ITT: Essential 2000s Kino

ITT: Essential 2000s Kino

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Every Jack Black movie is 2000s kino. Even if it wasn't made in the 2000s


>you will never go back to the early 2000s and listen to eminem while early 2000s movies play on the background and your parents went to bed and you eat the leftover chinese while playing diablo 2 and WoW

This. I was gonna say Nacho Libre

also, Dodgeball

Good start boys


any vince vaughn/Owen wilson movie is kino comedy. Wedding crashers/Old school/Internship


Oh, you sweet summer child

2000s' kino

teen kino

parody kino

Chris Evans kino


along came polly
was that 90s?



short and sweet

Could they even release this movie in 2018?

You could eat chinese food and play diablo 2 and wow right now but it's not the same. It will never be.

>early 2000s and listen to eminem
White boy detected


Gender-swapped but she's disgusted by the "inner beauty" of the chads she likes, so she learns how to have a conversation and interact with normal people.
But it ends with her dumping the guy because it turns out he's Asian.

way too short

Outkast was my go to

i dont even like eminem it was just on and i remember it so clearly

I could do everything i said but the beauty and purity of the moment will not be there at all
not the movie itself
just the music

>ywn surf the dangerous seas of Napster / KaZaA / FlashMX ever again


DC++ is my go to for virus ridden mp3 files to fuck around with in virtual machines

This was unironically hilarious
>Why are you on the plane?
>I was in the comic

100% kino


>norm macdonald is 58 years old


fuck i love this movie

Only saw it a few years ago. Way ahead of its time. Trolled the fuck out of its projected 'core audience' and they didn't even get it

>no body can resist white goodman when he puts on his shiny shoes


>Shallow Hal billed over School of Rock

>Was on TV last night
>Watch it because I vaguely remember it from when I was a kid
>Unironically laughed and had a good time with it


This movie just scream late-'90s/early 2000s so much that it's actually awesome.

The 00's were unironically the comfiest decade of movies



Underrated movie

>There's a guy on our team who thinks he's a pirate?

Also, this.

>that scene where they mess up the outfits and it cuts to the club

unironically got me into my latex fetish as a wee tot

80s - early 2000s for me


This one slipped me by all these years and this poster looks incredible. How is it?

>look, it's steve the pirate

>"There's no reason we need to be shackled by the strictures of the employee-employer relationship. Unless you're into that sort of thing. In which case, I got some shackles in the back. I'm just kidding. But seriously, I've got 'em"

I got the toy of that big ball ship when i was a kid and it came with tons of red glowy men

Is it.just me or does it feel like as the 2000s were going, all these comedies were being panned by everyone?

I remember Zoolander being disliked, Shallow Hal, Tropic Thunder, pretty all thise types of comedies were disliked in my mind by people. The feeling I got was that post-9/11 people felt comedies were beneath us, like we should be serious.

Did anyone else notice this?


Really great movie.
Actually my favorite Disney film of all time alongside The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Still plenty of early-2000s nostalgia there like the whole Solar Surfing thing and the pop-rock musical montage in the middle.
And it's 2000s in the best ways.

>tfw no mummy gf

Saving Silverman is the Jack Black kino

Also High Fidelity
Sonic Death Monkey aka Kathleen Turner Overdrive aka Barry Jive and the Uptown 5

>tfw seeing it when i was younger

the special features on this were legit

special bios on each of the ghosts - honestly it was better than the film itself

The Pick of Destiny btfo

it's great, I watched it a few times as a kid and very recently watched it along with my first viewing of Titan AE, both are quite similar in some respects. They hold up very well, AE a little less but it has a lot of charm to make up for it.

9/11 was the changing of a world we can never get back


>BIG fat laughs
What did they mean by this?

I'll vouch for these as kino.

Also Shanghai Noon/Knights and Bad Boys 2 are solid action comedy

>Tropic Thunder was disliked
I remember everyone loving that movie

>Gee where am I mister?
>Youre in a Chinese opium den Timmy

How much do you want to bet all the 'fat but goodhearted' people from this film are dead?

A white boy? On Sup Forums? Oh lawd, have mercy!

>Shanghai Noon
>If youd said pee on shirt bend bar Id have been right there with ya

are we doing this already

fack im old

gah it was a fuckin good time to be early teens watchin this scene


any actor with jackie chan in an action comedy will make it great


fuck yeah man

speaking of which

I watch this one with knights/Noon at least once a month just a good comfy flick

Fantastic. Somehow ended up underperforming though, and it was basically Disney's hail mary for traditional animation. Basically the only thing that came after was Princess and the Frog, and that underperformed too.

the best third of the best trilogy of the century

Havent ever seen it. Remember it coming out.



dubs confirm

Lightspeed TV for one.

its good for a rainy day and some chinese food

it needed more exposed kelli garner cleavage but i can't deny the significance of this flick


Yep. Turns out, the tersts won. The US reacted as planned, and destroyed itself exactly as they predicted we would.


holy shit you butchered that quote lol
>No, you said wet shirt don't break, not piss shirt bend bar

Close enough to the 2000s.

honestly a bunch of brendan fraser movies
>monkey bone
>the mummy
>looney tunes
>george of the jungle
we never deserved him bros

Zathura: A Space Adventure

Get me another juicebox beeyatch

>no george of the jungle
>no encino man

Sorry. Its been a while since Ive seen it user. Possibly mid 200's

