Other urls found in this thread:


>$1000 cash bonuses
>lower taxes
>2000% higher healthcare costs

Gee thanks!

Disney was extremely profitable this year too. Thanks to based Trump and based diversity in their movies. Disney can promote unity and female power while saving money!

We are finally saving cinema thanks to the God Emperor and the Mouse. Strap on boys!

>no bonus
>higher taxes
>2000% higher healthcare costs

hurr thanks hullary

I hope all 125,000 of those are women and POCs who worked on TLJ or Black Panther.

>repatriate likely billions held overseas
>125K employees x 1K bonus = $125M in bonuses which are themselves, tax deductible
>still raking in billions of dollars after toll tax
>make press release that employees to received a single digit percent of repatriated dosh as a shitty bonus

gee thanks disney, so progressive.

>$1000 cash bonus
The absolute state of drumpfymania.



is robbie still alive btw?

i unironically love this man

No, he died from cancer

Not yet

Is this serious? I guess acting would be really easy to get into, with nobody caring where you're from or anything, but to pay people in the US, don't you have some kind of ID or something? Like an employee number? I'm not sure if an SSN is the same thing. How do they work etc .? I'm confused by this.

As a Canadian, this confuses me as well. We have a zero tolerance policy for illegal immigration and yet we're somehow more progressive than out American cousins.

Americans need to uncuck themselves from their holier than thou libs

Oh sweet, as a retail drone I can't wait to see this deposit into my account. I'm still going to shit all over Star Wars and Marvel though, sorry Mickey but you pay me to stand by a register, not shill your shitty movies.

>don't you have some kind of ID or something? Like an employee number?
commiefornia, dude

it's even estimated 2 million illegals VOTED there in the last election



Any tips on how. Can't get past the screeching and shitflinging every time a compromise is even brought up.

if you're an actual grown, independent adult like most voters are, your healthcare costs doubled from obamacare

They're legal at least. We're not filled with 5 million criminals that reek at a 20 foot radius

>a lot of the premium were jacked up in oct 2016

what were the dems thinking

>Any tips on how.

Don't know what to tell you, even our legal immigration is tougher than yours. So making yours easier won't really work.

Maybe shame the Mexican government for tolerating their population running away from their state?

>what were the dems thinking
Thats the thing, they weren't. They believe that this country can run on sentimentality and kindness alone.

>Maybe shame the Mexican government for tolerating their population running away from their state?
They have no shame

yeah except for all the haitians coming in from the south. "zero tolerance" means we say we'll kick them out then forget a month later

>yeah except for all the haitians coming in from the south.

They're being kicked out or held at the border. Not even Trudeau said that they'd be granted any access into the country

>giving away over a million dollars just because

I'm trying to find an ulterior motive here




>get $1000 cash bonus
>several thousand get laid off
>wealthy owners only get wealthier
>Disney merges with 20th Century Fox to form a larger problem with media oligopolies
>But at least liberals are proven wrong!

Tax write off.

They fell victim to the notorious phenomenon whereby leftists shout loudest and so on hearing their own volume echoing back at them come to the conclusion that they must be in the vast majority because their shout was so loud.,

>several thousand get laid off

We're talking about real life though


>Trudeau to asylum seekers: Crossing border illegally won't fast track immigration

Even our limp wristed virtue signaling prime minister has no tolerance for illegals.

Yeah pull out the brainlet images for yourself once you hear the layoff news in a few days. Always happens with these giveaways

Can you provide a previous example?

You ever notice how the best reply in any thread on Sup Forums gets zero replies? This place is probably 85% bots and paid shills and 15% autists. Why do I even come here anymore?

Wow Disney paid out $125,000 to make a political statement, that's almost as much as Joss Whedon

No, that's

thats not what they did


Ausfag here, also confused. If a company hires people who are not citizens, or do not have an appropriate visa, they are in deep shit.



yeah to their fucking middle managers and corporate assistants

you bet your ass those bonuses aren't going to some 8/10 qt College student Belle impersonator

You don't have Mexico, the carribean, and every other Latin American country on your southern border. The only border you share is with the us.

I'm honestly surprised that you have the mental capacity to breath on your own

more likely the opposite.

these are going to their wageslave "cast members" that have never known bonuses. if they went to corporate people they would spit on it as I am sure they make real bonuses themselves.

>You don't have Mexico, the carribean, and every other Latin American country on your southern border

we still get immigrants from those countries, they're just the legal type

>it's the governments fault that jews

Also funneling millions into their employees' education alongside that $1k bonus. Which would be a pretty good deal if you ask me.

Why are the women sexualized? Like they're already attractive, but why are their shirts rolled up?
Is this what Canadians think they look like? Even those foreigners are too attractive to be Canadian.

Really good replies usually don't invite replying to them, because they've already completed the thought.

Take pleasure instead in not being responded to because your post is too good.

