tell your parents about a crush?

james spader on the left

How do you think he'd react if Daisy came up to him and showed him this on her phone, laughing at it like a child?


Sup Forums is probably the most diverse board on Sup Forums.

>dat 2


5 is the only one worth a shit


>low caste Indians

You went too far.

Everyone can unite behind the hatred of the jew menace

Hillary was hotter


>black guy is only normal looking one

How will pol recover?

god help me

>How do you think he'd react
ape rape

Can whites and non whites stop bitching and just admit Castizas are the best breed of women. They are those "Somewhat white" women that are miles hotter than your average chubby fat irish bitch.

I'm talking chicks like Victoria Justice and prime Selena Gomez and the bitch from Riverdale

there's no jewish menace dumbass
most jewish people like me are completely normal

Fuck off. She is ugly.

The black girl from Gotham is the hottest black ever.
Sup Forums loves jews
Muttposting really makes Sup Forums angry


Can someone post the webm of the high-test alpha that smells the chair the chick just sat on?

>gosh Sup Forums stop coming to Sup Forums and forcing politics
>makes this thread


>Her mother is from Panama and her father is an East Indian Muslim from Trinidad.[2][3]
>In 2010 the population (of Panama) was 65% Mestizo (mixed white, Native American), 9.2% Black, 6.8% mulattoes, 13% White and 6% Native Americans.[5]
She clearly has white features.


you guys are just fucking hilarious. if you weren't genocidal nazis you'd be adorable

I wasn’t smelling the fucking chair,


>Late era turboslut backdoor attempt at a music career Ashley
Fucking disgusting. She's bleached, iroonically.

he seems very homosexual


Castizo ethnostate when? The Golden Swarthy Gods must rise

>prime Selena Gomez

Mexican women hit the wall at age 20 and bloat up and look like hell soon after. Trust me, I fell for the latina meme like Jeb Bush.

great memes guys, keep it up! :)

What a risk

>Implying Sup Forums and Sup Forums are exclusive

>most jewish people like me are completely normal

No you are not. You are loyal to israel over your country of origin, over 95% of jews consider themselves zionist, over 90% of american jews supported the bombing of civillians, 43% of rich americans are jews, jewish nepotism and jewish lobby are both facts of life, so no. Anyone mad at russia getting involved in american politics should hate israel and jews too, anyone who dislikes the banking system or the 1% should dislike jews. Anyone against arab migration into europe, anyone who calls himself a pacifism, any communist, any national socialist should hate jews. I don't know who you are, and i'm not against you as a person, but your interests are not the same as mine.


Best kind of non-white coming through


You what?

That isn't even Sup Forums. It's a bunch of tranny speedrunners.

This is actual Sup Forums from HWNDU stream.

Why do people say 56% when it's clearly less than that?

you're actually fucking retarded

"Hispanic" and "Latino" are not races, if you're thinking of the fat ones then you're thinking of Mestizos.

Castizos have slim spanish complexes and take care of themselves

There's no such thing as a Latina in terms of race

Me on the far right

Don't start this shit here. Sup Forums already kicked Sup Forums out. We can't lose Sup Forums too.

t. 5

>That isn't even Sup Forums. It's a bunch of tranny speedrunners.

Oh no really, sorry sweetie it looks like I made an oopsies

lmao imagine believing you're fighting some kind of epic internet war

>Punished Jesus
>Naruto Kid ends up getting an actual eyepatch due to injury
Fuck this was so kino

Are you a Mexican that doesn't like to be associated with the more aboriginal Mexicans?

>inb4 "manchin"


Rawling for 6

The older sister is hotter I use to jack to her