ITT characters millenials will never understand

ITT characters millenials will never understand

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How do we solve the Neckbeard Question? Should Sup ForumsNeets be gassed?

If you gas them they win.

But user, unless you are 30+ you are a millenial

You can solve it (for yourself) by going back to reddlt

Sup Forumstards would be the first degenerates to get killed.

This. If you're not a millennial you're either underage or a seriously sad individual to be posting on Sup Forums past 30.

The West Wing's entire message is about setting high standards for yourself and considering nuance in everything instead of digging yourself into "one of the camps". It was received tremendously well and influenced a great deal of people positively.

Meanwhile, a few years later, The Newsroom comes out. It's pretty much a slightly worse carbon copy of West Wing, with exactly the same messages. The milennials applaud the bashing of the Tea Party, but the moment Sorkin went after the lazy retards calling themselves "internet journalists" that do no research and have no journalistic skill or integrity, the moment a character in the show said that he couldn't publicly attack a guy because a girl said he raped her without presenting any evidence... It was utterly lambasted.

These two shows about putting yourself to a higher standard fall on deaf ears now. Because Milennials don't want to hold themselves to a higher standard, they don't want to be held to any standards whatsoever. Just fuck around in your own shit and expect to be given money.
It's very sad.

Naw it’d be the trannys and gays first

>considering nuance in everything instead of digging yourself into "one of the camps"
Toby Ziegler scenes are the best at this
there was that glorious rant in one episode where he said something about having to take arabs to an ice-cream cone everytime America admonishes terrorism, theres no way this wouldve made it to tv today

They're at least top 5


Sup Forums is for megafaggots, real men organize right wing groups and meetups in underground bomb shelters

>This. If you're not a millennial you're either underage or a seriously sad individual to be posting on Sup Forums past 30.
I can't be the only one that came for the CP and never left.

>he doesn't know

That show was symptomatic of everything wrong with early to mid US politics and it's centrism was a cover for a complete lack of foresight and intellectual honesty.
The republicans went full neocon and the instead of acting against this, the democrats followed on everything but their retarded social polices(which the republicans didn't care enough to challenge).
All papered over with "folk wisdom"(le Clinton's).
>muh internet journalists
Traditional journalism was already on the decline.
This is some hardcore boomer posting. Sorkin took the worse of both parties and melded them together.

>complete lack of foresight and intellectual honesty.
Could you give an example? Genuinely curious as to what you mean by this

>president justifies his hawkish ME politics with bible quotes
>Pro gay marriage and all forms of degeneracy
Also righteous little speeches like this only to be followed with hollow rhetoric about muh feedumb
It's basically jewish soft core porn.
Either be a crusade fag or don't.

it's a Sup Forumstard peabrain meme where they think 'centrism' doesn't take a hard position on anything / are 'intellectually dishonest fence sitters'

Should refresh before posting.

> he thinks he can leave.

I never planned on staying once I saw all the boards were shit. That was 06.

>Central Michigan hoodie

Fuuuuuuck, that's my alma mater

>'centrism' doesn't take a hard position on anything
>it's centrism was a cover for a complete lack of foresight and intellectual honesty.
>Boo hoo it's Sup Forums

Any other shows like The West Wing and The Newsroom? They were pretty comfy and interesting. I've seen Studio 60, and it was shit. Doesn't have to be Sorkin, but just as you meme'd, interested in nuance.

Wtf? Millennials are the primary audience and he’s objectively the best character

What are you talking about

What do you even think millennials are?

Millennials are like 22-37 right now. Anything 21 and below is Gen Z

I'm 19, not a millennial but now underage or an oldfag

>Sup Forumsshit appears
>his greentext is unintelligible garbage which shows he just got here a week ago
You have to go back.

Actually millennials are like 19-36 right now or something around there

Gen z has just begun to turn 18

>I'm Sup Forums while also being a newfag
>continues to fail at reading comprehension after I quote my text and the reply
Big brained Sorkin fans.

College kids are actually Gen Z, get fucked Grandpas on facebook

he kinda looks like my dad. I miss him

Spend most of childhood and teenage years on the 80's and 90's. Turn 18 on the 1st years of 2000s. Still a millennial. What retarded logic is this?

Because you need to make a date

Nobody said that you can use generational observations toexplain an individual it can only be used when talking about them in large groups

Like, generally millennials are more/less likely to do x

This isn’t confusing it’s just a way to break out age groups based on similar historical/cultural expierence as and thus they have similar world views in the aggregate