Why has he betrayed us tv/?

Why has he betrayed us tv/?

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Elba's become the meme, but he's good.

I'd rather have a black than a female

Tell me why Bond cannot be black?

nobody cares about what you think

>wants to be cast for his talent instead of his race

Seems fine to me

Id have a female if shes just as big a whore as Bond is.


this is the entire nu/pol/ mindset in a nutshell

At least a female can actually be british.
Would still be absolute garbage though not defending it

WTF I unironically love idris elba now

Based, one of the few Sup Forums approved niggers

Has he finally gotten sick of being Hollywood's spokesman for interracial cuck porn?

Cause Bond is an english man
inb4 civic nationalist

If only more niggers were this reasonable.

>he wants a female bond

Because brits are white, fun fact

Based black man

He got my respect. He's /ourbasedguy/.
He understands the feeling/reaction of audience over The Dark Tower. The character in the book is supposed to be white.

Based Black Man.

BASED black man

enjoy your prison sentence

Is this real? What exactly constitutes sectarian language?

Because that's cultural appropriation. If it's wrong for ethnic characters to be white washed, this is sure as shit wrong too. And no, the boundaries need to be even across the board. Every culture has their own fictional heroes and if they feel they don't have enough, they could always invent more.

James Bond should never be a black man, just like Shaft should never be a white man. If they want a suave black secret agent, that's fine, but they shouldn't fucking call him Bond.

It's a very blatant political move to show that whites should have no heroes. Whites are fictional heroes belong to everyone, that they should be stolen in the name of progress. These very same people will say it's absolutley unacceptable that any minority hero/historical figure should ever bet white washed. You can't it both ways.

If you believe cultural appropriation is fine from white to black, you need to be at least ideologically consistent and believe the reverse is true also. But I guess, they'd probably believe it's only racist if whitey does it...

By itself, things like this don't be much, but it's part of a bigger coordinated picture to piece by piece dismantle white solidarity and knock our heroes off their pedestals.


I know you want more BBCs, sweetie.

who the fuck could think that this ads are fun?

James Bond is a literal career killer. He is too smart for this shit.

>Is this real?

oh sweetie

I would assume it's when a white person uses racial slurs. Of course it's only slightly frowned upon for niggers/towelheads to rape white women on the trains but god forbid someone say something naughty.

The future of Western whites now belongs solely to the US to uphold. Europe has fallen and will be fully overrun within a decade. They now see it as culturally wrong to stand up for themselves, and it's ILLEGAL to even speak of the problem.

These white Euro liberals have some notion that if they praise the brown herd of locusts devouring their lands that they won't bothered, that the plague will pass them over.


I'll be fine with a black James Bond when black people are fine with an Asian Shaft.

If it's only white characters being replaced, it's fucking racism, plain and simple. I don't know how people don't see that.

Yes, it is real. Watch your mouth, sweetie

James Bond is a white character.

If you want a role for a black actor, get a black character.

>says James Bond was never black so he wouldn’t want to play black Bond
>played Roland Deschain instead

Roland being black was the least of the problems with that movie though.

You're a complete retard. Sectarian language is use of derogatory remarks aimed at religious sects. Protestants saying Catholics are shitheads, for example. It has nothing to do with race.

And notices like that are put up because of the geopolitical history in that part of the world. You might have heard that there was a bit of trouble not too long ago between two Christian denominations in Ireland.

You could have easily looked this up, instead of just being a racebaiting dipshit.

link or gtfo

Female upper class lesbian James Bond is more likely and more appropriate for the character.

Black James Bond ... it's hard to sell them as that particular kind of upwardly mobile thug playing at gentleman without bringing in all kind of American ideas about it. If he's black, people might forget that he makes a point about the class system.


Go suck some paki cock james.

>"catholics are shitheads"
>5 year prison sentence
good game, britain

ummm no sweetie

"Sectarian remarks", let's break that down. Are they criticizing Muslims for condemning White/Christian culture? Any you know of getting jailed for it?

No, by that, they mean don't criticize Muslims (ie the brown horde devouring their land). That was exactly my point. Maybe you'll learn better when Mohumammed McRape's dick is up your ass, or maybe that's exactly what you've been craving this whole time. Maybe you're just jealous it's usually just the white women getting that dick.

Do you think praising brown people as noble really makes it so? Do you think they *care* that you see them as lovers of peace? No, you'll get robbed, beaten, mugged, and raped all the same. Kindness towards degenerate cultures/peoples is only seen as weakness.

I know you are just being sexist, but I agree. A female james bond wouldn't make any sense, neither would a black one. James Bond should always be a suave charming late 30s white guy.


somebody will reply and discount these becaue it's daily mail

Bond is the outsider to the public school system who is trying to become posh but has picked a strange route.

Female fits better than black for this character in a British context. You just cannot become posh if you are black and moving through that channel, but you could if you were white British and affected that Iron Lady or farmers daughter air.

You have to be nice to browns, sweetie.

got a source not on huffpo tier?

ummm no...It is time for you to pause and reflect, sweetie.

>"Sectarian remarks", let's break that down
Yeah, lets.

>Sectarianism is a form of bigotry, discrimination, or hatred arising from attaching relations of inferiority and superiority to differences between subdivisions within a group
>between subdivisions

It has absolutely NOTHING to do with Catholics vs Muslims, because those are not subdivisions of one larger religious group. Stop trying to define sectarianism to mean whatever the fuck you want it to mean.

