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He's right honestly

Ben's sister webm waiting room


Ben Shapiro: First They Came for the Jews

Ben Shapiro at UCLA "BDS is Just Another Form of Anti Semitism"

Ben Shapiro on Huckabee's "door of the oven" Holocaust comments; Iran Deal

Ben Shapiro asks; "Is President Obama an anti-Semite?"

Rand Paul: Any Attack On Israel Will Be Treated As An Attack On The United States

Ben Shapiro • This Is An Anti-Israel, "Jew Hating" Administration • Kelly File • 7/10/14 •

Ben Shapiro; does being anti-Israel make one anti-Jewish?

Ben Shapiro Blasts CNN for Anti-Israel Bias

Ben should host the Oscars.

why don't you proof him wrong with actual factual evidence and citations about anything he says in those videos and make videos yourself doing so.


Along with his sister who will be completely naked

>some random nobody threatens the whole Oscar organization on twitter


post the milkers

go to bed moshe

based lol posters


wow some idiot enjoyed two films that everyone has heard of and enjoyed, brave stuff man.

im sure he watched the other best picture noms without painting his reactionary agenda all over it

It's insane how much I find myself agreeing with Ben Shapiro on movies lately. His review of TLJ was the closest to my opinion out of all the reviews I watched.



is he, dare i say it... /ourguy/?


#1 Phantom Thread (the obvious pick)
#2 The Shape of Water
#3 Dunkirk

order of likelihood

Dunkirk has no chance. Three Billboards is basically a lock.

I have hope that people laughing about how stupid Get Out's nomination is drives them to award Get Out though.

That would be great.

His taste is decent and fun.

>Btw, "Blade Runner 2049" should be up for Best Picture.

kek, he knows his audience

le based jew

what a shameless pandering cunt

on the basis of what the movie was saying about whites prepping up blacks i dont know if it would be ironic or give so much merit to the movie it would actually deserve it

For once, yeah.

>posting Ben Shapiro tweets on Sup Forums

You cut that out now, or you'll go home in an ambulance

Three Billboards was better. Dunkirk had amazing visuals and sound but the characters and story kind of sucked. These noms sucked regardless and already proved the academy is retarded

>Get Out getting any nomination other than best original song
>literally nothing for Wind River.
>No cinematography nom for Greatest Showman
>No Pattinson nod for Good Time.

I think we've hit the point where fucking video games now surpass movies in the amount of quality stuff coming out per year. This year sucked ass for movies in general.

too much effort.

Nah, they might be the most deserving, at least I can say for sure The Shape of Water and Dunkirk, haven't seen Phantom Thread yet but I'm sure it's great, but the most likely is Get Out. Black people in your film is pretty much a guaranteed Oscar for the next few years, they'll want to make sure they've completely redeemed themselves from #OscarSoWhite.

Nah, the black people in movie was last year for the BLM movement. The hot topic for this year is sexual harassment, especially when it hit so close to home. Therefore, movie with woman main character will win this year almost for sure

Where has this retard been the past decade? Does he not remember the Crash fiasco? The Oscars haven't had credibility in a long time

literally /ourguy/

Great, can we have a normal ceremony next year where there isn't an SJW hot topic du jour?

If they give best film to Get Out they've already lost what little credibility they had left. At least Moonlight was good enough to where it was a reasonable pick, but Get Out is just a slightly above-average horror movie with political commentary that essentially amounted to "lol black people who act cultured must have been brainwashed by white people." "lol white people are evil" "lol white people are jealous of our bodies."

As a youngfag can you give me a rundown on that? I heard the movie sucked but there have been other shitty winners recently

Hate his politic but lil jews not wrong.


Ben Shapiro could argue the sun is made of chocolate and win the debate. Dude is badass.

>Transwoman being an alpha male.


I doubt he's even seen any of the movies he's dismissing as 'SJW' films.

>Blade Runner 3: 2082
> a robot learns how to take a shit!
>this ushers in a new era of shitting robots!

BR2 was a retarded fucking movie, for retards. It looks pretty though. In a prometheus sort of way.

What exactly is SJW about Three Billboards other than having a female lead?

SJW can't survive without constantly throwing some topic to fight about. I bet immigration will be the next big topic considering how bitter the fight for immigration policy in the government is right now. There will be strong pro-immigration movie in the next 1-2 years that will be lead by decent director so it won't be as poorly done as Desierto but might be as heavy handed. It would be probably be movie about poor immigrant family getting deported and it would snatch all academy awards

the sjws i know complain about it constantly

one being that the racist character isn't a cartoon caricature.

Isn't giving Best Director to Mexicans 4 times in the past 5 years enough?

>orthodox jew is incredibly jewish
really gets the noggin going eh, retard?

Abigail Shapiro not nominated for best picture is the worst crime

>tfw “conservative”
>tfw don’t hate Jews
>tfw conservative is the new word for republican no-principle establishment, no longer meaning an individualist opposed to overreaching govt.
>tfw this fucking guy is the “face of the movement” and got popular bottomfeeding on brainlets and cringy high schoolers
>tfw now the future of “Liberty” will be his spawn of autistic losers who care nothing for the function of freedom and just want to be internet famous spewing word for word some speech about “BTFOing trannies”
It’s a tough world, I know I’m on the losing side anyway but when I see absolute Mongs like Shapiro get up and talk about fucking trannies like they’re the real issue when so much is so worse, it makes me a little dead inside. I’d rather go down in a storm of fire from secret police than see a noble cause die from unworthy and uncaring successors


Enh, Dunkirk wasn't that amazing either. Def. way better than Get Out though.

