Max Landis

What is your favorite Max Landis film? Also, will he have a future in Hollywood?

Mine is Chronicle.

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>33 days and counting

wew lad

Wtf i love Max now

sounds like something Max would do although i doubt the rape part. Sounds like consensual sex and he just made fun of her after. Roastie BTFO

Not one accusation yet.

So shouldn't a ton of former students know about this then? Sounds fake as fuck.

I am genuinely shocked he isn't gay

Bright was legit good

As a proud man of Hispanic heritage Max Fagis can fuck off.

Literally cannot get any more /ourguy/ than that.

Max has some real fucking issues


Too over the top to be real. Yelling at professors in public? Nah

Entertainment Lawyer has been right about most things though. I don't really have a problem with Max. He's ok for a kike.

I find Max Landis being A-List the most unbelievable part desu

>studios keep rewarding him because he makes them money.

Oh, sweetie...

It feels like the blind item version of the movie Elysium. It's just insanely over the top and basically a liberal oppression fantasy wet dream.


If the allegations weren't enough, him being a drug addict is probably that last nail in the coffin.

Some Hollywood insurance companies won't insure drug addicts, it's one of the reasons Robert Downey Jr. had trouble getting work for a while, so no way in Hell is Max Landis going to be allowed to direct the American Werewolf remake.

Watch this video if you want to see Max Landis high as shit.

>a list

lol u w0t m8

also, no university on the planet relies on a washed up film director for funding.

calling Hispanics brown is racist?


I really liked that movie where his dad killed those two kids

so landis is confirmed as playing archer in the live action series?

do you think that can get the 'rape victim' in question to play carol?

>Dirk Gently... cancelled
Thank God.

oh wow, /ourguy/?
>that sneeze at the end

no, that's just your typical ambien reaction. i used to hallucinate an old woman's disembodied head that would yell at me but i couldn't understand what she was saying.

Thing is, most people are smart enough not to film themselves drugged up and then post it for their Instagram followers, but Max is an extra special kind of stupid.

>Max Landis makes studios money


Wrestling Isn't Wrestling

Check it out on youtube, it's brilliant

Those beautiful women? They used to be men.

like I give a heck

>tfw you will never be an alpha nerdchad and have beautiful but insecure women with similar media preferences throw themselves at you because of your status.

that is one filthy monitor

The Max Landis allegations are part of a false flag operation they are throwing a few Jews to the wolves so that no one will pay attention to the Jews who actually hold the power

max you madman

The only reason he's "right" about things is because he posts his blind items after tabloids and other outlets have already built speculation, then he writes his somewhat plausible fanfiction to match already known facts. He's a complete fraud and I have no idea why anyone even pays attention to him.

Remember when he tried to imply that he was really RDJ?


I believe you but what the fuck do you want me to do about it that you can't do yourself?

I wonder what Max is going to do for the rest of his life now that his career is over?

will RLM keep their videos with Max Landis up?

my dad yelled at a professor and I think he threw a chair at him or something

he's all fucked up

Max is fucking obnoxious even if he's not a rapist.

To begin: I hate Max. I think he's a nepotistic turbofaggot with zero original ideas. I don't doubt for a second that he's racist and sexist and raped some cunts in his college days.

Having said that, it isn't a mystery why news of his college rapefest is only now surfacing. Hollywood Jewlords knew of his college escapades while they were happening but kept quiet about it because Max was funneling his dogshit scripts to the Hollywood Jewlords. But the Jewlords are scorned now that Max found a new home with Netflix. They're doing their best to tank his career. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if his pharmacist was bribed into giving Max some potent Ambien pills to get him to OD, or to get Max to do something retarded, like watch Underworld on a laptop while listening to Megadeth.

tl;dr Max angered the Jews

>What is your favorite Max Landis film?

Didnt he fuck Jenny?

>some failed actress who willing fucked Ray William Johnson claims Max Landis raped someone
>but not her
>a bunch of people said he was mean to them one time or another
>nobody has actually come out and claimed that Max Landis raped them personally, or that they witnessed such an event occur
How is this fair? He obviously did nothing wrong to these people, there isn't even a story.

it's a smear campaign. Hollywood Jews are upset that Max has moved on to Netflix, and now the dirt that they had on Max which was once suppressed by them is now being put out in the open

>He raped her
I don't believe this for a second
>threw her clothes out the window
Believable. But I mean, who gives a shit. Bitch got all upset about doing a bit of streaking she's weak and pathetic anyway.

The guy sounds fun. These women saying this type of shit are suffering psychosis. I can imagine some of the crazy feminists I went to university with would say all sorts of shit about people to smear them. I know some of them claimed rape as a way of saying "I regret that one".

regardless of the legitimacy of the rape, this story has been suppressed until Max found a new home with Netflix. this isn't a coincidence.