>conservatives on Sup Forums allow for an economy that benefits their enemies and fucks them over



Every major company that announced across-the-board corporate tax cut cash bonus so far also announced major layoff shortly afterwards (see AT&T, Walmart).

How long before mass layoff at Disney?

Disney can't mass layoff their hourly employees because they're unionized. Even ones that don't pay union dues are protected by the unions.

>125k is an impressive sum
That's probably what one exec's pinky ring cost. Fuck off

Their bonuses equate to a $0.25 per hour raise. Giv livable wage fucking corporate America

pretty sure they don't even need the unions anymore, there are already labor laws in place protecting them

>I guess acting would be really easy to get into, with nobody caring where you're from or anything
how ignorant can one Sup Forumstard be?
My dude, you can smell the nationalities of everyone on a ttc bus 30 minutes after they got off



jesus christ almighty

Conservatives on Sup Forums would let Tyrone fuck their mothers if it would piss off one liberal on twitter

>125,000 x 1,000 = 125,000
Hm, really makes me think

Hahahaha your math is fucking awful. You retard. If they gave $1000 to 125 employees, that's be 125k. They have 125,000 people $1000. Holy shit you are a moron.

Easiest (You)'s of my life


I didn't know Disney kept 125,000 critics on their payroll. Learn something new every day, I guess.

get lost on your way to the_donald?



Keep those (You)'s comin

Stop reading The Nation, user. It'll rot what little brains you have left.

>That's probably what one exec's pinky ring cost. Fuck off

>leftists are this retarded

thank christ you're not in charge of writing laws

I remember when the tax cuts first happened, places like CNN were trying to spin it badly with headlines like

>Trump's new tax cuts will damage Germany's economy
basically now America is VERY financially competitive with the tax cuts compared to Europe and we're supposed to feel guilty

Let's not mention how Apple also gave bonuses to their workers and is building a plant in the United States.

>if you're an actual grown, independent adult like most voters are, your healthcare costs doubled from obamacare
I wonder if it had anything to do with the republicans destroying the risk corridor program.

The govt. promised the insurance cos almost 2.5 billion to cover chronically ill people and keep premiums low for everyone else. And then the republicans killed the program which forced the insurance cos to jack up their prices in order to offset the hundreds of millions in losses they sustained.

the US is infected with commie companies like amazon etc. that go out of their way to hire illegals/get around status

california is actively resisting federal laws

I don't browse Sup Forums. I genuinely don't get how illegal immigrants can have public jobs, go to college etc. It just doesn't make sense to me. If it was just the meme about them working low-wage jobs for cash, sure, but it's not.

>I genuinely don't get how illegal immigrants can have public jobs, go to college etc. It just doesn't make sense to me.
you might as well head over there if you're this retarded

Shouldn't you need to have some formal government registration to get into uni or have a public job etc, since those institutions need to register with the government that you're going there/getting money from them? That's how it works in other countries

I'm seeking education, friend, but you refuse to provide it. Then you condemn people as ignorant. That's ridiculous and so are you. Your discourse is completely devoid of the desire to engage in good faith and I feel comfortable saying you must be an intellectual midget.

Fuck off.

The average person would have helped you out, user is clearly a strung out loser.

>Disney can't mass layoff their hourly employees because they're unionized

Maybe in Anaheim Disneyland. Union laws in Florida are laughably weak in favor of the companies, so I wouldn't be surprised they could mass fire people with no real repercussion, unionized or not.

>here have some money
>you didn't give me enough!!!!

fucking red cap cultists

I'm calling you ignorant because you said acting is easy to get into

>disney has 125000 employees

what the fuck?

the heart of all negotiation

Let me complete the implied thought for you.

>I guess acting would be really easy to get into, with nobody caring where you're from or anything

Stated more clearly.

I suppose acting would be relatively easy to get into as an illegal immigrant as you require no formal education, qualifications or particular country or origin/address. I can therefore understand how an illegal immigrant could become an actor relative to other professions out there.

I'm not sure, when we hire people at my work we do a check to see if they're legal to work in the US. We've had people ghost us after being asked for proof that they can work here.

Maybe they just have a don't ask, don't tell policy to maintain plausible deniability and just hope nobody ever notices.

brainlet here

So people get some scraps thrown at them, what's the problem?

>commie companies like amazon
are u retarded?

it's not enough

It's quite literally nothing to the company

As of 2016 they have 195,000. 77k of that is in FL alone.

to whom? the people getting the employees getting the money or the reedditors bitching about drumpf and tax cuts?

guaranteeing companies money doesnt do much to lower their prices. Plus, by your theory, why cant you blame it equally as much on the government for passing the thing in the first place

I am a millennial and this thread makes me understand why people think we are a trash and ungrateful generation. Also stupid because we hate Trump. I just want to apologize to anyone reading this thread who has to cringe at the behavior, we are not all like this, in fact many millennials are good people.

Have a great day

Fuck Trump.
I am donating my bonus to ghe Democratic Party and other liberal charities that need that money.