So lets be straight on this - first you claimed that sectarian language is
>when a white person uses racial slurs
and I pointed out how completely wrong you were. And now you want to claim that it's discrimination between two distinct religious entities. But that's also wrong. I'm interested to see what you come up with next.

I don't care if you hate Muslim sand niggers, or hook nosed kikes, or inbred Christian hillbillies, or whoever the fuck you feel like targeting, but just outright making shit up is insanely stupid and that's how you get btfo by people like me.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the absurdity.

Ummm it is all about being enriched, sweetie.

nice photoshop sweetie

I meant how is the "sectarian remarks" legislation being enforced, you tool. And you conveniently dodged the question.

You know any Muslims that ever got in trouble for Europe for condemning white christian culture? Any that even got so much as talked to by police about it? No, if anything, the blame whitey mentality of the browns is actively encouraged in Europe at this point.

No, what that sign means is no criticizing the Muslim hordes, full stop. I'm aware if you take the words at face value it just means no criticizing religious groups, but that sure as shit isn't how it's going to be enforced. It will *only* be enforced if whites are criticizing Muslims. And strangely enough, they turn a blind eye to rapes of whites, muggings, beatings, well, virtually any crime committed by the Muslim invaders.

A culture that loathes itself to the point that it outlaws standing up for itself will not last much longer.

Good. White people are scum. Just look at all these white criminals!

Ummm, no sweetie try again.

How do we deal with the baizuo problem? They're contributing to the decline of western civilization.

well, those people are brown so they must have done it only because whitey coerced them to be homeless, get addicted to crack, and rape white women.

>claims 'sectarian language' means not criticizing islam
>gets completely and utterly btfo
>"uh no what they ACTUALLY meant it to mean is..."

You're a fucking embarrassment, user. You get proven wrong and so you just double down on a provably incorrect statement? Fucking brilliant. You'll go far.

If you're in Europe, it's too late. Immigrate to America before the house of cards falls. In America, we still have time, 75% of us think this self-destructive leftist insanity must be stopped....

Trump is a huge tool, don't get me wrong, but what's happening in Europe and what's *beginning* to happen in the lefty parts of our nation will probably have me voting Republican for life. I don't want to. I'm a libertarian in actuality but we can't be soft on immigration and allowing militant Islam to destroy us in the name of tolerance.

Are you retarded or just underaged? Is Sup Forums really this unaware about The Troubles?

All that nigger semen must be going to your brain as you clearly can't fucking read. That or perhaps you're a monkey yourself, your comprehension level certainly suggests it.

This is the last time I'm spelling it out for you.

The sign says "sectarian language". Yes, as you've suggested this means disparaging religious groups.

The important distinction to be made is how will that legislation be enforced. Are they punishing Muslims for criticizing white Christians? Or are they punishing Euros for speaking out against Islam.

If you don't understand at this point your a nigger, a nigger-lover, or a troll. And at this point, there's simply no comprehension to be had on your end.



>you've suggested this means disparaging religious groups
You are so utterly assblasted that you resort to twisting my claim to make it easier for you to refute. Pathetic.

He is right, you are not. They will never condemn a muslim for insulting a christian, it's a PC workaround way for them to tell you there's no insulting allah.

(You) are completely and utterly wrong, and you know it. Whether or not they condemn Muslims for verbally attacking Christians is utterly irrelevant to the matter of that notice, because 'sectarian language' has nothing to do with discrimination between major religious groups. It has to do with SECTS.

If you want to claim that the sign should be using more accurate wording, more relevant to what they are trying to convey, that's one thing. But don't say shit like
>I would assume it's when a white person uses racial slurs
and then start bitching when someone points out how you're provably incorrect. Dipshit.

If bond is black the movie becomes a political statement not a fun action spy movie. It will bomb regardless of how good it is.

tfw Idris elba gets so many parts in place of white men he even got the part of /ourguy/ based


A black Bond would be cool.
I'd rather that than a female (which is more likely to happen)

Bond is supposed to be a psychopath sexist, how would that work

>Title contradicted in the first paragraph
>works well enough anyways to bait the idiots here

because James Bond is an international spy, you cant have a nigger walk around Russia without people shooting him

>A black Bond would be cool.
if your a cuck

What a cool guy.

Because blacks aren't psychopathic or sexist?

I meant the female Bond
How would that work?

fuck based Stringer

The only way a black James Bond would work, is if every character referred to him as "Black James Bond"



I mean it is to soon for /our/nigga or /our/guy but I actually like him.

Why can't the Black Panther be Asian?

england is a meme

>Black Bond
>Staying undercover in outdoor missions
pick one

>there's no such thing as a black Bond

absolutely based


No you fucking dumbass
protestant/catholic tension in ROI/NI is still serious business
Do you even know what sectarian means?

is he, dare I say, /ournigger/?

True. Shame they wasted McConaughey, he was a good man in black.

cause no mater wht he a niger

does james bond really need that gimmick

>look its a black guy now!

shitty movies do this

It wouldn't but they'll do it anyway

black men have too many roles as is, and they completely dominate the music industry for 20+ years. Forced black men diversity is retarded.

t. butthurt white boy.

is it so that your wife's son has someone of the same race as him he can look up to?

Black boys are the ones constant butthurt over no oscars. I don't even want more white roles just more diversity instead of only white females and black men.

blacks can only be american, true lmao

I honestly doubt he cares about a female Bond either. I'd bet he's just tired of being asked what he thinks about being the first black Bond so he threw the ball to the women side so people stop annoying him.