What the fuck is his problem?

What the fuck is his problem?


its just part and parcel of the land of the free

>freedom isn't free
He may be on to something here

Yeah guys, it's not something that puts us at too much risk like privacy from the government or gay marriage. I'm not saying Bill is wrong here, just that he should off himself.

he's right you know.

obviously keeping a few gun-owners happy demands the sacrifice of unarmed civilians every few days.

this is the price we have to pay, and we should pay it gladly, instead of trying to become a better society as a whole. For the needs of the individual to feel safe outweights the safety of all others. This is the American way.

He's not wrong

Would you rather have mass shootings maybe 3 times a year, or the government shoot people every day

The mass shootings are happening way more frequently, and cops are shooting people daily anyways

He's correct. Its a tragedy, but my freedom doesn't care about tragedy.
The tree of liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

He's literally correct. In a large enough group, people work according to Murphy's Law - whatever can happen, will eventually happen. So if people have the freedom to own 50 assault rifles, someone will eventually abuse that freedom. Millions of people will own no guns or a sensible amount of guns, thousands of people will own a ton of guns without hurting anyone or doing anything irresponsible, and then a small handful of assholes will use their "rights" in the worst way possible. It'll continue to happen occasionally until they change the rules and put restrictions on people's "freedom." As things are right now, frequent mass shootings are an inevitability, and so they literally are the price of that particular "freedom"


both statements correct

AMERICA, Ladies and Gentlemen

Dumb slut should've fired immediately after drawing.

Its illegal to escalate force. There is no such thing as a 'David v Goliath situation.' You can only match non-lethal force with non-lethal force, pulling out a gun is a crime. If she killed him, she'd face charges in the US. Not only that but the man, even though he instigated the confrontation, now has the right to protect him life by any means.

it takes folks like you and me

>ill poo poo on America while getting arrested for using wrong pronouns

>everyone should have equal rights

What a fucking monster!

Was he the original sneedposter?

part and parcel of living in the free world



Mass shootings happen a hell of a lot more than 3 times a year in America.

No they dont

hes right though
Freedom isn't safe, but it sure beats the thought police of yurope and niggerdom of the third world

Except that doesn't actually happen.
Monthly mass shootings are a real thing in America.

You sound European.

He's not wrong.

No they arent


Fake news, sad

>Monthly mass shootings are a real thing in America.


its only a problem when a muslim runs over three people and then we need to ban all brown people

pilpuling, the headline

Part and/or parcel

Gun owners are fucking crazy and all need to be disarmed. The government is perfectly capable of protecting everyone from bad people and, if guns were illegal, criminals wouldn't be able to kill anyone anymore. We aren't doing enough to combat gun violence.

assault rifles.. ghost guns... shoulder things that go up... ban them all!

This guy gets it

>people who break the law surely wont break laws that restrict gun ownership

that's how retarded you sound

hes just saying it to get attention

there are ongoing genocides in sudan, burundi, nigerea, CAR, sudan, and somalia
Mass shootings are probably happening every 30 minutes or so (by western standards)

>a few gun owners commit atrocities
>liberals want to ban all guns

>a few muslims commit atrocities
>liberals want to invite more in


Muslims are 1% of the population and way over-represented in mass casualty situations in America.

>The government is perfectly capable of protecting everyone from bad people and

But what if the government is the bad people that we need to be protected from? That's where the right to bare arms comes from in the first place.

>Mass shootings happen a hell of a lot more than 3 times a year in America.

This is the claim I denied. Why are you bringing up sudan?

Legal gun owners are statistically less likely to commit crimes than you.

My right doesn't care about your fee-fees.

Also, notice no one likes talking about the more recent Texas church shooting that was ended by a civilian and his scary black ar15. Because it doesn't fit an agenda.

White men like guns. White men don't like snackbars. Do the leftist math.

All of depends heavily on state law and the specifics of the situation. She was in fear for her life and he was attempting to kill her. Its reasonable self defense, not escalation of force. Its irrelevant that he's unarmed so long as she can prove deadly intent. She has a right to defend herself. She just has to prove she was acting within that right.
That's the case where I live anyways.

NO! The government would NEVER do anything against the interests of the people. Hillary Clinton told me that something needs to be done about gun violence. Are you saying she's wrong? Fucking misogynist REEEEEEEEEEE




America is completely fucked, it's just a matter of when it falls. The amount of effort and luck it takes to become someone who can actually change anything and the avenues they need to utilize to get to that position act as a filter against the actual well to do qualified people. Then, even if you somehow make it through and you have good intentions, while in power it's about 1000x easier to steal your piece than it is to try to fix anything, which even if you attempt to do so, you will have the snarling masses that you're trying to help spit on you every step of the way. If the dollar lost its reserve status or it's petrodollar status, the U.S. would literally cease to exist within 24 hours. It almost ceased to exist in the last recession and the Fed is loading up the mother of all collapses next round.