Lol great now it isn't winning. Thanks dickhead

Not when those Mexicans are objectively the best directors nominated.

but wait he's a JEW i can't agree with him wtf i hate blade runner and im an SJW now lol fourteen eighty eight haha

The whole right wing movement has been taken over by ppl who BTFO 20 year old sjws in youtube videos, while actual right wing intellectuals are marginalized.

He’s a Jew.

>right wing intellectuals are marginalized.

There hasnt been one of those in decades.

this confirms bladerunner is prime soybycore

Not a chance, remember me on awards night

Phantom Thread will win

Immigration is a losing battle for them, if they pump out any overt immigration propaganda it will be resoundingly rejected.

>jew loves a movie about skin jobs being hated against
of course
post sister tho

that's katy tur's father fyi

Don't stick your dick in crazy.

Jordan Peterson, if you want to call him right-wing.


>tfw don’t hate Jews
A literal jew is at the center of your problem. It's like Bill Kristol all over again: controlled opposition, keeping the Overton window away from real issues.

What the fuck why is BR2049 nominated for anything decent outside of cinematography? Villeneuve even put in the obligatory hard ass female in a traditionally male role.

>Jordan Peterson

Literally a new age religious nutjob.

Nah man, it may be a Jew that’s a problem but Jews aren’t the problem. You are right though, it’s him and those like him that keep the conversation on petty squabbles over flag kneeling and people cutting off their dick while an ever-increasingly oppressive state descends around us, and people are more and more willing to sign away their freedoms to big brother for the sake of solving problems. I mean Christ when the “small government” side is constantly pushing to make substances and partnerships illegal and fund more social/military programs, were fucked.

And I say that as a no-drugs devout catholic, the whole point is that we have to be free to do bad shit or not to actually choose to step above it.

I’m having more and more of pic related feeling when I see what conservativism is becoming

Are you kidding me? Varg Vikernes, Richard Surrender, Mike Enoch, and Jared Taylor are the new faces of right wing nationalism. Kikes like Ben are losing steam and will have no place in our ethnostate. Our movement grows every day. Which side will you be on?

Oh crap they are going to label Dunkirk and Blade Runner alt right movies aren't they

>bladerunner 2049 should be up for best picture

ok time to stop tweeting ben. you are definitely not cut out to be a film critic

>he's not an intellectual cause he's religious

Lmao I hope you’re trolling, if those are what conservative intellectuals are these days your movement is fucked. I know conservatism hasn’t been hitting the highs of Cicero for a while, but literally every person you posted is neither conservative in any sense nor intellectual in any possible way of interpretation.

>Only whites in prominent roles
>Biggest role a black guy had was being a piece of shit child slaver
>Women got killed
>SJWs thought the movie was sexist towards women when it was really the opposite

>everybody now thinks the two are and have always been polar opposites
>Aquinas, Augustine, literally all the enlightenment thinkers based all their philosophical observations on religious grounding
>as did the classical thinkers
Soylets must be crushed

He's right

This webm is so bizarre, what the fuck is going on here, no human being should ever do that

You can agree with his politics or not, but he's entirely right. The winner will be selected in order to send a political message. You're naive as fuck if you don't believe this.


It's so dishonest that even "the academy" can see through it

>sorry user, you're TOO correct actually
we're well aware being conscious of and denouncing hypocrisy is too much work for Sup Forumscucks. they know how to lemming walk only one speed and direction and it's always sad to see.

I got better senpai

They will if we keep getting retards here praising any kind of movie that has no blacks and/or females as main characters and refuse to see any movie that does.

No one is going to take seriously claims of Get Out being an overrated movie that got its praise and awards due to politics because of people like that.

Hang on, I'm really not clear on this with him; is he an actual theist in that he believes the God of Abraham...well, I guess any God at a real thing that exists, or is he one of those Christian atheists I heard him mention once where he likes the spiritual outlook and iconography and all that, but doesn't believe in the existence of a literal God?

Frog picture for Peterson in case he's reading.

So far the frontrunner "Three Billboards" is the least "political" movie of the favorites.

>Varg Vikernes

Vikernes was arrested on 19 August 1993 in Bergen.[42] The police found 150 kg of explosives and 3,000 rounds of ammunition in his home.>all the enlightenment thinkers based all their philosophical observations on religious grounding
Surely it can't be because everybody was a religious nutcase back then, right? And let's keep ignoring the actual atheists in those groups too.

He's almost right.

Blade Runner 49 should win Best Picture

i know the count from when was oh but a pistol.

You really can't have those anymore...

Like I'm not even trying to meme right now they just can't exist in the public spectrum. Any real right wing intellectuals that have an off chance of surfacing are either fascists, who end up saying something racist which then prompts right wing leaders who have to keep up appearances to marginalize them, or conspiracy theorists who are forced into contrarian opinions with a skewed vision of the world, no one you can take seriously.

The right wing (especially in America) breeds and survives off ignorance and distrust of new/modern ideas.
If anti-intellectualism is a mindset held by most who follow your ideology you shouldn't be surprised if there end up being fewer intellectuals who surface within your ranks.

>varg the snownigger is an intellectual

Victor Davis Hansen.

>Hanson was awarded the National Humanities Medal in 2007 by President George W. Bush

I've read his book on Ancient Greece. Fascinating stuff.

I don't understand the intrigue with this woman. I'm all for jewfus but..

>Hang on, I'm really not clear on this with him; is he an actual theist in that he believes the God of Abraham...well, I guess any God at a real thing that exists

He is a full blown New Age spiritualist that believes in Carl Jung Archetypes non-ironically.

Leaked images of a degenerate Jewish girl.