>sweater made out of a bathroom shower mat
>female turbo duke stoner cop
Also the art direction of the show was revolting, a try hard
>wow, so quirky everyone is and so is the world they live in.
I felt insulted watching it. I'm glad it got cancelled, the way it was shaping up ratings, story and direction wise, it wouldve happened anyways.

A JEW was a disgusting and cruel degenerate?! NO FUCKING WAY.

Why have haven't Red Letter Media removed their Max Landis videos yet? Don't they know that leaving those videos up is tacit endorsement of abuse?

hell hath no fury like a juden scorned

KEK Max Landis is /ourguy/
We'll have to keep an eye on this story...


In several comic book forums, Landis would refer to the black Green Lantern as Negro Lantern

file a report with the naacp. they might care. we do not.

I'm just saying,ya manlet nerd.

>tfw I actually really liked Dirk Gently

>rape accusations are rape convictions

He was mean to a roasty and humiliated her, sounds like she had motive to want to take him down. Pathetic.

Question: why are these paragraphs always written as if they are discussing the person without naming them directly for legal reasons or whatever, but then at the end they literally give the persons name anyway?

>he's never read a blind item

Theyre lile crossword puzzles, the anssers show up later

it's to legally protect the publisher.

Dramatic effect

Because they're blind items, you fool, CDAN does the blind items, then AGC writes down their guesses, and then everyone waits to see if CDAN will reveal the blinds.

Max Landis pissed off liberals by not being liberal enough.

Max pissed off the Hollywood Juden by forsaking Hollywood and migrating to Netflix

>Referred to Hispanics as brown people

wow wat a bastard so raycis he’s literally hitler

>tfw CDAN is the best source about Hollywood now
what a crazy time we live.

>Makes a bad movie
>Immediately blames everyone except for himself publicly on Twitter in order to save face

>make a successful movie with netflix
>hollywood pouts and goes on the offensive with the slandering

makes u think

>ywn get trashed on Ambien with Max

no, he has standards. i wouldn't be surprised if andy signore had a go at her, though.

so max was really /ourguy/ all along and was just larping to get that easy money smart on him he should just double down and show his true level

Are you trying to create plausible deniability for the site?

describing hispanic people as "brown" ?!??

holy fuck, his career is over.

she posted her nudes on the "homegroan" porn subforum of somethingawful in like 2003

they're probably still out there but some of the goonettes in that era were underage, so search with care

>The Max Landis allegations are part of a false flag operation they are throwing a few Jews to the wolves so that no one will pay attention to the Jews who actually hold the power

This is known as a "partial hangout"

I'm actually shocked more people haven't noticed this. Bright is unironically about blacks being a dumb underclass manipulated into conflict by jews to keep whites from caring about the jews dominating the world.

This is 100% why Landis is being attacked and why Bright, which was fine and which the audience loved, got shit on as the worst movie in history.

Based as fuck

Chronicle and although Bright was changed a lot from his script I liked the film.

The site has no plausibility. Literally nothing in it is true, except for the stuff that is public knowledge.

me too

He posts like 15 blind items every day. Pretty curious you wrote that, but he is the source of tabloids actually.

>he is the source
he is a mouthpiece. Hollywood protects their gem actors and actresses by paying off whoever they offended and having the offended sign a gag order. Then (((they))) sit on the information and use it as blackmail. If an actor or actress gets out of line then "rumors" of the misdeeds get leaked via blind items. it's information control by Hollywood Judens.

Welcome to the real world. Not just at Hollywood, at politics and so too, the inside info is always leaked by angry or interested insiders. And well, your point is...

>a list

This is already totally unbelievable. Only nerds know who this guy is.

>americans are so enslaved by the pharma jew and fucked in the head that they literally take pills that make you hallucinate and get completely off your tits as sleeping aids

>Not just at Hollywood, at politics and so too
Welcome to the real world. Your point is....?

the juden are trying to slide this thread. check the catalog for all the 0 reply 0 content 0 effort threads - more than usual for Sup Forums

Are we never going to see the next Neil Breen film ever?

I wonder what RLM will do if the allegations intensify.

Do you think they'll still bring him back? Will they comment on it?

RLM used Max to crosspromote. They won't be doing anything with him again. And the allegations are dead in the water. Hollywood Jews will have to work harder to sabotage Max's bright future.

>"Because he makes them money"

Stopped reading right there. He literally only has made flops.

>I'm actually shocked more people haven't noticed this.

Seems like they're going to pull a Jessi and never mention him ever again